// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.media;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.PictureInPictureParams;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.Rational;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.MathUtils;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader;
import org.chromium.base.task.PostTask;
import org.chromium.base.task.TaskTraits;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ActivityTabProvider;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.fullscreen.FullscreenManager;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.infobar.InfoBarContainer;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.notifications.NotificationIntentInterceptor;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.EmptyTabObserver;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.Tab;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.util.AndroidTaskUtils;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.MediaSession;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContentsObserver;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
/** A controller for entering Picture in Picture mode with fullscreen videos. */
public class FullscreenVideoPictureInPictureController {
private static final String TAG = "VideoPersist";
private static final int AUTO_PIP_UPDATE_DELAY = 500 /* msec */;
// Metrics
private @interface MetricsAttemptResult {
static final int SUCCESS = 0;
static final int NO_SYSTEM_SUPPORT = 1;
static final int NO_FEATURE = 2;
// Obsolete: static final int NO_ACTIVITY_SUPPORT = 3;
static final int ALREADY_RUNNING = 4;
static final int RESTARTING = 5;
static final int FINISHING = 6;
static final int NO_WEB_CONTENTS = 7;
static final int NO_VIDEO = 8;
static final int APP_TASKS = 9;
private @interface MetricsEndReason {
static final int RESUME = 0;
// Obsolete: NAVIGATION = 1;
static final int CLOSE = 2;
static final int CRASH = 3;
static final int NEW_TAB = 4;
static final int REPARENT = 5;
static final int LEFT_FULLSCREEN = 6;
static final int WEB_CONTENTS_LEFT_FULLSCREEN = 7;
private static final float MIN_ASPECT_RATIO = 1 / 2.39f;
private static final float MAX_ASPECT_RATIO = 2.39f;
// Somewhat arbitrarily-chosen minimum interval between when we're notified that we have entered
// Picture in Picture, and when we'll try to exit it. Otherwise, Android can get into a bad
// state when chrome is broght to the foreground again -- it still is clipped to a pip-sized
// area, complete with rounded corners. See https://crbug.com/1421703 for more details.
/* package */ static final long MIN_EXIT_DELAY_MILLIS = 50;
// TODO(crbug.com/40853653): Auto-enter seems to be causing a very bad
// display issue on S (31 or 32), so turn this off for S.
private static final boolean ENABLE_AUTO_ENTER =
// Components names that won't trigger the pip mode. Use cases like notification clicks won't
// trigger pip.
private static final Set<String> NO_PIP_COMPONENT_NAMES =
/** Callbacks to cleanup after leaving PiP. */
private final List<Runnable> mOnLeavePipCallbacks = new LinkedList<>();
/** Current observers, if any. */
@Nullable DismissActivityOnTabChangeObserver mActivityTabObserver;
@Nullable FullscreenManager.Observer mFullscreenListener;
private final Activity mActivity;
private final ActivityTabProvider mActivityTabProvider;
private final FullscreenManager mFullscreenManager;
/** Did we last tell the framework that auto-enter is allowed (true) or not? */
private boolean mIsAutoEnterAllowed;
/** Wall clock time when we last entered Picture in Picture */
private long mLastOnEnteredTimeMillis;
/** Runnable that will update our autopip config. */
private Runnable mUpdateAutoPipRunnable = this::updateAutoPictureInPictureStatusIfNeeded;
/** Do we believe that media is currently playing or not? */
private boolean mIsPlaying;
/** Is media paused because we suspended it when the pip window was stashed? */
private boolean mIsSuspendedForStash;
public FullscreenVideoPictureInPictureController(
Activity activity,
ActivityTabProvider activityTabProvider,
FullscreenManager fullscreenManager) {
mActivity = activity;
mActivityTabProvider = activityTabProvider;
mFullscreenManager = fullscreenManager;
/** Convenience method to get the {@link WebContents} from the active Tab. */
private @Nullable WebContents getWebContents() {
Tab tab = mActivityTabProvider.get();
if (tab == null) return null;
return tab.getWebContents();
private static void recordAttemptResult(@MetricsAttemptResult int result) {
// Silently ignore NO_VIDEO, since it's spammy.
if (result == MetricsAttemptResult.NO_VIDEO) return;
* Return a `MetricsAttemptResult` for whether Picture in Picture is okay or not.
