// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/app_list/app_list_metrics.h"
#include "ash/app_list/model/app_list_test_model.h"
#include "ash/app_list/model/search/search_model.h"
#include "ash/app_list/quick_app_access_model.h"
#include "ash/app_list/test_app_list_client.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/app_list/app_list_types.h"
#include "ash/test/ash_test_color_generator.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/tween.h"
namespace base {
class TimeDelta;
namespace views {
class View;
namespace ash {
class AppListBubbleAppsPage;
class AppListBubbleAppsCollectionsPage;
class AppListBubbleAssistantPage;
class AppListBubbleSearchPage;
class AppListBubbleView;
class AppListControllerImpl;
class AppListFolderView;
class AppListView;
class AppsContainerView;
class ContinueSectionView;
class PagedAppsGridView;
class AppListSearchView;
class RecentAppsView;
class ScrollableAppsGridView;
class SearchBoxView;
class SearchResultPageView;
class SearchResultPageAnchoredDialog;
enum class AppListViewState;
class AppListTestHelper {
// The color types of app list item icons.
enum class IconColorType {
// Use the default icon color which is SK_ColorRED.
// This color type guarantees that the neighboring app list items added by
// the test helper have different icon colors.
// The icon is transparent.
AppListTestHelper(const AppListTestHelper&) = delete;
AppListTestHelper& operator=(const AppListTestHelper&) = delete;
// Shows the app list on the default display.
void ShowAppList();
// Show the app list in |display_id|, and wait until animation finishes.
// Note: we usually don't care about the show source in tests.
void ShowAndRunLoop(uint64_t display_id);
// Show the app list in |display_id|.
void Show(uint64_t display_id);
// Show the app list in |display_id| triggered with |show_source|, and wait
// until animation finishes.
void ShowAndRunLoop(uint64_t display_id, AppListShowSource show_source);
// Dismiss the app list, and wait until animation finishes.
void DismissAndRunLoop();
// Dismiss the app list.
void Dismiss();
// Toggle the app list in |display_id|, and wait until animation finishes.
// Note: we usually don't care about the show source in tests.
void ToggleAndRunLoop(uint64_t display_id);
// Toggle the app list in |display_id| triggered with |show_source|, and wait
// until animation finishes.
void ToggleAndRunLoop(uint64_t display_id, AppListShowSource show_source);
// Slides a bubble apps page's component using a layer animation.
void StartSlideAnimationOnBubbleAppsPage(views::View* view,
int vertical_offset,
base::TimeDelta duration,
gfx::Tween::Type tween_type);
// Check the visibility value of the app list and its target.
// Fails in tests if either one doesn't match |visible|.
// DEPRECATED: Prefer to EXPECT_TRUE or EXPECT_FALSE the visibility directly,
// so a failing test will print the line number of the expectation that
// failed.
void CheckVisibility(bool visible);
// Check the current app list view state.
void CheckState(AppListViewState state);
// Run all pending in message loop to wait for animation to finish.
void WaitUntilIdle();
// If a folder view is shown, waits until the folder animations complete.
void WaitForFolderAnimation();
// Adds `num_apps` to the app list model. These app items have transparent
// icons. Their names are set so that the accessibility paint checker tests
// pass (focusable views are expected to have accessible names).
void AddAppItems(int num_apps);
// Similar to `AddAppItems()` but provides the options to set item icon colors
// and names.
void AddAppItemsWithColorAndName(int num_apps,
IconColorType color_type,
bool set_name);
// Similar to `AddAppItems()` but provides the option to set items an initial
// collection.
void AddAppListItemsWithCollection(AppCollection collection_id, int num_apps);
// Adds `num_results` to continue section in the app list.
void AddContinueSuggestionResults(int num_results);
// Adds `num_apps` recent apps to the recent apps view.
void AddRecentApps(int num_apps);
// Whether the app list is showing a folder.
bool IsInFolderView();
// Enables/Disables the app list nudge for testing.
void DisableAppListNudge(bool disable);
// Accessibility helpers.
views::View* GetAccessibilityAnnounceView();
// Fullscreen/peeking launcher helpers.
AppListView* GetAppListView();
SearchBoxView* GetSearchBoxView();
AppsContainerView* GetAppsContainerView();
AppListFolderView* GetFullscreenFolderView();
RecentAppsView* GetFullscreenRecentAppsView();
ContinueSectionView* GetFullscreenContinueSectionView();
SearchResultPageView* GetFullscreenSearchResultPageView();
SearchResultPageAnchoredDialog* GetFullscreenSearchPageDialog();
views::View* GetFullscreenLauncherAppsSeparatorView();
// Whether the fullscreen/peeking launcher is showing the search results view.
bool IsShowingFullscreenSearchResults();
// Paged launcher helpers.
PagedAppsGridView* GetRootPagedAppsGridView();
// Bubble launcher helpers. The bubble must be open before calling these.
AppListBubbleView* GetBubbleView();
SearchBoxView* GetBubbleSearchBoxView();
AppListFolderView* GetBubbleFolderView();
AppListBubbleAppsPage* GetBubbleAppsPage();
AppListBubbleAppsCollectionsPage* GetBubbleAppsCollectionsPage();
ContinueSectionView* GetBubbleContinueSectionView();
RecentAppsView* GetBubbleRecentAppsView();
ScrollableAppsGridView* GetScrollableAppsGridView();
views::View* GetAppCollectionsSectionsContainer();
AppListBubbleSearchPage* GetBubbleSearchPage();
SearchResultPageAnchoredDialog* GetBubbleSearchPageDialog();
AppListBubbleAssistantPage* GetBubbleAssistantPage();
SearchModel::SearchResults* GetSearchResults();
views::View* GetBubbleLauncherAppsSeparatorView();
std::vector<ash::AppListSearchResultCategory>* GetOrderedResultCategories();
AppListSearchView* GetBubbleAppListSearchView();
test::AppListTestModel* model() { return &model_; }
SearchModel* search_model() { return &search_model_; }
QuickAppAccessModel* quick_app_access_model() {
return &quick_app_access_model_;
TestAppListClient* app_list_client() { return app_list_client_.get(); }
// Helper function to set user prefs relative to the app_list in tests.
void ConfigureDefaultUserPrefs();
test::AppListTestModel model_;
SearchModel search_model_;
QuickAppAccessModel quick_app_access_model_;
raw_ptr<AppListControllerImpl> app_list_controller_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<TestAppListClient> app_list_client_;
AshTestColorGenerator icon_color_generator_{/*default_color=*/SK_ColorRED};
} // namespace ash