// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.ntp;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.graphics.Point;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.text.Editable;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.DragEvent;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.CallbackController;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.MathUtils;
import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.ObservableSupplier;
import org.chromium.chrome.R;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.feed.FeedSurfaceScrollDelegate;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.lens.LensEntryPoint;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.lens.LensMetrics;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.lifecycle.ActivityLifecycleDispatcher;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.logo.LogoBridge.Logo;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.logo.LogoCoordinator;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.logo.LogoUtils;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.logo.LogoUtils.LogoSizeForLogoPolish;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.logo.LogoView;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.multiwindow.MultiWindowUtils;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ntp.NewTabPage.OnSearchBoxScrollListener;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ntp.search.SearchBoxCoordinator;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.Profile;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.suggestions.tile.MostVisitedTilesCoordinator;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.suggestions.tile.TileGroup;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.suggestions.tile.TileGroup.Delegate;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab_ui.InvalidationAwareThumbnailProvider;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.native_page.TouchEnabledDelegate;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.util.BrowserUiUtils;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.util.BrowserUiUtils.ModuleTypeOnStartAndNtp;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.widget.displaystyle.DisplayStyleObserver;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.widget.displaystyle.HorizontalDisplayStyle;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.widget.displaystyle.UiConfig;
import org.chromium.components.omnibox.OmniboxFeatures;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.LoadUrlParams;
import org.chromium.ui.base.MimeTypeUtils;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.ui.text.EmptyTextWatcher;
* Layout for the new tab page. This positions the page elements in the correct vertical positions.
* There are no separate phone and tablet UIs; this layout adapts based on the available space.
public class NewTabPageLayout extends LinearLayout {
private static final String TAG = "NewTabPageLayout";
// Used to signify the cached resource value is unset.
private static final int UNSET_RESOURCE_FLAG = -1;
private int mSearchBoxTwoSideMargin;
private final Context mContext;
private View mMiddleSpacer; // Spacer between toolbar and Most Likely.
private LogoCoordinator mLogoCoordinator;
private LogoView mLogoView;
private SearchBoxCoordinator mSearchBoxCoordinator;
private ViewGroup mMvTilesContainerLayout;
private MostVisitedTilesCoordinator mMostVisitedTilesCoordinator;
private OnSearchBoxScrollListener mSearchBoxScrollListener;
private NewTabPageManager mManager;
private Activity mActivity;
private Profile mProfile;
private UiConfig mUiConfig;
private @Nullable DisplayStyleObserver mDisplayStyleObserver;
private CallbackController mCallbackController = new CallbackController();
* Whether the tiles shown in the layout have finished loading.
* With {@link #mHasShownView}, it's one of the 2 flags used to track initialisation progress.
private boolean mTilesLoaded;
* Whether the view has been shown at least once.
* With {@link #mTilesLoaded}, it's one of the 2 flags used to track initialization progress.
private boolean mHasShownView;
private boolean mSearchProviderHasLogo = true;
private boolean mSearchProviderIsGoogle;
private boolean mShowingNonStandardGoogleLogo;
private boolean mInitialized;
private float mUrlFocusChangePercent;
private boolean mDisableUrlFocusChangeAnimations;
private boolean mIsViewMoving;
/** Flag used to request some layout changes after the next layout pass is completed. */
private boolean mTileCountChanged;
private boolean mSnapshotTileGridChanged;
private WindowAndroid mWindowAndroid;
* Vertical inset to add to the top and bottom of the search box bounds. May be 0 if no inset
* should be applied. See {@link Rect#inset(int, int)}.
private int mSearchBoxBoundsVerticalInset;
private FeedSurfaceScrollDelegate mScrollDelegate;
private NewTabPageUma mNewTabPageUma;
private int mTileViewWidth;
private Integer mInitialTileNum;
private Boolean mIsMvtAllFilledLandscape;
private Boolean mIsMvtAllFilledPortrait;
private final int mTileViewIntervalPaddingTablet;
private final int mTileViewEdgePaddingTablet;
private float mTransitionEndOffset;
private boolean mIsTablet;
private ObservableSupplier<Integer> mTabStripHeightSupplier;
private boolean mIsInNarrowWindowOnTablet;
// This variable is only valid when the NTP surface is in tablet mode.
