
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


// An ImageDecoder decodes images.
] interface ImageDecoder {
  [CallWith=ScriptState, RaisesException, MeasureAs=WebCodecsImageDecoder] constructor(ImageDecoderInit init);

  // Returns true if ImageDecoder supports decoding of the given mime type.
  static Promise<boolean> isTypeSupported(DOMString type);

  // Decodes a frame using the given |options| or the first frame if no options
  // are provided. If data is still being received, the promise won't be
  // resolved or rejected until the given |options.frameIndex| is available,
  // all data is received, or a decoding error occurs.
  Promise<ImageDecodeResult> decode(optional ImageDecodeOptions options);

  // Aborts all pending metadata and decode promises.
  void reset();

  // Immediately shut down the decoder and free its resources. All pending
  // decode requests are aborted.
  // Not recoverable: make a new ImageDecoder if needed.
  void close();

  // The mime type for the decoded image. This reflects the value provided
  // during construction.
  readonly attribute DOMString type;

  // True if all available data has been received by the decoder. Always true
  // when an ArrayBuffer is provided at construction. False for ReadableStream
  // usage
  readonly attribute boolean complete;

  // Property-based promise for signaling that all data has been received.
  [CallWith=ScriptState] readonly attribute Promise<undefined> completed;

  // List of tracks available in this image.
  // When decoding a ReadableStream the array will be empty until enough data to
  // decode metadata has been received.
  [SameObject] readonly attribute ImageTrackList tracks;