
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace blink {

// DOMException uses |unsigned short| for exception codes.
// In our DOM implementation we use |int| instead, and use different numerical
// ranges for different types of exceptions (not limited to DOMException), so
// that an exception of any type can be expressed with a single integer.
// Zero value in ExceptionCode means no exception being thrown.

// DOMException's error code
enum class DOMExceptionCode : ExceptionCode {};

inline bool IsDOMExceptionCode(ExceptionCode exception_code) {}

// Exception codes that correspond to ECMAScript Error objects and
// other errors derived from ECMAScript's NativeError class like
// WebAssembly errors.
enum class ESErrorType : ExceptionCode {};

// Exception codes used only inside ExceptionState implementation.
enum class InternalExceptionType : ExceptionCode {};

// Upcast from DOMExceptionCode to ExceptionCode as ExceptionCode is considered
// as an union of DOMExceptionCode and ESErrorType.
// Downcast should be performed with explicit static_cast with a range check.
inline ExceptionCode ToExceptionCode(DOMExceptionCode exception_code) {}

// Upcast from ESErrorType to ExceptionCode as ExceptionCode is considered
// as an union of DOMExceptionCode and ESErrorType.
// Downcast should be performed with explicit static_cast with a range check.
inline ExceptionCode ToExceptionCode(ESErrorType exception_code) {}

}  // namespace blink