## Web Share - Permitted File Extensions in Chromium
The following list should be kept in sync with
- //chrome/browser/webshare/share_service_impl.cc
- //components/browser_ui/webshare/android/java/src/org/chromium/components/browser_ui/webshare/ShareServiceImpl.java
# Application
"pdf" - application/pdf
# Audio
"flac" - audio/flac
"m4a" - audio/x-m4a
"mp3" - audio/mpeg audio/mp3
"oga" - audio/ogg
"ogg" - audio/ogg
"opus" - audio/ogg
"wav" - audio/wav
"weba" - audio/webm
# Image
"avif" - image/avif
"bmp" - image/bmp
"gif" - image/gif
"ico" - image/x-icon
"jfif" - image/jpeg
"jpeg" - image/jpeg
"jpg" - image/jpeg
"pjp" - image/jpeg
"pjpeg" - image/jpeg
"png" - image/png
"svg" - image/svg+xml
"svgz" - image/svg+xml
"tif" - image/tiff
"tiff" - image/tiff
"webp" - image/webp
"xbm" - image/x-xbitmap
# Text
"css" - text/css
"csv" - text/csv
"ehtml" - text/html
"htm" - text/html
"html" - text/html
"shtm" - text/html
"shtml" - text/html
"text" - text/plain
"txt" - text/plain
# Video
"m4v" - video/mp4
"mp4" - video/mp4
"mpeg" - video/mpeg
"mpg" - video/mpeg
"ogm" - video/ogg
"ogv" - video/ogg
"webm" - video/webm