// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.password_manager;
import androidx.annotation.IdRes;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.ui.modaldialog.ModalDialogManager;
/** Class containing all data that customizes the contents displayed in the dialog. */
public class PasswordManagerDialogContents {
private final String mTitle;
private final String mDetails;
private final String mPrimaryButtonText;
private final @Nullable String mSecondaryButtonText;
private final @IdRes int mIllustrationId;
private final Callback<Integer> mButtonClickCallback;
private boolean mPrimaryButtonFilled;
private @Nullable Runnable mHelpButtonCallback;
private @ModalDialogManager.ModalDialogType int mDialogType;
* Constructor for the dialog contents.
* @param title The title of the dialog, to be displayed below the
* image.
* @param details The details text to be displayed under the title.
* @param illustrationId The resource id of the image displayed above the
* title.
* @param primaryButtonText The text of the primary button.
* @param secondaryButtonText The text of the secondary button or null if there
* shouldn't be a secondary button.
* @param buttonClickCallback The callback handling the click on the buttons. It
* takes the type of the button as a parameter.
public PasswordManagerDialogContents(
String title,
String details,
int illustrationId,
String primaryButtonText,
@Nullable String secondaryButtonText,
Callback<Integer> buttonClickCallback) {
mTitle = title;
mDetails = details;
mPrimaryButtonText = primaryButtonText;
mSecondaryButtonText = secondaryButtonText;
mIllustrationId = illustrationId;
mButtonClickCallback = buttonClickCallback;
mPrimaryButtonFilled = false;
mHelpButtonCallback = null;
mDialogType = ModalDialogManager.ModalDialogType.APP;
/** Sets whether or not the primary button should be displayed as filled. */
public void setPrimaryButtonFilled(boolean primaryButtonFilled) {
mPrimaryButtonFilled = primaryButtonFilled;
* Sets a callback to be invoked when the help button is clicked. If left null, no help button
* will be displayed.
public void setHelpButtonCallback(Runnable helpButtonCallback) {
mHelpButtonCallback = helpButtonCallback;
/** Sets type of the modal dialog to be displayed: app or tab modal. */
public void setDialogType(@ModalDialogManager.ModalDialogType int type) {
mDialogType = type;
/** Returns the title of the dialog. It is also used as content description. */
public String getTitle() {
return mTitle;
/** Returns the details to be displayed in the dialog under the title. */
public String getDetails() {
return mDetails;
/** Returns the text displayed in the primary button. */
public String getPrimaryButtonText() {
return mPrimaryButtonText;
* Returns the text displayed in the secondary button or null if the dialog has only one button.
public @Nullable String getSecondaryButtonText() {
return mSecondaryButtonText;
/** The resource id of the image displayed above the title. */
public @IdRes int getIllustrationId() {
return mIllustrationId;
* The callback invoked when either of the two dialog buttons is clicked.
* @return A {@link Callback} taking an {@link Integer} as a parameter which represents which
* button was clicked.
public Callback getButtonClickCallback() {
return mButtonClickCallback;
/** Whether the primary button should be displayed as filled or not. */
public boolean isPrimaryButtonFilled() {
return mPrimaryButtonFilled;
* Returns the callback handling the click on the help icon or null if no help icon should be
* displayed.
public @Nullable Runnable getHelpButtonCallback() {
return mHelpButtonCallback;
/** The type of the dialog: app modal or tab modal. */
public @ModalDialogManager.ModalDialogType int getDialogType() {
return mDialogType;