private boolean mIsInMultiWindowModeOnTablet;
private boolean mIsLogoPolishFlagEnabled;
private boolean mIsLogoPolishEnabled;
private @LogoSizeForLogoPolish int mLogoSizeForLogoPolish;
private View mFakeSearchBoxLayout;
private Callback<Logo> mOnLogoAvailableCallback;
/** Constructor for inflating from XML. */
public NewTabPageLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
mContext = context;
mTileViewWidth =
mTileViewIntervalPaddingTablet =
mTileViewEdgePaddingTablet =
protected void onFinishInflate() {
// TODO(crbug.com/347509698): Remove the log statements after fixing the bug.
Log.i(TAG, "NewTabPageLayout.onFinishInflate before insertSiteSectionView");
mMiddleSpacer = findViewById(R.id.ntp_middle_spacer);
mFakeSearchBoxLayout = findViewById(R.id.search_box);
Log.i(TAG, "NewTabPageLayout.onFinishInflate after insertSiteSectionView");
* Initializes the NewTabPageLayout. This must be called immediately after inflation, before
* this object is used in any other way.
* @param manager NewTabPageManager used to perform various actions when the user interacts with
* the page.
* @param activity The activity that currently owns the new tab page
* @param tileGroupDelegate Delegate for {@link TileGroup}.
* @param searchProviderHasLogo Whether the search provider has a logo.
* @param searchProviderIsGoogle Whether the search provider is Google.
* @param scrollDelegate The delegate used to obtain information about scroll state.
* @param touchEnabledDelegate The {@link TouchEnabledDelegate} for handling whether touch
* events are allowed.
* @param uiConfig UiConfig that provides display information about this view.
* @param lifecycleDispatcher Activity lifecycle dispatcher.
* @param uma {@link NewTabPageUma} object recording user metrics.
* @param profile The {@link Profile} associated with the NTP.
* @param windowAndroid An instance of a {@link WindowAndroid}.
* @param isTablet {@code true} if the NTP surface is in tablet mode.
* @param tabStripHeightSupplier Supplier of the tab strip height.
public void initialize(
NewTabPageManager manager,
Activity activity,
Delegate tileGroupDelegate,
boolean searchProviderHasLogo,
boolean searchProviderIsGoogle,
FeedSurfaceScrollDelegate scrollDelegate,
TouchEnabledDelegate touchEnabledDelegate,
UiConfig uiConfig,
ActivityLifecycleDispatcher lifecycleDispatcher,
NewTabPageUma uma,
Profile profile,
WindowAndroid windowAndroid,
boolean isTablet,
ObservableSupplier<Integer> tabStripHeightSupplier) {
TraceEvent.begin(TAG + ".initialize()");
mScrollDelegate = scrollDelegate;
mManager = manager;
mActivity = activity;
mProfile = profile;
mUiConfig = uiConfig;
mNewTabPageUma = uma;
mWindowAndroid = windowAndroid;
mIsLogoPolishFlagEnabled = LogoUtils.isLogoPolishEnabled();
mIsLogoPolishEnabled =
mSearchProviderIsGoogle && mShowingNonStandardGoogleLogo);
mLogoSizeForLogoPolish = LogoUtils.getLogoSizeForLogoPolish();
mIsTablet = isTablet;
mTabStripHeightSupplier = tabStripHeightSupplier;
if (mIsTablet) {
mDisplayStyleObserver = this::onDisplayStyleChanged;
} else {
// On first run, the NewTabPageLayout is initialized behind the First Run Experience,
// meaning the UiConfig will pickup the screen layout then. However
// onConfigurationChanged is not called on orientation changes until the FRE is
// completed. This means that if a user starts the FRE in one orientation, changes an
// orientation and then leaves the FRE the UiConfig will have the wrong orientation.
// https://crbug.com/683886.
mSearchBoxCoordinator = new SearchBoxCoordinator(getContext(), this);
lifecycleDispatcher, mProfile.isOffTheRecord(), mWindowAndroid);
int searchBoxHeight = mSearchBoxCoordinator.getView().getLayoutParams().height;
mSearchBoxBoundsVerticalInset =
- getResources()
/ 2;
mTransitionEndOffset =
? getResources()
: 0;
initializeLogoCoordinator(searchProviderHasLogo, searchProviderIsGoogle);
mProfile, lifecycleDispatcher, tileGroupDelegate, touchEnabledDelegate);
mInitialized = true;
TraceEvent.end(TAG + ".initialize()");
public void reload() {
// TODO(crbug.com/41487877): Add handler in Magic Stack and dispatcher.
