
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// For MSE-for-WebCodecs. Explainer:

dictionary SourceBufferConfig {
  // Precisely one of these must be populated to signal via addSourceBuffer or
  // changeType the intent to buffer the corresponding WebCodecs media.
  // We use this dictionary as the parameter for SourceBuffer's overloads of
  // addSourceBuffer() and changeType() since sniffing config types introduces
  // implementation interoperability risk, and specific overloads for each of
  // AudioDecoderConfig and VideoDecoderConfig dictionaries would not be
  // differentiable without such sniffing.
  AudioDecoderConfig audioConfig;  // For appending EncodedAudioChunks.
  VideoDecoderConfig videoConfig;  // For appending EncodedVideoChunks.