// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
namespace views {
class View;
namespace ash {
// Wrapper for a view used to send accessibility alerts within the app list UI.
class AppListA11yAnnouncer {
// `announcement_view` is the view that will be used to send accessibility
// alerts. The `AppListA11yAnnouncer` owner is expected to ensure that
// `annoucement_view` remains valid while the announcer can be used.
explicit AppListA11yAnnouncer(views::View* announcement_view);
AppListA11yAnnouncer(const AppListA11yAnnouncer&) = delete;
AppListA11yAnnouncer& operator=(const AppListA11yAnnouncer&) = delete;
// Resets the announcer - all announcement methods become no-op. Used to clear
// the reference to `announcement_view_` when the view is about to get
// deleted.
void Shutdown();
// Modifies the announcement view to verbalize that app list is activated.
void AnnounceAppListShown();
// Modifies the announcement view to verbalize that the focused view has new
// updates, based on the item having a notification badge.
void AnnounceItemNotificationBadge(const std::u16string& selected_view_title);
// Modifies the announcement view to verbalize that the current drag will move
// |moving_view_title| and create a folder or move it into an existing folder
// with |target_view_title|.
void AnnounceFolderDrop(const std::u16string& moving_view_title,
const std::u16string& target_view_title,
bool target_is_folder);
// Modifies the announcement view to verbalize that the most recent keyboard
// foldering action has either moved |moving_view_title| into
// |target_view_title| folder or that |moving_view_title| and
// |target_view_title| have formed a new folder.
void AnnounceKeyboardFoldering(const std::u16string& moving_view_title,
const std::u16string& target_view_title,
bool target_is_folder);
// Modifies the announcement view to verbalize that an apps grid item has been
// reordered to |target_row| and |target_column| within the |target_page| in
// the apps grid.
void AnnounceAppsGridReorder(int target_page,
int target_row,
int target_column);
// As above, but does not announce a page. Used for single-page apps grids.
void AnnounceAppsGridReorder(int target_row, int target_column);
// Modifies the announcement view to verbalize that a folder was closed in the
// apps container.
void AnnounceFolderClosed();
// Modifies the announcement view to verbalize the provided announcement.
void Announce(const std::u16string& announcement);
// The view used to send accessibility announcements. Owned by the parent's
// views hierarchy.
raw_ptr<views::View> announcement_view_;
} // namespace ash