
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


enum GPUCanvasAlphaMode {

enum GPUCanvasToneMappingMode {

dictionary GPUCanvasToneMapping {
  GPUCanvasToneMappingMode mode = "standard";

dictionary GPUCanvasConfiguration {
    required GPUDevice device;
    required GPUTextureFormat format;
    GPUTextureUsageFlags usage = 16;  // GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT
    sequence<GPUTextureFormat> viewFormats = [];
    PredefinedColorSpace colorSpace = "srgb";
    GPUCanvasAlphaMode alphaMode = "opaque";
    [RuntimeEnabled=WebGPUHDR] GPUCanvasToneMapping toneMapping = {};
    // TODO( Remove support for this older version
    // of the API once the new API lands.
    [RuntimeEnabled=CanvasHDR] CanvasHighDynamicRangeOptions hdrOptions;