// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.modaldialog;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams;
import android.view.ViewStub;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.Supplier;
import org.chromium.cc.input.BrowserControlsState;
import org.chromium.chrome.R;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.browser_controls.BrowserControlsStateProvider;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.browser_controls.BrowserControlsUtils;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.browser_controls.BrowserControlsVisibilityManager;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.fullscreen.FullscreenManager;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.OmniboxFocusReason;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.Tab;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.TabAttributeKeys;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.TabAttributes;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.TabBrowserControlsConstraintsHelper;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.TabObscuringHandler;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabModelSelector;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.toolbar.ToolbarManager;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.modaldialog.TabModalPresenter;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.util.BrowserControlsVisibilityDelegate;
import org.chromium.components.webxr.XrDelegate;
import org.chromium.components.webxr.XrDelegateProvider;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.ui.UiUtils;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel;
* This presenter creates tab modality by blocking interaction with select UI elements while a
* dialog is visible.
public class ChromeTabModalPresenter extends TabModalPresenter
implements BrowserControlsStateProvider.Observer {
/** The activity displaying the dialogs. */
private final Activity mActivity;
private final Supplier<TabObscuringHandler> mTabObscuringHandlerSupplier;
private final Supplier<ToolbarManager> mToolbarManagerSupplier;
private final Runnable mHideContextualSearch;
private final FullscreenManager mFullscreenManager;
private final BrowserControlsVisibilityManager mBrowserControlsVisibilityManager;
private final TabModalBrowserControlsVisibilityDelegate mVisibilityDelegate;
private final TabModelSelector mTabModelSelector;
/** The active tab of which the dialog will be shown on top. */
private Tab mActiveTab;
/** The parent view that contains the dialog container. */
private ViewGroup mContainerParent;
/** Whether the dialog container is brought to the front in its parent. */
private boolean mContainerIsAtFront;
* Whether an enter animation on the dialog container should run when
* {@link #onBrowserControlsFullyVisible} is called.
private boolean mRunEnterAnimationOnCallback;
* The sibling view of the dialog container drawn next in its parent when it should be behind
* browser controls. If BottomSheet is opened or UrlBar is focused, the dialog container should
* be behind the browser controls and the URL suggestions.
private View mDefaultNextSiblingView;
private int mBottomControlsHeight;
private boolean mShouldUpdateContainerLayoutParams;
/** A token held while the dialog manager is obscuring all tabs. */
private TabObscuringHandler.Token mTabObscuringToken;
* Constructor for initializing dialog container.
* @param activity The activity displaying the dialogs.
* @param tabObscuringHandlerSupplier Supplies the {@link TabObscuringHandler} object.
* @param toolbarManagerSupplier Supplies the {@link ToolbarManager} object.
* @param hideContextualSearch Runnable hiding contextual search panel.
* @param fullscreenManager The {@link FullscreenManager} object, used to exit full screen.
* @param browserControlsVisibilityManager The {@link BrowserControlsVisibilityManager} object.
* @param tabModelSelector The {@link TabModelSelector} object.
public ChromeTabModalPresenter(
Activity activity,
Supplier<TabObscuringHandler> tabObscuringHandlerSupplier,
Supplier<ToolbarManager> toolbarManagerSupplier,
Runnable hideContextualSearch,
FullscreenManager fullscreenManager,
BrowserControlsVisibilityManager browserControlsVisibilityManager,
TabModelSelector tabModelSelector) {
mActivity = activity;
mTabObscuringHandlerSupplier = tabObscuringHandlerSupplier;
mToolbarManagerSupplier = toolbarManagerSupplier;
mFullscreenManager = fullscreenManager;
mBrowserControlsVisibilityManager = browserControlsVisibilityManager;
mVisibilityDelegate = new TabModalBrowserControlsVisibilityDelegate();
mHideContextualSearch = hideContextualSearch;
mTabModelSelector = tabModelSelector;
public void destroy() {
* @return The browser controls visibility delegate associated with tab modal dialogs.
public BrowserControlsVisibilityDelegate getBrowserControlsVisibilityDelegate() {
return mVisibilityDelegate;
protected ViewGroup createDialogContainer() {
ViewStub dialogContainerStub = mActivity.findViewById(R.id.tab_modal_dialog_container_stub);
ViewGroup dialogContainer = (ViewGroup) dialogContainerStub.inflate();
// Make sure clicks are not consumed by content beneath the container view.
mContainerParent = (ViewGroup) dialogContainer.getParent();
// The default sibling view is the next view of the dialog container stub in main.xml and
// should not be removed from its parent.
mDefaultNextSiblingView =
assert mDefaultNextSiblingView != null;
Resources resources = mActivity.getResources();
MarginLayoutParams params = (MarginLayoutParams) dialogContainer.getLayoutParams();
params.width = ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
params.height = ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
params.topMargin = getContainerTopMargin(resources, mBrowserControlsVisibilityManager);
params.bottomMargin = getContainerBottomMargin(mBrowserControlsVisibilityManager);
int scrimVerticalMargin =
View scrimView = dialogContainer.findViewById(R.id.scrim);
params = (MarginLayoutParams) scrimView.getLayoutParams();
params.width = MarginLayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
params.height = MarginLayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
params.topMargin = scrimVerticalMargin;
return dialogContainer;
protected void showDialogContainer() {
if (mShouldUpdateContainerLayoutParams) {
MarginLayoutParams params = (MarginLayoutParams) getDialogContainer().getLayoutParams();
params.topMargin =
mActivity.getResources(), mBrowserControlsVisibilityManager);
params.bottomMargin = mBottomControlsHeight;
mShouldUpdateContainerLayoutParams = false;
// Don't show the dialog container before browser controls are guaranteed fully visible.