* @return The {@link FeedSurfaceScrollDelegate} for this class.
FeedSurfaceScrollDelegate getScrollDelegate() {
return mScrollDelegate;
/** Sets up the hint text and event handlers for the search box text view. */
private void initializeSearchBoxTextView() {
TraceEvent.begin(TAG + ".initializeSearchBoxTextView()");
mSearchBoxCoordinator.setSearchBoxClickListener(v -> mManager.focusSearchBox(false, null));
// @TODO(crbug.com/41492572): Add test case for search box OnDragListener.
new OnDragListener() {
public boolean onDrag(View view, DragEvent dragEvent) {
// Disable search box EditText when tab is dropped.
if (dragEvent.getClipDescription() == null
|| !dragEvent
.hasMimeType(MimeTypeUtils.CHROME_MIMETYPE_TAB)) {
return false;
} else {
if (dragEvent.getAction() == DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED) {
} else if (dragEvent.getAction() == DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED) {
return false;
new EmptyTextWatcher() {
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
if (s.length() == 0) return;
mManager.focusSearchBox(false, s.toString());
TraceEvent.end(TAG + ".initializeSearchBoxTextView()");
private void initializeVoiceSearchButton() {
TraceEvent.begin(TAG + ".initializeVoiceSearchButton()");
v -> mManager.focusSearchBox(true, null));
TraceEvent.end(TAG + ".initializeVoiceSearchButton()");
private void initializeLensButton() {
TraceEvent.begin(TAG + ".initializeLensButton()");
// TODO(b/181067692): Report user action for this click.
v -> {
TraceEvent.end(TAG + ".initializeLensButton()");
private void initializeLayoutChangeListener() {
TraceEvent.begin(TAG + ".initializeLayoutChangeListener()");
(v, left, top, right, bottom, oldLeft, oldTop, oldRight, oldBottom) -> {
int oldHeight = oldBottom - oldTop;
int newHeight = bottom - top;
if (oldHeight == newHeight && !mTileCountChanged) return;
mTileCountChanged = false;
// Re-apply the url focus change amount after a rotation to ensure the views are
// correctly placed with their new layout configurations.
// The positioning of elements may have been changed (since the elements expand
// to fill the available vertical space), so adjust the scroll.
TraceEvent.end(TAG + ".initializeLayoutChangeListener()");
private void initializeLogoCoordinator(
boolean searchProviderHasLogo, boolean searchProviderIsGoogle) {
Callback<LoadUrlParams> logoClickedCallback =
(urlParams) -> {
.loadUrl(urlParams, /* isIncognito= */ false);
mOnLogoAvailableCallback =
(logo) -> {
mSnapshotTileGridChanged = true;
mShowingNonStandardGoogleLogo = logo != null && mSearchProviderIsGoogle;
mIsLogoPolishEnabled =
// If pull up Feed position is enabled, doodle is not supported since there is not enough
// room, we don't need to fetch logo image.
boolean shouldFetchDoodle = !FeedPositionUtils.isFeedPullUpEnabled();
mLogoView = findViewById(R.id.search_provider_logo);
mLogoCoordinator =
new LogoCoordinator(
/* visibilityObserver= */ null,
? LogoSizeForLogoPolish.SMALL
: mLogoSizeForLogoPolish);
setSearchProviderInfo(searchProviderHasLogo, searchProviderIsGoogle);
private void initializeMostVisitedTilesCoordinator(
Profile profile,
ActivityLifecycleDispatcher activityLifecycleDispatcher,
TileGroup.Delegate tileGroupDelegate,
TouchEnabledDelegate touchEnabledDelegate) {
assert mMvTilesContainerLayout != null;
mMostVisitedTilesCoordinator =
new MostVisitedTilesCoordinator(
() -> mSnapshotTileGridChanged = true,
() -> {
if (mUrlFocusChangePercent == 1f) mTileCountChanged = true;
profile, mManager, tileGroupDelegate, touchEnabledDelegate);
/** Updates the search box when the parent view's scroll position is changed. */
void updateSearchBoxOnScroll() {
if (mDisableUrlFocusChangeAnimations || mIsViewMoving) return;
// When the page changes (tab switching or new page loading), it is possible that events
// (e.g. delayed view change notifications) trigger calls to these methods after
// the current page changes. We check it again to make sure we don't attempt to update the
// wrong page.
