// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.new_tab_url;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.cached_flags.BooleanCachedFieldTrialParameter;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.ObservableSupplier;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.flags.ChromeFeatureList;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.preferences.ChromePreferenceKeys;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.preferences.ChromeSharedPreferences;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.Profile;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.search_engines.TemplateUrlServiceFactory;
import org.chromium.components.embedder_support.util.UrlUtilities;
import org.chromium.components.search_engines.TemplateUrl;
import org.chromium.components.search_engines.TemplateUrlService;
import org.chromium.components.search_engines.TemplateUrlService.TemplateUrlServiceObserver;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
* A central class for feature NewTabSearchEngineUrlAndroid which swaps out NTP if the default
* search engine isn't Google. It holds a reference of {@link TemplateUrlService} and observes the
* DSE changes to update the cached values in the SharedPreference.
public class DseNewTabUrlManager {
private ObservableSupplier<Profile> mProfileSupplier;
private Callback<Profile> mProfileCallback;
private TemplateUrlService mTemplateUrlService;
private TemplateUrlServiceObserver mTemplateUrlServiceObserver;
private static final String SWAP_OUT_NTP_PARAM = "swap_out_ntp";
public static final BooleanCachedFieldTrialParameter SWAP_OUT_NTP =
public DseNewTabUrlManager(ObservableSupplier<Profile> profileSupplier) {
mProfileSupplier = profileSupplier;
mProfileCallback = this::onProfileAvailable;
* Returns the new Tab URL of the default search engine if should override any NTP's URL.
* Returns the given URL if don't need to override.
* @param gurl The GURL to check.
public GURL maybeGetOverrideUrl(GURL gurl) {
if (isIncognito()
|| !shouldSwapOutNtp()
|| isDefaultSearchEngineGoogle()
|| !UrlUtilities.isNtpUrl(gurl)) {
return gurl;
String newTabUrl = getDSENewTabUrl(mTemplateUrlService);
return newTabUrl != null ? new GURL(newTabUrl) : gurl;
public void destroy() {
if (mProfileSupplier != null && mProfileCallback != null) {
mProfileCallback = null;
mProfileSupplier = null;
if (mTemplateUrlService != null) {
mTemplateUrlServiceObserver = null;
mTemplateUrlService = null;
* Returns the new Tab URL of the default search engine if should override any NTP's URL.
* Returns the given URL if don't need to override.
* @param gurl The URL to check.
* @param profile The instance of the current {@link Profile}.
public static GURL maybeGetOverrideUrl(GURL gurl, Profile profile) {
if ((profile != null && profile.isOffTheRecord())
|| !shouldSwapOutNtp()
|| isDefaultSearchEngineGoogle()
|| !UrlUtilities.isNtpUrl(gurl)) {
return gurl;
TemplateUrlService templateUrlService =
profile != null ? TemplateUrlServiceFactory.getForProfile(profile) : null;
String newTabUrl = getDSENewTabUrl(templateUrlService);
return newTabUrl != null ? new GURL(newTabUrl) : gurl;
/** Returns whether the feature NewTabSearchEngineUrlAndroid is enabled. */
public static boolean isNewTabSearchEngineUrlAndroidEnabled() {
return ChromeSharedPreferences.getInstance()
.readBoolean(ChromePreferenceKeys.IS_EEA_CHOICE_COUNTRY, false);
* Returns whether the parameter SWAP_OUT_NTP is enabled. Note: this method only checks parts of
* isNewTabSearchEngineUrlAndroidEnabled(), i.e., it doesn't check country code.
public static boolean isSwapOutNtpFlagEnabled() {
return SWAP_OUT_NTP.getValue();
* Returns cached value of {@link ChromePreferenceKeys.IS_DSE_GOOGLE} in the SharedPreference.
public static boolean isDefaultSearchEngineGoogle() {
return ChromeSharedPreferences.getInstance()
.readBoolean(ChromePreferenceKeys.IS_DSE_GOOGLE, true);
* Returns the new Tab URL of the default search engine:
* 1. Returns the cached value ChromePreferenceKeys.DSE_NEW_TAB_URL in the SharedPreference if
* the templateUrlService is null.
* 2. Returns null if the DSE is Google.
* 3. Returns the default search engine's URL if the DSE doesn't provide a new Tab Url.
* @param templateUrlService The instance of {@link TemplateUrlService}.
public static String getDSENewTabUrl(TemplateUrlService templateUrlService) {
if (templateUrlService == null) {
return ChromeSharedPreferences.getInstance()
.readString(ChromePreferenceKeys.DSE_NEW_TAB_URL, null);
if (templateUrlService.isDefaultSearchEngineGoogle()) return null;
TemplateUrl templateUrl = templateUrlService.getDefaultSearchEngineTemplateUrl();
if (templateUrl == null) return null;
String newTabUrl = templateUrl.getNewTabURL();
return newTabUrl != null ? newTabUrl : templateUrl.getURL();
public boolean isIncognito() {
return mProfileSupplier.hasValue() ? mProfileSupplier.get().isOffTheRecord() : false;
void onProfileAvailable(Profile profile) {
mTemplateUrlService = TemplateUrlServiceFactory.getForProfile(profile);
if (mTemplateUrlServiceObserver == null) {
mTemplateUrlServiceObserver = this::onTemplateURLServiceChanged;
mProfileCallback = null;
private void onTemplateURLServiceChanged() {
boolean isDSEGoogle = mTemplateUrlService.isDefaultSearchEngineGoogle();
.writeBoolean(ChromePreferenceKeys.IS_DSE_GOOGLE, isDSEGoogle);
if (isDSEGoogle) {
} else {
private static boolean shouldSwapOutNtp() {
return isNewTabSearchEngineUrlAndroidEnabled() && SWAP_OUT_NTP.getValue();
public TemplateUrlService getTemplateUrlServiceForTesting() {
return mTemplateUrlService;
public static void setIsEeaChoiceCountryForTesting(boolean isEeaChoiceCountry) {
.writeBoolean(ChromePreferenceKeys.IS_EEA_CHOICE_COUNTRY, isEeaChoiceCountry);
public static void resetIsEeaChoiceCountryForTesting() {