// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.metrics;
import org.jni_zero.JNINamespace;
import org.jni_zero.NativeMethods;
import org.chromium.blink.mojom.DisplayMode;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.browserservices.intents.WebappInfo;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.browserservices.metrics.WebApkUkmRecorder;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.webapps.WebappDataStorage;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.webapps.WebappRegistry;
import org.chromium.components.webapps.ShortcutSource;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Used for recording metrics about Chrome launches that need to be recorded before the native
* library may have been loaded. Metrics are cached until the library is known to be loaded, then
* committed to the MetricsService all at once.
public class LaunchMetrics {
private static class HomeScreenLaunch {
public final String mUrl;
public final boolean mIsShortcut;
// Corresponds to C++ ShortcutInfo::Source
public final int mSource;
public final WebappInfo mWebappInfo;
public HomeScreenLaunch(String url, boolean isShortcut, int source, WebappInfo webappInfo) {
mUrl = url;
mIsShortcut = isShortcut;
mSource = source;
mWebappInfo = webappInfo;
private static final List<HomeScreenLaunch> sHomeScreenLaunches = new ArrayList<>();
* Records the launch of a standalone Activity for a URL (i.e. a WebappActivity)
* added from a specific source.
* @param webappInfo WebappInfo for launched activity.
public static void recordHomeScreenLaunchIntoStandaloneActivity(WebappInfo webappInfo) {
int source = webappInfo.source();
if (webappInfo.isForWebApk() && source == ShortcutSource.UNKNOWN) {
// WebappInfo#source() identifies how the WebAPK was launched (e.g. via deep link).
// When the WebAPK is launched from the app list (ShortcutSource#UNKNOWN), query
// WebappDataStorage to determine how the WebAPK was installed (SOURCE_APP_BANNER_WEBAPK
// vs SOURCE_ADD_TO_HOMESCREEN_PWA). WebAPKs set WebappDataStorage#getSource() at
// install time.
source = getSourceForWebApkFromWebappDataStorage(webappInfo);
sHomeScreenLaunches.add(new HomeScreenLaunch(webappInfo.url(), false, source, webappInfo));
* Records the launch of a Tab for a URL (i.e. a Home screen shortcut).
* @param url URL that kicked off the Tab's creation.
* @param source integer id of the source from where the URL was added.
public static void recordHomeScreenLaunchIntoTab(String url, int source) {
sHomeScreenLaunches.add(new HomeScreenLaunch(url, true, source, null));
* Calls out to native code to record URLs that have been launched via the Home screen.
* This intermediate step is necessary because Activity.onCreate() may be called when
* the native library has not yet been loaded.
* @param webContents WebContents for the current Tab.
public static void commitLaunchMetrics(WebContents webContents) {
for (HomeScreenLaunch launch : sHomeScreenLaunches) {
WebappInfo webappInfo = launch.mWebappInfo;
int displayMode =
(webappInfo == null) ? DisplayMode.UNDEFINED : webappInfo.displayMode();
if (webappInfo != null && webappInfo.isForWebApk()) {
* Records metrics about the state of the homepage on launch.
* @param showHomeButton Whether the home button is shown.
* @param homepageIsNtp Whether the homepage is set to the NTP.
* @param homepageUrl The homepage GURL.
public static void recordHomePageLaunchMetrics(
boolean showHomeButton, boolean homepageIsNtp, GURL homepageGurl) {
if (homepageGurl.isEmpty()) {
assert !showHomeButton : "Homepage should be disabled for an empty GURL";
.recordHomePageLaunchMetrics(showHomeButton, homepageIsNtp, homepageGurl);
* Returns the source from the WebappDataStorage if the source has been stored before. Returns
* {@link ShortcutSource.WEBAPK_UNKNOWN} otherwise.
private static int getSourceForWebApkFromWebappDataStorage(WebappInfo webappInfo) {
WebappDataStorage storage =
if (storage == null) {
return ShortcutSource.WEBAPK_UNKNOWN;
int source = storage.getSource();
return (source == ShortcutSource.UNKNOWN) ? ShortcutSource.WEBAPK_UNKNOWN : source;
interface Natives {
void recordLaunch(
boolean isShortcut,
String url,
int source,
@DisplayMode.EnumType int displayMode,
WebContents webContents);
void recordHomePageLaunchMetrics(
boolean showHomeButton, boolean homepageIsNtp, GURL homepageGurl);