* @param checkCurrentMode should be true if and only if "already in PiP mode" is sufficient to
* cause this to return failure.
private @MetricsAttemptResult int getAttemptResult(boolean checkCurrentMode) {
WebContents webContents = getWebContents();
if (webContents == null) {
return MetricsAttemptResult.NO_WEB_CONTENTS;
// Only auto-PiP if there is a playing fullscreen video that allows PiP.
if (!webContents.hasActiveEffectivelyFullscreenVideo()
|| !webContents.isPictureInPictureAllowedForFullscreenVideo()) {
return MetricsAttemptResult.NO_VIDEO;
return MetricsAttemptResult.NO_SYSTEM_SUPPORT;
if (!mActivity
.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE)) {
Log.d(TAG, "Activity does not have PiP feature.");
return MetricsAttemptResult.NO_FEATURE;
// Don't PiP if we are already in PiP.
if (checkCurrentMode && mActivity.isInPictureInPictureMode()) {
Log.d(TAG, "Activity is already in PiP.");
return MetricsAttemptResult.ALREADY_RUNNING;
// This means the activity is going to be restarted, so don't PiP.
if (mActivity.isChangingConfigurations()) {
Log.d(TAG, "Activity is being restarted.");
return MetricsAttemptResult.RESTARTING;
// Don't PiP if the activity is finishing.
if (mActivity.isFinishing()) {
Log.d(TAG, "Activity is finishing.");
return MetricsAttemptResult.FINISHING;
// Don't trigger pip mode for certain types of usage, like notification click.
if (!canStartPipBasedOnRecentTasks()) {
Log.d(TAG, "Block pip due to recent app tasks.");
return MetricsAttemptResult.APP_TASKS;
return MetricsAttemptResult.SUCCESS;
private boolean canStartPipBasedOnRecentTasks() {
return AndroidTaskUtils.getRecentAppTasksMatchingComponentNames(
* Return a `MetricsAttemptResult` for whether Picture in Picture is okay or not. Considers that
* "already in PiP mode" is a reason to say no.
private @MetricsAttemptResult int getAttemptResult() {
return getAttemptResult(true);
* Attempt to enter Picture in Picture mode if there is fullscreen video. If Picture in Picture
* is not applicable, then do nothing. It is still the caller's responsibility to notify us if
* Picture in Picture mode is started; at most, we will request it from the framework.
public void attemptPictureInPicture() {
// If there are already callbacks registered, then do nothing.
final @MetricsAttemptResult int result = getAttemptResult();
Log.i(TAG, "Attempted picture-in-picture with result: " + result);
if (result != MetricsAttemptResult.SUCCESS) return;
final WebContents webContents = getWebContents();
assert webContents != null;
Rect bounds = getVideoBounds(webContents, mActivity);
PictureInPictureParams.Builder builder = new PictureInPictureParams.Builder();
if (bounds != null) {
builder.setAspectRatio(new Rational(bounds.width(), bounds.height()));
try {
if (!mActivity.enterPictureInPictureMode(builder.build())) return;
} catch (IllegalStateException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error entering PiP with bounds %s", bounds, e);
* Called to update whether the pip window is stashed offscreen temporarily. This is not
* guaranteed to be called only for changes, since Android doesn't guarantee that. In fact,
* Android does call multiple times in practice.
* <p>Also note that, when interacting with the media notification, sometimes Android will
* un-stash a pip window without telling us. It'll also often skip telling us about the next
* time it's stashed. So, we have to be fairly robust against getting out of sync.
* @param stashed whether the pip window is, or is not, currently stashed offscreen.
public void onStashReported(boolean stashed) {
final MediaSession mediaSession = getMediaSession();
if (mediaSession == null) {
// Note that these will do nothing if called multiple times in a row with the same value for
// `stashed`. Also note that `mIsSuspendedForStash` can be reset elsewhere, to help to
// account for missed events from Android.
if (mIsPlaying && stashed && !mIsSuspendedForStash) {
mIsSuspendedForStash = true;
} else if (!mIsPlaying && !stashed && mIsSuspendedForStash) {
// Don't resume if we didn't pause it on the transition into stash. For example, don't
// start playing media that was already paused when the user stashed the pip window.
mIsSuspendedForStash = false;
* Notify us that Picture in Picture mode has started. This can be because we requested it in
* {@link #attemptPictureInPicture()} or because we auto-entered Picture in Picture.
public void onEnteredPictureInPictureMode() {
Log.i(TAG, "Entered Picture-in-picture.");
mLastOnEnteredTimeMillis = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
// Inform the WebContents when we enter and when we leave PiP.
final WebContents webContents = getWebContents();
// If we're closing the tab, just stop here.
if (webContents == null) {
Log.i(TAG, "Tab is closing, not entering Picture-in-picture");
final Tab activityTab = mActivityTabProvider.get();
// We don't want InfoBars displaying while in PiP, they cover too much content.