if (!mManager.isCurrentPage()) return;
if (mSearchBoxScrollListener != null) {
* Calculates the percentage (between 0 and 1) of the transition from the search box to the
* omnibox at the top of the New Tab Page, which is determined by the amount of scrolling and
* the position of the search box.
* @return the transition percentage
float getToolbarTransitionPercentage() {
// During startup the view may not be fully initialized.
if (!mScrollDelegate.isScrollViewInitialized()) return 0f;
if (isSearchBoxOffscreen()) {
// getVerticalScrollOffset is valid only for the scroll view if the first item is
// visible. If the search box view is offscreen, we must have scrolled quite far and we
// know the toolbar transition should be 100%. This might be the initial scroll position
// due to the scroll restore feature, so the search box will not have been laid out yet.
return 1f;
// During startup the view may not be fully initialized, so we only calculate the current
// percentage if some basic view properties (position of the search box) are sane.
int searchBoxTop = getSearchBoxView().getTop();
if (searchBoxTop == 0) return 0f;
// For all other calculations, add the search box padding, because it defines where the
// visible "border" of the search box is.
searchBoxTop += getSearchBoxView().getPaddingTop();
final int scrollY = mScrollDelegate.getVerticalScrollOffset();
// Use int pixel size instead of float dimension to avoid precision error on the percentage.
final float transitionLength =
+ mTransitionEndOffset;
// Tab strip height is zero on phones, and may vary on tablets.
int tabStripHeight = mTabStripHeightSupplier.get();
// When scrollY equals searchBoxTop + tabStripHeight -transitionStartOffset, it marks the
// start point of the transition. When scrollY equals searchBoxTop plus transitionEndOffset
// plus tabStripHeight, it marks the end point of the transition.
return MathUtils.clamp(
- (searchBoxTop + mTransitionEndOffset)
+ tabStripHeight
+ transitionLength)
/ transitionLength,
private void insertSiteSectionView() {
int insertionPoint = indexOfChild(mMiddleSpacer) + 1;
mMvTilesContainerLayout =
.inflate(R.layout.mv_tiles_container, this, false);
addView(mMvTilesContainerLayout, insertionPoint);
// The page contents are initially hidden; otherwise they'll be drawn centered on the
// page before the tiles are available and then jump upwards to make space once the
// tiles are available.
if (getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
* @return The fake search box view.
public View getSearchBoxView() {
return mSearchBoxCoordinator.getView();
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
if (mIsTablet) {
super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
/** Updates the width of the MV tiles container when used in NTP on the tablet. */
private void calculateTabletMvtWidth(int widthMeasureSpec) {
if (mMvTilesContainerLayout.getVisibility() == GONE) return;
if (mInitialTileNum == null) {
mInitialTileNum = ((ViewGroup) findViewById(R.id.mv_tiles_layout)).getChildCount();
int currentOrientation = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
if ((currentOrientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE
&& mIsMvtAllFilledLandscape == null)
|| (currentOrientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT
&& mIsMvtAllFilledPortrait == null)) {
boolean isAllFilled =
mInitialTileNum * mTileViewWidth
+ (mInitialTileNum - 1) * mTileViewIntervalPaddingTablet
+ 2 * mTileViewEdgePaddingTablet
<= widthMeasureSpec;
if (currentOrientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {
mIsMvtAllFilledLandscape = isAllFilled;
} else {
mIsMvtAllFilledPortrait = isAllFilled;
public void onSwitchToForeground() {
if (mMostVisitedTilesCoordinator != null) {
* Should be called every time one of the flags used to track initialization progress changes.
* Finalizes initialization once all the preliminary steps are complete.