if (BrowserControlsUtils.areBrowserControlsFullyVisible(
mBrowserControlsVisibilityManager)) {
} else {
mRunEnterAnimationOnCallback = true;
assert mTabObscuringToken == null;
mTabObscuringToken =
protected void setBrowserControlsAccess(boolean restricted) {
if (!mToolbarManagerSupplier.hasValue()) return;
View menuButton = mToolbarManagerSupplier.get().getMenuButtonView();
if (restricted) {
mActiveTab = mTabModelSelector.getCurrentTab();
assert mActiveTab != null
: "Tab modal dialogs should be shown on top of an active tab.";
// Hide contextual search panel so that bottom toolbar will not be
// obscured and back press is not overridden.
// Dismiss the action bar that obscures the dialogs but preserve the text selection.
WebContents webContents = mActiveTab.getWebContents();
if (webContents != null) {
saveOrRestoreTextSelection(webContents, true);
// Force toolbar to show and disable overflow menu.
mToolbarManagerSupplier.get().setUrlBarFocus(false, OmniboxFocusReason.UNFOCUS);
} else {
// Show the action bar back if it was dismissed when the dialogs were showing.
WebContents webContents = mActiveTab.getWebContents();
if (webContents != null) {
saveOrRestoreTextSelection(webContents, false);
mActiveTab = null;
protected void removeDialogView(PropertyModel model) {
mRunEnterAnimationOnCallback = false;
mTabObscuringToken = null;
public void onControlsOffsetChanged(
int topOffset,
int topControlsMinHeightOffset,
int bottomOffset,
int bottomControlsMinHeightOffset,
boolean needsAnimate,
boolean isVisibilityForced) {
if (getDialogModel() == null
|| !mRunEnterAnimationOnCallback
|| !BrowserControlsUtils.areBrowserControlsFullyVisible(
mBrowserControlsVisibilityManager)) {
mRunEnterAnimationOnCallback = false;
public void onBottomControlsHeightChanged(
int bottomControlsHeight, int bottomControlsMinHeight) {
mBottomControlsHeight = bottomControlsHeight;
mShouldUpdateContainerLayoutParams = true;
public void onTopControlsHeightChanged(int topControlsHeight, int topControlsMinHeight) {
mShouldUpdateContainerLayoutParams = true;
public void updateContainerHierarchy(boolean toFront) {
if (toFront == mContainerIsAtFront) return;
mContainerIsAtFront = toFront;
if (toFront) {
} else {
UiUtils.insertBefore(mContainerParent, getDialogContainer(), mDefaultNextSiblingView);
* Calculate the top margin of the dialog container and the dialog scrim so that the scrim
* doesn't overlap the toolbar.
* @param resources {@link Resources} to use to get the scrim vertical margin.
* @param provider {@link BrowserControlsStateProvider} for browser controls heights.
* @return The container top margin.
public static int getContainerTopMargin(
Resources resources, BrowserControlsStateProvider provider) {
int scrimVerticalMargin =
return provider.getTopControlsHeight() - scrimVerticalMargin;
* Calculate the bottom margin of the dialog container.
* @param provider {@link BrowserControlsStateProvider} for browser controls heights.
* @return The container bottom margin.
public static int getContainerBottomMargin(BrowserControlsStateProvider provider) {
return provider.getBottomControlsHeight();
public static boolean isDialogShowing(Tab tab) {
return TabAttributes.from(tab).get(TabAttributeKeys.MODAL_DIALOG_SHOWING, false);
private void onTabModalDialogStateChanged(boolean isShowing) {
TabAttributes.from(mActiveTab).set(TabAttributeKeys.MODAL_DIALOG_SHOWING, isShowing);
// AR Sessions are fullscreen sessions where it's okay to show the TabModal dialog
// without exiting fullscreen. So if we are in one we need to ensure that we:
// 1) Don't exit fullscreen
// 2) Toggle the Controls visibility appropriately.
// Note that if we don't have an XrDelegate, then we can't have an AR Session.
XrDelegate xrDelegate = XrDelegateProvider.getDelegate();
boolean isInArSession = (xrDelegate != null && xrDelegate.hasActiveArSession());
// If needed, exit fullscreen mode before showing the tab modal dialog view.
if (!isInArSession) {
// Also need to update browser control state to refresh the constraints.
if (isShowing && (areRendererInputEventsIgnored() || isInArSession)) {
} else if (!isShowing && isInArSession) {
} else {
private boolean areRendererInputEventsIgnored() {
return mActiveTab.getWebContents().getMainFrame().areInputEventsIgnored();
ViewGroup getContainerParentForTest() {
return mContainerParent;
/** Handles browser controls constraints for the TabModal dialogs. */
static class TabModalBrowserControlsVisibilityDelegate
extends BrowserControlsVisibilityDelegate {
public TabModalBrowserControlsVisibilityDelegate() {
/** Updates the tab modal browser constraints for the given tab. */
public void updateConstraintsForTab(Tab tab) {
if (tab == null) return;
set(isDialogShowing(tab) ? BrowserControlsState.SHOWN : BrowserControlsState.BOTH);