
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/mediasource/media_source_attachment_supplement.h"

namespace blink {

MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement() = default;

MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::~MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement() = default;

void MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::AddMainThreadAudioTrackToMediaElement(
    String /* id */,
    String /* kind */,
    String /* label */,
    String /* language */,
    bool /* enabled */) {}

void MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::AddMainThreadVideoTrackToMediaElement(
    String /* id */,
    String /* kind */,
    String /* label */,
    String /* language */,
    bool /* selected */) {}

bool MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::RunExclusively(
    bool /* abort_if_not_fully_attached */,
    RunExclusivelyCB cb) {}

bool MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::FullyAttachedOrSameThread(
    SourceBufferPassKey) const {}

void MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::
    AssertCrossThreadMutexIsAcquiredForDebugging() {}

void MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::SendUpdatedInfoToMainThreadCache() {}

// protected
MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::GetExclusiveKey() const {}

}  // namespace blink