* @see #mHasShownView
* @see #mTilesLoaded
private void onInitializationProgressChanged() {
if (!hasLoadCompleted()) return;
// Load the logo after everything else is finished, since it's lower priority.
* To be called to notify that the tiles have finished loading. Will do nothing if a load was
* previously completed.
public void onTilesLoaded() {
if (mTilesLoaded) return;
mTilesLoaded = true;
* Changes the layout depending on whether the selected search provider (e.g. Google, Bing) has
* a logo.
* @param hasLogo Whether the search provider has a logo.
* @param isGoogle Whether the search provider is Google.
public void setSearchProviderInfo(boolean hasLogo, boolean isGoogle) {
if (hasLogo == mSearchProviderHasLogo
&& isGoogle == mSearchProviderIsGoogle
&& mInitialized) {
mSearchProviderHasLogo = hasLogo;
mSearchProviderIsGoogle = isGoogle;
if (!mSearchProviderIsGoogle) {
mShowingNonStandardGoogleLogo = false;
mIsLogoPolishEnabled =
// Hide or show the views above the most visited tiles as needed, including search box, and
// spacers. The visibility of Logo is handled by LogoCoordinator.
mSnapshotTileGridChanged = true;
/** Updates the margins for the most visited tiles layout based on what is shown above it. */
private void updateTilesLayoutMargins() {
if (!mIsTablet) {
MarginLayoutParams marginLayoutParams =
(MarginLayoutParams) mMvTilesContainerLayout.getLayoutParams();
marginLayoutParams.topMargin =
? R.dimen.mvt_container_top_margin
: R.dimen.tile_layout_no_logo_top_margin);
* Updates whether the NewTabPage should animate on URL focus changes.
* @param disable Whether to disable the animations.
void setUrlFocusAnimationsDisabled(boolean disable) {
if (disable == mDisableUrlFocusChangeAnimations) return;
mDisableUrlFocusChangeAnimations = disable;
if (!disable) onUrlFocusAnimationChanged();
* @return Whether URL focus animations are currently disabled.
boolean urlFocusAnimationsDisabled() {
return mDisableUrlFocusChangeAnimations;
* Specifies the percentage the URL is focused during an animation. 1.0 specifies that the URL
* bar has focus and has completed the focus animation. 0 is when the URL bar is does not have
* any focus.
* @param percent The percentage of the URL bar focus animation.
void setUrlFocusChangeAnimationPercent(float percent) {
mUrlFocusChangePercent = percent;
* @return The percentage that the URL bar is focused during an animation.
float getUrlFocusChangeAnimationPercent() {
return mUrlFocusChangePercent;
void onUrlFocusAnimationChanged() {
* Avoid Y-translation when animation is disabled, view is moving or on tablet form-factor.
* Context for tablets - Unlike phones, this method is not called on tablets during URL
* focus post NTP load. However when physical keyboard is present, we try to auto-focus URL
* during page load causing this method to be called. Disabling this for all cases on this
* form-factor since this translation does not WAI. (see crbug.com/40910640)
if (mDisableUrlFocusChangeAnimations || mIsViewMoving || mIsTablet) return;
// Translate so that the search box is at the top, but only upwards.
float percent = mSearchProviderHasLogo ? mUrlFocusChangePercent : 0;
int basePosition = mScrollDelegate.getVerticalScrollOffset() + getPaddingTop();
int target =
- getSearchBoxView().getPaddingBottom()
- mSearchBoxBoundsVerticalInset);
float translationY = percent * (basePosition - target);
if (OmniboxFeatures.shouldAnimateSuggestionsListAppearance()) {
} else {
* Sets the translation_y of the fakebox and all views above it, but not the views below. Used
* when the url focus animation is combined with the omnibox suggestions list animation to
* reduce the number of visual elements in motion.
private void setTranslationYOfFakeboxAndAbove(float translationY) {
for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
View view = getChildAt(i);
if (view == mFakeSearchBoxLayout) return;
* Sets whether this view is currently moving within its parent view. When the view is moving
* certain animations will be disabled or prevented.
* @param isViewMoving Whether this view is currently moving.
void setIsViewMoving(boolean isViewMoving) {
mIsViewMoving = isViewMoving;
* Updates the opacity of the search box when scrolling.
