
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


dictionary SecurePaymentConfirmationRequest {
    required BufferSource challenge;
    required USVString rpId;
    required sequence<BufferSource> credentialIds;
    required PaymentCredentialInstrument instrument;
    unsigned long timeout;
    USVString payeeName;
    USVString payeeOrigin;
    AuthenticationExtensionsClientInputs extensions;
    sequence<USVString> locale;

    // Whether or not to show an opt-out flow in the SPC UX.
    [RuntimeEnabled=SecurePaymentConfirmationOptOut, MeasureAs=SecurePaymentConfirmationOptOut] boolean showOptOut;

    // Experimental support for showing network and issuer icons in addition to
    // the payment instrument. These members are purely experimental; if we
    // were to launch this we should find a non-card specific way to encode
    // this information in the SecurePaymentConfirmationRequest, or better
    // encapsulate it into a single sub-dictionary.
    [RuntimeEnabled=SecurePaymentConfirmationNetworkAndIssuerIcons] NetworkOrIssuerInformation networkInfo;
    [RuntimeEnabled=SecurePaymentConfirmationNetworkAndIssuerIcons] NetworkOrIssuerInformation issuerInfo;

dictionary NetworkOrIssuerInformation {
  required USVString name;
  required USVString icon;