() -> {
Log.i(TAG, "Running Picture-in-picture exit callbacks");
// Setup observers to dismiss the Activity on events that should end PiP. In auto-enter
// mode, these might be registered already.
* Called when `mActivity` is stopped, to allow us to clean up. A new instance will be created
* later, when the activity is restarted.
public void onStop() {
// Unconditionally remove listeners, since a new instance will be created onStart.
private static Rect getVideoBounds(WebContents webContents, Activity activity) {
Rect rect = webContents.getFullscreenVideoSize();
if (rect == null || rect.width() == 0 || rect.height() == 0) return null;
float videoAspectRatio =
rect.width() / (float) rect.height(), MIN_ASPECT_RATIO, MAX_ASPECT_RATIO);
int windowWidth = activity.getWindow().getDecorView().getWidth();
int windowHeight = activity.getWindow().getDecorView().getHeight();
float phoneAspectRatio = windowWidth / (float) windowHeight;
// The currently playing video size is the video frame size, not the on-screen size.
// We know the video will be touching either the sides or the top and bottom of the screen
// so we can work out the screen bounds of the video from this.
int width;
int height;
if (videoAspectRatio > phoneAspectRatio) {
// The video takes up the full width of the phone and there are black bars at the top
// and bottom.
width = windowWidth;
height = (int) (windowWidth / videoAspectRatio);
} else {
// The video takes up the full height of the phone and there are black bars at the
// sides.
width = (int) (windowHeight * videoAspectRatio);
height = windowHeight;
// In the if above, either |height == windowHeight| or |width == windowWidth| so one of
// left or top will be zero.
int left = (windowWidth - width) / 2;
int top = (windowHeight - height) / 2;
return new Rect(left, top, left + width, top + height);
* Notify us that the framework has exited from Picture in Picture mode. Perform any cleanup
* required. It's okay to call this even when we don't believe that we're in PiP mode.
public void onFrameworkExitedPictureInPicture() {
Log.i(TAG, "Framework exited picture in picture");
* Called when we have exited Picture in Picture mode, to switch the browser back into non-
* PiP mode. If we registered observers due to a non-auto PiP, then also unregister the
* observers as well.
* It's okay if we're not currently in Picture in Picture mode.
private void onExitedPictureInPicture(@MetricsEndReason int reason) {
Log.i(TAG, "Exited picture in picture with reason: " + reason);
// If we don't believe that a Picture in Picture session is active, it means that the
// cleanup call happened while Chrome was not PIP'ing. The early return also avoid recording
// the reason why the (non-)PIP session ended.
if (!isPipSessionActive()) return;
// This method can be called when we haven't been PiPed. We use Callbacks to ensure we only
// do cleanup if it is required.
for (Runnable callback : mOnLeavePipCallbacks) {
// Leave the callbacks in place if we're using them to decide about auto-pip. Otherwise,
// they're only registered to detect when we leave. They will be re-added if we're told to
// re-enter pip later.
* Add observers for the tab / activity / etc. state, so that we can tell if Picture in Picture
* is allowed or not.
private void addObserversIfNeeded() {
if (mActivityTabObserver == null) {
// This will auto-register itself.
mActivityTabObserver = new DismissActivityOnTabChangeObserver(mActivity);
if (mFullscreenListener == null) {
mFullscreenListener =
new FullscreenManager.Observer() {
public void onExitFullscreen(Tab tab) {
Log.i(TAG, "Exiting fullscreen");
dismissActivityIfNeeded(mActivity, MetricsEndReason.LEFT_FULLSCREEN);
/** Unregister callbacks, or do nothing successfully if there aren't any. */
private void removeObserversIfNeeded() {
if (mFullscreenListener != null) {
mFullscreenListener = null;
if (mActivityTabObserver != null) {
mActivityTabObserver = null;
* Notify Android if it's okay to auto-enter Picture in Picture mode.