* @param alpha opacity (alpha) value to use.
public void setSearchBoxAlpha(float alpha) {
* Updates the opacity of the search provider logo when scrolling.
* @param alpha opacity (alpha) value to use.
public void setSearchProviderLogoAlpha(float alpha) {
* Set the search box background drawable.
* @param drawable The search box background.
public void setSearchBoxBackground(Drawable drawable) {
* Get the bounds of the search box in relation to the top level {@code parentView}.
* @param bounds The current drawing location of the search box.
* @param translation The translation applied to the search box by the parent view hierarchy up
* to the {@code parentView}.
* @param parentView The top level parent view used to translate search box bounds.
void getSearchBoxBounds(Rect bounds, Point translation, View parentView) {
int searchBoxX = (int) getSearchBoxView().getX();
int searchBoxY = (int) getSearchBoxView().getY();
searchBoxX + getSearchBoxView().getWidth(),
searchBoxY + getSearchBoxView().getHeight());
translation.set(0, 0);
if (isSearchBoxOffscreen()) {
translation.y = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
} else {
View view = getSearchBoxView();
while (true) {
view = (View) view.getParent();
if (view == null) {
// The |mSearchBoxView| is not a child of this view. This can happen if the
// RecyclerView detaches the NewTabPageLayout after it has been scrolled out of
// view. Set the translation to the minimum Y value as an approximation.
translation.y = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
translation.offset(-view.getScrollX(), -view.getScrollY());
if (view == parentView) break;
translation.offset((int) view.getX(), (int) view.getY());
bounds.offset(translation.x, translation.y);
if (translation.y != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
bounds.inset(0, mSearchBoxBoundsVerticalInset);
private void setSearchProviderTopMargin() {
mLogoCoordinator.setTopMargin(getLogoMargin(/* isTopMargin= */ true));
private void setSearchProviderBottomMargin() {
mLogoCoordinator.setBottomMargin(getLogoMargin(/* isTopMargin= */ false));
* @param isTopMargin True to return the top margin; False to return bottom margin.
* @return The top margin or bottom margin of the logo.
// TODO(crbug.com/40226731): Remove this method when the Feed position experiment is
// cleaned up.
private int getLogoMargin(boolean isTopMargin) {
if (FeedPositionUtils.isFeedPullUpEnabled() && mSearchProviderHasLogo) return 0;
return isTopMargin ? getLogoTopMargin() : getLogoBottomMargin();
private int getLogoTopMargin() {
Resources resources = getResources();
if (mIsLogoPolishEnabled && mSearchProviderHasLogo) {
return LogoUtils.getTopMarginForLogoPolish(resources);
return resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.ntp_logo_margin_top);
private int getLogoBottomMargin() {
return getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.ntp_logo_margin_bottom);
* @return Whether the search box view is scrolled off the screen.
private boolean isSearchBoxOffscreen() {
return !mScrollDelegate.isChildVisibleAtPosition(0)
|| mScrollDelegate.getVerticalScrollOffset()
> getSearchBoxView().getTop() + mTransitionEndOffset;
* Sets the listener for search box scroll changes.
* @param listener The listener to be notified on changes.
void setSearchBoxScrollListener(OnSearchBoxScrollListener listener) {
mSearchBoxScrollListener = listener;
if (mSearchBoxScrollListener != null) updateSearchBoxOnScroll();
protected void onAttachedToWindow() {
assert mManager != null;
if (!mHasShownView) {
mHasShownView = true;
/** Update the visibility of the action buttons. */
void updateActionButtonVisibility() {
boolean shouldShowLensButton =
LensMetrics.recordShown(LensEntryPoint.NEW_TAB_PAGE, shouldShowLensButton);
protected void onWindowVisibilityChanged(int visibility) {
if (visibility == VISIBLE) {
* @see InvalidationAwareThumbnailProvider#shouldCaptureThumbnail()
public boolean shouldCaptureThumbnail() {
return mSnapshotTileGridChanged;
* Should be called before a thumbnail of the parent view is captured.
