// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.ntp;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.chrome.R;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.feed.SnapScrollHelper;
/** This class handles snap scroll for the search box on a {@link NewTabPage}. */
public class SnapScrollHelperImpl implements SnapScrollHelper {
private static final long SNAP_SCROLL_DELAY_MS = 30;
private final NewTabPageManager mManager;
private final NewTabPageLayout mNewTabPageLayout;
private final Runnable mSnapScrollRunnable;
private final Runnable mUpdateSearchBoxOnScrollRunnable;
private final int mToolbarHeight;
private final int mSearchBoxTransitionStartOffset;
private final int mSearchBoxTransitionEndOffset;
private View mView;
private boolean mPendingSnapScroll;
private int mLastScrollY = -1;
* @param manager The {@link NewTabPageManager} to get information about user interactions on
* the {@link NewTabPage}.
* @param newTabPageLayout The {@link NewTabPageLayout} associated with the {@link NewTabPage}.
public SnapScrollHelperImpl(NewTabPageManager manager, NewTabPageLayout newTabPageLayout) {
mManager = manager;
mNewTabPageLayout = newTabPageLayout;
mSnapScrollRunnable = new SnapScrollRunnable();
mUpdateSearchBoxOnScrollRunnable = mNewTabPageLayout::updateSearchBoxOnScroll;
Resources res = newTabPageLayout.getResources();
mToolbarHeight =
+ res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.toolbar_progress_bar_height);
mSearchBoxTransitionStartOffset =
mSearchBoxTransitionEndOffset =
* @param view The view on which this class needs to handle snap scroll.
public void setView(@NonNull View view) {
if (mView != null) {
mPendingSnapScroll = false;
mLastScrollY = -1;
mView = view;
View.OnTouchListener onTouchListener =
(v, event) -> {
if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL
|| event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
mPendingSnapScroll = true;
mView.postDelayed(mSnapScrollRunnable, SNAP_SCROLL_DELAY_MS);
} else {
mPendingSnapScroll = false;
return false;
/** Update scroll offset and perform snap scroll if necessary. */
public void handleScroll() {
int scrollY = mNewTabPageLayout.getScrollDelegate().getVerticalScrollOffset();
if (mLastScrollY == scrollY) return;
mLastScrollY = scrollY;
if (mPendingSnapScroll) {
mView.postDelayed(mSnapScrollRunnable, SNAP_SCROLL_DELAY_MS);
* Resets any pending callbacks to update the search box position, and add new callback to
* update the search box position if necessary. This is used whenever {@link #handleScroll()} is
* not reliable (e.g. when an item is dismissed, the items at the top of the viewport might not
* move, and onScrolled() might not be called).
* @param update Whether a new callback to update search box should be posted to {@link #mView}.
public void resetSearchBoxOnScroll(boolean update) {
if (update) mView.post(mUpdateSearchBoxOnScrollRunnable);
* @param scrollPosition The scroll position that the snap scroll calculation is based on.
* @return The modified scroll position that accounts for snap scroll.
public int calculateSnapPosition(int scrollPosition) {
if (mManager.isLocationBarShownInNtp()) {
// Snap scroll to prevent only part of the toolbar from showing.
scrollPosition = calculateSnapPositionForRegion(scrollPosition, 0, mToolbarHeight);
// Snap scroll to prevent resting in the middle of the omnibox transition.
View fakeBox = mNewTabPageLayout.getSearchBoxView();
int fakeBoxUpperBound = fakeBox.getTop() + fakeBox.getPaddingTop();
scrollPosition =
fakeBoxUpperBound - mSearchBoxTransitionStartOffset,
fakeBoxUpperBound + mSearchBoxTransitionEndOffset);
return scrollPosition;
* Calculates the position to scroll to in order to move out of a region where {@code mView}
* should not stay at rest.
* @param currentScroll the current scroll position.
* @param regionStart the beginning of the region to scroll out of.
* @param regionEnd the end of the region to scroll out of.
* @param flipPoint the threshold used to decide which bound of the region to scroll to.
* @return the position to scroll to.
private static int calculateSnapPositionForRegion(
int currentScroll, int regionStart, int regionEnd, int flipPoint) {
assert regionStart <= flipPoint;
assert flipPoint <= regionEnd;
if (currentScroll < regionStart || currentScroll > regionEnd) return currentScroll;
if (currentScroll < flipPoint) {
return regionStart;
} else {
return regionEnd;
* If {@code mView} is currently scrolled to between regionStart and regionEnd, smooth scroll
* out of the region to the nearest edge.
private static int calculateSnapPositionForRegion(
int currentScroll, int regionStart, int regionEnd) {
return calculateSnapPositionForRegion(
currentScroll, regionStart, regionEnd, (regionStart + regionEnd) / 2);
private class SnapScrollRunnable implements Runnable {
public void run() {
assert mPendingSnapScroll;
mPendingSnapScroll = false;