* <p>Suppress `PictureInPictureIssue` since it doesn't like that the call to
* `SetSourceRectHint()` is conditional even when we call `setAutoEnterEnabled()`. It's correct
* as-is, since we don't want the source rect transition when we don't have a proper source
* rect. It would end up animating the wrong part of the viewport.
private void updateAutoPictureInPictureStatusIfNeeded() {
// Do nothing if Android doesn't support auto-enter.
// Do not check if we're in PiP mode or not, since we're called during transitions into and
// out of it. The framework won't try to auto-enter if we're already there anyway.
final boolean allowed = (getAttemptResult(false) == MetricsAttemptResult.SUCCESS);
if (!allowed && !mIsAutoEnterAllowed) {
// Don't notify the framework if we were not and continue to be not allowed. In the
// case where we're allowed, the bounds for the source rect can change even if we were
// allowed before.
PictureInPictureParams.Builder builder = new PictureInPictureParams.Builder();
if (allowed) {
final WebContents webContents = getWebContents();
assert webContents != null;
final Rect bounds = getVideoBounds(webContents, mActivity);
if (bounds != null) {
builder.setAspectRatio(new Rational(bounds.width(), bounds.height()));
mIsAutoEnterAllowed = allowed;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error setting PiP params", e);
* Return whether or not we believe that we're in Picture in Picture mode. This might not agree
* with what the framework thinks, which can change asynchronously with respect to what we do
* here. This only indicates whether we've {@link onEnteredPictureInPictureMode} without later
* exiting it.
private boolean isPipSessionActive() {
return !mOnLeavePipCallbacks.isEmpty();
* Moves the Activity to the back if we're in Picture in Picture mode, and performs any
* cleanup of our internal state, due to something that should cancel Picture in Picture mode.
* It's okay if we're not in Picture in Picture mode; we'll reset our internal state as needed.
* This will also update our auto-PiP preference with the framework, if it's changed.
private void dismissActivityIfNeeded(Activity activity, @MetricsEndReason int reason) {
// Something interesting happened -- make sure we've updated our preference for auto-PiP
// with the framework, if applicable.
Log.i(TAG, "Dismiss activity with reason " + reason);
if (!isPipSessionActive()) {
// If we just entered PiP, then re-post this. There are corner cases where we exit PiP via
// some other way, then re-enter it that might go wrong if we don't cancel this, but all of
// these cases are very questionable. The important thing is that, once
// `onExitedPictureInPicture` runs, future callbacks will either (a) do nothing because
// `isPipSessionActive()` will be false, or (b) try to close PiP properly. We also don't
// try to pro-rate the exit delay; it's short and arbitrary anyway.
if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mLastOnEnteredTimeMillis < MIN_EXIT_DELAY_MILLIS) {
Log.i(TAG, "Posting deferred callback to dismiss activity.");
() -> dismissActivityIfNeeded(activity, reason),
// If we're currently in Picture in Picture mode, then notify the framework to exit it.
* A class to dismiss the Activity when the tab:
* - Closes.
* - Re-parents (attaches to a different activity).
* - Crashes.
* - Leaves fullscreen.
private class DismissActivityOnTabEventObserver extends EmptyTabObserver {
private final Activity mActivity;
private final Tab mTab;
private WebContents mWebContents;
private DismissActivityOnWebContentsObserver mWebContentsObserver;
public DismissActivityOnTabEventObserver(Activity activity, Tab tab) {
mActivity = activity;
mTab = tab;
// Register an observer if we have a WebContents.
private void registerWebContentsObserver() {
if (mTab == null) return;
mWebContents = mTab.getWebContents();
if (mWebContents == null) return;
mWebContentsObserver =
new DismissActivityOnWebContentsObserver(mActivity, mWebContents);
/** Clean up everything, and unregister `this`. */
public void cleanup() {
if (mTab != null) {
private void cleanupWebContentsObserver() {
if (mWebContentsObserver == null) return;
mWebContentsObserver = null;
mWebContents = null;
public void onActivityAttachmentChanged(Tab tab, @Nullable WindowAndroid window) {
if (window != null) dismissActivityIfNeeded(mActivity, MetricsEndReason.REPARENT);
public void onClosingStateChanged(Tab tab, boolean closing) {
dismissActivityIfNeeded(mActivity, MetricsEndReason.CLOSE);
public void onCrash(Tab tab) {
dismissActivityIfNeeded(mActivity, MetricsEndReason.CRASH);
public void webContentsWillSwap(Tab tab) {
dismissActivityIfNeeded(mActivity, MetricsEndReason.WEB_CONTENTS_LEFT_FULLSCREEN);
public void onContentChanged(Tab tab) {
if (tab != mTab) return;
// While webContentsWillSwap() probably did this, doesn't hurt to do it again.
