// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package wc_fuzzer;
message AllowSharedBufferSource {
// Note: length is capped in the fuzzer to avoid OOM.
optional uint32 length = 1;
optional bool shared = 2;
enum ViewType {
NONE = 0;
INT8 = 1;
UINT32 = 2;
DATA = 3;
optional ViewType view_type = 3;
optional uint32 view_offset = 4;
optional uint32 view_length = 5;
// Transfer ArrayBuffer into ctor
optional bool transfer = 6;
message DOMRectInit {
optional double x = 1;
optional double y = 2;
optional double width = 3;
optional double height = 4;
message PlaneLayout {
optional uint32 offset = 1;
optional uint32 stride = 2;
message VideoFrameCopyToOptions {
optional DOMRectInit rect = 1;
repeated PlaneLayout layout = 2;
message VideoColorSpaceInit {
enum VideoColorPrimaries {
VCP_BT709 = 0;
VCP_BT470BG = 1;
VCP_SMPTE170M = 2;
VCP_BT2020 = 3;
VCP_SMPTE432 = 4;
optional VideoColorPrimaries primaries = 1;
enum VideoTransferCharacteristics {
VTC_BT709 = 0;
VTC_SMPTE170M = 1;
VTC_IEC61966_2_1 = 2;
VTC_PQ = 4;
VTC_HLG = 5;
optional VideoTransferCharacteristics transfer = 2;
enum VideoMatrixCoefficients {
VMC_RGB = 0;
VMC_BT709 = 1;
VMC_BT470BG = 2;
VMC_SMPTE170M = 3;
VMC_BT2020_NCL = 4;
optional VideoMatrixCoefficients matrix = 3;
optional bool full_range = 4;
message VideoFrameBufferInit {
enum VideoPixelFormat {
I420 = 0;
I420A = 1;
I444 = 2;
NV12 = 3;
RGBA = 4;
RGBX = 5;
BGRA = 6;
BGRX = 7;
optional VideoPixelFormat format = 1;
repeated PlaneLayout layout = 2;
optional int64 timestamp = 3;
optional uint64 duration = 4;
optional uint32 coded_width = 5;
optional uint32 coded_height = 6;
optional DOMRectInit visible_rect = 7;
optional uint32 display_width = 8;
optional uint32 display_height = 9;
optional VideoColorSpaceInit color_space = 10;
message VideoFrameBufferInitInvocation {
required AllowSharedBufferSource data = 1;
required VideoFrameBufferInit init = 2;
message ConfigureVideoDecoder {
// String describing codec (e.g. "vp09.00.10.08")
optional string codec = 1;
optional bytes description = 2;
message ConfigureVideoEncoder {
// String describing codec (e.g. "vp09.00.10.08")
optional string codec = 1;
enum EncoderAccelerationPreference {
ALLOW = 0;
DENY = 1;
enum ScalabilityMode {
L1T1 = 0;
L1T2 = 1;
L1T3 = 2;
enum LatencyMode {
enum ContentHint {
NONE = 0;
TEXT = 3;
enum VideoEncoderBitrateMode {
enum AlphaOption {
KEEP = 0;
optional EncoderAccelerationPreference acceleration = 2;
optional uint64 bitrate = 3;
optional double framerate = 4;
optional uint32 width = 5;
optional uint32 height = 6;
optional uint32 display_width = 7;
optional uint32 display_height = 8;
optional ScalabilityMode scalability_mode = 9;
optional VideoEncoderBitrateMode bitrate_mode = 10;
optional LatencyMode latency_mode = 11;
optional AlphaOption alpha = 12;
optional ContentHint content_hint = 13;
message ConfigureAudioDecoder {
// String describing codec (e.g. "opus")
optional string codec = 1;
optional uint32 sample_rate = 2;
optional uint32 number_of_channels = 3;
optional bytes description = 4;
enum AacFormat {
AAC = 0;
ADTS = 1;
enum BitrateMode {
message AacEncoderConfig {
optional AacFormat format = 1;
enum OpusSignal {
AUTO = 0;
MUSIC = 1;
VOICE = 2;
enum OpusApplication {
VOIP = 0;
AUDIO = 1;
message OpusEncoderConfig {
optional uint64 frame_duration = 1;
optional uint32 complexity = 2;
optional uint32 packetlossperc = 3;
optional bool useinbandfec = 4;
optional bool usedtx = 5;
optional OpusSignal signal = 6;
optional OpusApplication application = 7;
message ConfigureAudioEncoder {
// String describing codec (e.g. "opus")
optional string codec = 1;
optional uint32 sample_rate = 2;
optional uint32 number_of_channels = 3;
optional uint64 bitrate = 4;
optional AacEncoderConfig aac = 5;
optional OpusEncoderConfig opus = 6;
optional BitrateMode bitrate_mode = 7;
enum EncodedChunkType {
KEY = 0;
DELTA = 1;
message EncodedVideoChunk {
optional EncodedChunkType type = 1;
optional uint64 timestamp = 2;
optional uint64 duration = 3;
optional bytes data = 4;
message EncodedAudioChunk {
optional EncodedChunkType type = 1;
optional uint64 timestamp = 2;
optional uint64 duration = 3;
optional bytes data = 4;
// Mix of args to VideoFrame constructor.