* @see InvalidationAwareThumbnailProvider#captureThumbnail(Canvas)
public void onPreCaptureThumbnail() {
mSnapshotTileGridChanged = false;
private boolean shouldShowLogo() {
return mSearchProviderHasLogo;
private boolean hasLoadCompleted() {
return mHasShownView && mTilesLoaded;
private void onDestroy() {
if (mCallbackController != null) {
mCallbackController = null;
if (mLogoCoordinator != null) {
mLogoCoordinator = null;
if (mMostVisitedTilesCoordinator != null) {
mMostVisitedTilesCoordinator = null;
if (mIsTablet) {
mDisplayStyleObserver = null;
MostVisitedTilesCoordinator getMostVisitedTilesCoordinatorForTesting() {
return mMostVisitedTilesCoordinator;
/** Makes the Search Box and Logo as wide as Most Visited. */
private void unifyElementWidths() {
View searchBoxView = getSearchBoxView();
if (mMvTilesContainerLayout.getVisibility() != GONE) {
final int width = getMeasuredWidth();
width - mSearchBoxTwoSideMargin,
* Convenience method to call measure() on the given View with MeasureSpecs converted from the
* given dimensions (in pixels) with MeasureSpec.EXACTLY.
private static void measureExactly(View view, int widthPx, int heightPx) {
MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(widthPx, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY),
MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(heightPx, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY));
LogoCoordinator getLogoCoordinatorForTesting() {
return mLogoCoordinator;
private void onDisplayStyleChanged(UiConfig.DisplayStyle newDisplayStyle) {
if (!mIsTablet) return;
mIsInNarrowWindowOnTablet = isInNarrowWindowOnTablet(mIsTablet, mUiConfig);
* When Logo Polish is enabled with medium or large size, adjusts the logo size while the tablet
* transitions to or from a multi-screen layout, ensuring the change occurs post-logo
* initialization.
private void updateLogoOnTabletForLogoPolish() {
if (!mIsTablet) return;
boolean isInMultiWindowModeOnTabletPreviousValue = mIsInMultiWindowModeOnTablet;
mIsInMultiWindowModeOnTablet =
// According to the design of Logo Polish, the small logo size is used in split screens on
// tablets. Thus, if the default logo size is small, we don't need to adjust the logo size
// while the tablet transitions to or from a multi-screen layout.
if (mIsLogoPolishEnabled
&& mLogoSizeForLogoPolish != LogoSizeForLogoPolish.SMALL
&& mLogoView != null
&& isInMultiWindowModeOnTabletPreviousValue != mIsInMultiWindowModeOnTablet) {
int realLogoSizeForLogoPolish =
? LogoSizeForLogoPolish.SMALL
: mLogoSizeForLogoPolish;
mLogoView, getResources(), mIsLogoPolishEnabled, realLogoSizeForLogoPolish);
* Updates whether the MV tiles layout stays in the center of the container when used in NTP on
* the tablet by changing the width of its container. Also updates the lateral margins.
private void updateMvtOnTablet() {
MarginLayoutParams marginLayoutParams =
(MarginLayoutParams) mMvTilesContainerLayout.getLayoutParams();
marginLayoutParams.width = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
if (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {
if (mIsMvtAllFilledLandscape != null && mIsMvtAllFilledLandscape) {
marginLayoutParams.width = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
} else if (mIsMvtAllFilledPortrait != null && mIsMvtAllFilledPortrait) {
marginLayoutParams.width = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
int lateralPaddingId =
? R.dimen.ntp_search_box_lateral_margin_narrow_window_tablet
: R.dimen.mvt_container_lateral_margin;
int lateralPaddingsForNtp = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(lateralPaddingId);
marginLayoutParams.leftMargin = lateralPaddingsForNtp;
marginLayoutParams.rightMargin = lateralPaddingsForNtp;
private void updateSearchBoxWidth() {
if (mIsInNarrowWindowOnTablet) {
mSearchBoxTwoSideMargin =
* 2;
} else if (mIsTablet) {
mSearchBoxTwoSideMargin =
* 2;
} else {
mSearchBoxTwoSideMargin =
getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.mvt_container_lateral_margin) * 2;
/** Returns whether the current window is a narrow one on tablet. */
public static boolean isInNarrowWindowOnTablet(boolean isTablet, UiConfig uiConfig) {
return isTablet
&& uiConfig.getCurrentDisplayStyle().horizontal < HorizontalDisplayStyle.WIDE;