
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

dictionary ItemDetails {
  required DOMString itemId;
  required DOMString title;
  required PaymentCurrencyAmount price;
  ItemType type;
  DOMString description;
  sequence<DOMString> iconURLs;
  // Periods are specified as ISO 8601 durations.
  DOMString subscriptionPeriod;
  DOMString freeTrialPeriod;
  PaymentCurrencyAmount introductoryPrice;
  DOMString introductoryPricePeriod;
  [EnforceRange, RuntimeEnabled=DigitalGoodsV2_1]
  unsigned long long introductoryPriceCycles;

enum ItemType {