// Now that we have a new WebContents, start listening.
public void onDestroyed(Tab tab) {
if (tab != mTab) return;
// Don't bother to clean up here -- it clears the observers anyway,
// and TabChangeObserver will do it anyway.
/** A class to dismiss the Activity when the tab changes. */
private class DismissActivityOnTabChangeObserver implements Callback<Tab> {
private final Activity mActivity;
private Tab mCurrentTab;
private DismissActivityOnTabEventObserver mTabEventObserver;
private DismissActivityOnTabChangeObserver(Activity activity) {
mActivity = activity;
mCurrentTab = mActivityTabProvider.get();
private void registerTabEventObserver() {
if (mCurrentTab == null) return;
mTabEventObserver = new DismissActivityOnTabEventObserver(mActivity, mCurrentTab);
/** Called to clean up everything, and unregister `this`. */
public void cleanup() {
if (mTabEventObserver != null) {
mTabEventObserver = null;
mCurrentTab = null;
public void onResult(Tab tab) {
if (mCurrentTab == tab) return;
// If we're switching tabs, including to the case of "no tab", then get rid of the
// observer on the current tab.
if (mTabEventObserver != null) {
mTabEventObserver = null;
mCurrentTab = tab;
dismissActivityIfNeeded(mActivity, MetricsEndReason.NEW_TAB);
// If we have an incoming tab, then register a tab event observer on it. Note that if
// cleanup() was called during the `dismissActivityIfNeeded` call, then this will be
// skipped.
if (mCurrentTab != null) {
* A class to dismiss the Activity when the Web Contents stops being effectively fullscreen.
* This catches page navigations but unlike TabObserver's onNavigationFinished will not trigger
* if an iframe without the fullscreen video navigates.
private class DismissActivityOnWebContentsObserver extends WebContentsObserver {
private final Activity mActivity;
private final WebContents mWebContents;
public DismissActivityOnWebContentsObserver(Activity activity, WebContents webContents) {
mActivity = activity;
mWebContents = webContents;
/** Unregister us from `mWebContents`. */
public void cleanup() {
public void mediaStartedPlaying() {
// We have no idea if the effectively fullscreen video started playing, but this will
// check if we have an active one.
mIsPlaying = true;
// If we were suspended for stash, forget because something else caused us to start
// playing while stashed. For example, the user might press play in the notification.
mIsSuspendedForStash = false;
public void mediaStoppedPlaying() {
// As above, we don't know if it was the effectively fullscreen video that stopped. Even
// if it is, note that this won't cause us to exit Picture in Picture mode if we're in
// it.
mIsPlaying = false;
public void hasEffectivelyFullscreenVideoChange(boolean isFullscreen) {
Log.i(TAG, "Effective video fullscreen change: " + isFullscreen);
if (isFullscreen) {
// Also post a delayed handler to update the status again, once things have had some
// time to settle. When switching into landscape mode, for example, sometimes we're
// called before relayout has happened, causing the source rectangle for the pip
// transition to be wrong. This causes the pip window to look like it moves to the
// wrong part of the screen / partially clipped before snapping to its normal place.
TaskTraits.UI_BEST_EFFORT, mUpdateAutoPipRunnable, AUTO_PIP_UPDATE_DELAY);
} else {
dismissActivityIfNeeded(mActivity, MetricsEndReason.WEB_CONTENTS_LEFT_FULLSCREEN);
/** Protected to allow tests to override, since mocking statics is error-prone. */
/* package */ InfoBarContainer getInfoBarContainerForTab(Tab tab) {
return InfoBarContainer.get(tab);
* Protected to allow tests to override, since it breaks in N. It's also not clear that we
* need this at all.
/* package */ void assertLibraryLoaderIsInitialized() {
// Non-null WebContents implies the native library has been loaded.
assert LibraryLoader.getInstance().isInitialized();
* Return the {@link MediaSession}, if any, for our WebContents. Used for testing to get around
* MediaSession's static getter.
/* package */ @Nullable
MediaSession getMediaSession() {
// This works if `getWebContents()` is null.
return MediaSession.fromWebContents(getWebContents());