message VideoFrameBitmapInit {
optional uint64 timestamp = 1;
optional uint64 duration = 2;
optional uint32 bitmap_width = 3;
optional bytes rgb_bitmap = 4;
enum AudioSampleFormat {
U8 = 0;
S16 = 1;
S32 = 2;
F32 = 3;
U8_PLANAR = 4;
S16_PLANAR = 5;
S32_PLANAR = 6;
F32_PLANAR = 7;
message AudioDataInit {
optional uint64 timestamp = 1;
optional uint32 length = 2;
optional uint32 sample_rate = 3;
repeated bytes channels = 4;
required AudioSampleFormat format = 5;
// Transfer ArrayBuffer into ctor
optional bool transfer = 6;
message EncodeVideo {
oneof Frames {
VideoFrameBitmapInit frame = 1;
VideoFrameBufferInitInvocation frame_from_buffer = 3;
message EncodeOptionsForAv1 {
optional uint32 quantizer = 1;
message EncodeOptionsForVp9 {
optional uint32 quantizer = 1;
message EncodeOptions {
optional bool key_frame = 1;
optional EncodeOptionsForAv1 av1 = 2;
optional EncodeOptionsForVp9 vp9 = 3;
optional EncodeOptions options = 2;
message EncodeAudio {
optional AudioDataInit data = 1;
message DecodeVideo {
optional EncodedVideoChunk chunk = 1;
message DecodeAudio {
optional EncodedAudioChunk chunk = 1;
message Flush {
optional bool wait_for_promise = 1;
message Reset {}
message Close {}
message VideoDecoderApiInvocation {
oneof Api {
ConfigureVideoDecoder configure = 1;
DecodeVideo decode = 2;
Flush flush = 3;
Reset reset = 4;
Close close = 5;
message VideoDecoderApiInvocationSequence {
repeated VideoDecoderApiInvocation invocations = 1;
message AudioDecoderApiInvocation {
oneof Api {
ConfigureAudioDecoder configure = 1;
DecodeAudio decode = 2;
Flush flush = 3;
Reset reset = 4;
Close close = 5;
message AudioDecoderApiInvocationSequence {
repeated AudioDecoderApiInvocation invocations = 1;
message VideoEncoderApiInvocation {
oneof Api {
ConfigureVideoEncoder configure = 1;
EncodeVideo encode = 2;
Flush flush = 3;
Reset reset = 4;
Close close = 5;
message VideoEncoderApiInvocationSequence {
repeated VideoEncoderApiInvocation invocations = 1;
message AudioEncoderApiInvocation {
oneof Api {
ConfigureAudioEncoder configure = 1;
EncodeAudio encode = 2;
Flush flush = 3;
Reset reset = 4;
Close close = 5;
message AudioEncoderApiInvocationSequence {
repeated AudioEncoderApiInvocation invocations = 1;
message DecodeImage {
optional uint32 frame_index = 1;
optional bool complete_frames_only = 2;
message DecodeMetadata {}
message SelectTrack {
required uint32 track_id = 1;
optional bool selected = 2 [default = true];
message ImageDecoderApiInvocation {
oneof Api {
DecodeImage decode_image = 1;
DecodeMetadata decode_metadata = 2 [deprecated = true];
SelectTrack select_track = 3;
message ImageBitmapOptions {
enum ImageOrientation {
FLIPY = 1;
enum PremultiplyAlpha {
enum ColorSpaceConversion {
CS_NONE = 0;
enum ResizeQuality {
LOW = 1;
HIGH = 3;
optional ImageOrientation image_orientation = 1;
optional PremultiplyAlpha premultiply_alpha = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional ColorSpaceConversion color_space_conversion = 3;
optional uint32 resize_width = 4;
optional uint32 resize_height = 5;
optional ResizeQuality resize_quality = 6;
message ConfigureImageDecoder {
required bytes data = 1;
required string type = 2;
optional ImageBitmapOptions options = 3;
optional bool prefer_animation = 4;
message ImageDecoderApiInvocationSequence {
required ConfigureImageDecoder config = 1;
repeated ImageDecoderApiInvocation invocations = 2;
message VideoFrameCopyToInvocation {
required AllowSharedBufferSource destination = 1;
optional VideoFrameCopyToOptions options = 2;
message VideoFrameCopyToCase {
// TODO(sandersd): Support other kinds of frames.
required VideoFrameBufferInitInvocation video_frame = 1;
// TODO(sandersd): Support multiple concurrent operations, optional waiting,
// close(), etc.
required VideoFrameCopyToInvocation copy_to = 2;
message AudioDataCopyToOptions {
required uint32 plane_index = 1;
optional uint32 frame_offset = 2;
optional uint32 frame_count = 3;
optional AudioSampleFormat format = 4;
message AudioDataCopyToInvocation {
required AllowSharedBufferSource destination = 1;
required AudioDataCopyToOptions options = 2;
message AudioDataCopyToCase {
required AudioDataInit audio_data = 1;
// TODO(chcunningham): Support multiple concurrent operations, optional
// waiting, close(), etc.
required AudioDataCopyToInvocation copy_to = 2;