// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.status_indicator;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewStub;
import androidx.annotation.ColorInt;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.Supplier;
import org.chromium.chrome.R;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.browser_controls.BrowserControlsStateProvider;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.TabObscuringHandler;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.widget.ViewResourceFrameLayout;
import org.chromium.ui.base.ViewUtils;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModelChangeProcessor;
import org.chromium.ui.resources.ResourceManager;
import org.chromium.ui.resources.dynamics.ViewResourceAdapter;
* The coordinator for a status indicator that is positioned below the status bar and is persistent.
* Typically used to relay status, e.g. indicate user is offline.
public class StatusIndicatorCoordinator {
/** An observer that will be notified of the changes to the status indicator, e.g. height. */
public interface StatusIndicatorObserver {
* Called when the height of the status indicator changes.
* @param newHeight The new height in pixels.
default void onStatusIndicatorHeightChanged(int newHeight) {}
* Called when the background color of the status indicator changes.
* @param newColor The new color as {@link ColorInt}.
default void onStatusIndicatorColorChanged(@ColorInt int newColor) {}
/** Called when the "show" animation of the status indicator completes. */
default void onStatusIndicatorShowAnimationEnd() {}
private StatusIndicatorMediator mMediator;
private StatusIndicatorSceneLayer mSceneLayer;
private boolean mIsShowing;
private Runnable mRemoveOnLayoutChangeListener;
private int mResourceId;
private ViewResourceAdapter mResourceAdapter;
private ResourceManager mResourceManager;
private boolean mResourceRegistered;
private Activity mActivity;
private Callback<Runnable> mRequestRender;
private boolean mInitialized;
* Constructs the status indicator.
* @param activity The {@link Activity} to find and inflate the status indicator view.
* @param resourceManager The {@link ResourceManager} for the status indicator's cc layer.
* @param browserControlsStateProvider The {@link BrowserControlsStateProvider} to listen to
* for the changes in controls offsets.
* @param tabObscuringHandler Delegate object handling obscuring views.
* @param statusBarColorWithoutStatusIndicatorSupplier A supplier that will get the status bar
* color without taking the status indicator
* into account.
* @param canAnimateNativeBrowserControls Will supply a boolean meaning whether the native
* browser controls can be animated. This will be false
* where we can't have a reliable cc::BCOM instance, e.g.
* tab switcher.
* @param requestRender Runnable to request a render when the cc-layer needs to be updated.
public StatusIndicatorCoordinator(
Activity activity,
ResourceManager resourceManager,
BrowserControlsStateProvider browserControlsStateProvider,
TabObscuringHandler tabObscuringHandler,
Supplier<Integer> statusBarColorWithoutStatusIndicatorSupplier,
Supplier<Boolean> canAnimateNativeBrowserControls,
Callback<Runnable> requestRender) {
mActivity = activity;
mResourceManager = resourceManager;
mRequestRender = requestRender;
mSceneLayer = new StatusIndicatorSceneLayer(browserControlsStateProvider);
mMediator =
new StatusIndicatorMediator(
public void destroy() {
if (mInitialized) mRemoveOnLayoutChangeListener.run();
if (mResourceRegistered) unregisterResource();
* Show the status indicator with the initial properties with animations.
* @param statusText The status string that will be visible on the status indicator.
* @param statusIcon The icon {@link Drawable} that will appear next to the status text.
* @param backgroundColor The background color for the status indicator and the status bar.
* @param textColor Status text color.
* @param iconTint Status icon tint.
public void show(
@NonNull String statusText,
Drawable statusIcon,
@ColorInt int backgroundColor,
@ColorInt int textColor,
@ColorInt int iconTint) {
// TODO(crbug.com/40130539): We should make sure #show, #hide, and #updateContent can't be
// called at the wrong time, or the call is ignored with a way to communicate this to the
// caller, e.g. returning a boolean.
if (mIsShowing) return;
mIsShowing = true;
if (!mInitialized) initialize();
mMediator.animateShow(statusText, statusIcon, backgroundColor, textColor, iconTint);
* Update the status indicator text, icon and colors with animations. All of the properties will
* be animated even if only one property changes. Support to animate a single property may be
* added in the future if needed.
* @param statusText The string that will replace the current text.
* @param statusIcon The icon that will replace the current icon.
* @param backgroundColor The color that will replace the status indicator background color.
* @param textColor The new text color to fit the new background.
* @param iconTint The new icon tint to fit the background.
* @param animationCompleteCallback The callback that will be run once the animations end.
public void updateContent(
@NonNull String statusText,
Drawable statusIcon,
@ColorInt int backgroundColor,
@ColorInt int textColor,
@ColorInt int iconTint,
Runnable animationCompleteCallback) {
if (!mIsShowing) return;
/** Hide the status indicator with animations. */
public void hide() {
if (!mIsShowing) return;
mIsShowing = false;
public void addObserver(StatusIndicatorObserver observer) {
public void removeObserver(StatusIndicatorObserver observer) {
* @return The {@link StatusIndicatorSceneLayer}.
public StatusIndicatorSceneLayer getSceneLayer() {
return mSceneLayer;
/** @return The class of the {@link SceneOverlay} owned by this coordinator. */
public static Class getSceneOverlayClass() {
return StatusIndicatorSceneLayer.class;
private void initialize() {
final ViewStub stub = mActivity.findViewById(R.id.status_indicator_stub);
final ViewResourceFrameLayout root = (ViewResourceFrameLayout) stub.inflate();
mResourceId = root.getId();
mResourceAdapter = root.getResourceAdapter();
Callback<Runnable> invalidateCompositorView =
callback -> {
PropertyModel model =
new PropertyModel.Builder(StatusIndicatorProperties.ALL_KEYS)
.with(StatusIndicatorProperties.ANDROID_VIEW_VISIBILITY, View.GONE)
.with(StatusIndicatorProperties.COMPOSITED_VIEW_VISIBLE, false)
new StatusIndicatorViewBinder.ViewHolder(root, mSceneLayer),
() -> {
ViewUtils.requestLayout(root, "StatusIndicatorCoordinator.initialize Runnable");
mRemoveOnLayoutChangeListener = () -> root.removeOnLayoutChangeListener(mMediator);
mInitialized = true;
private void registerResource() {
if (mResourceRegistered) return;
mResourceManager.getDynamicResourceLoader().registerResource(mResourceId, mResourceAdapter);
mResourceRegistered = true;
private void unregisterResource() {
if (!mResourceRegistered) return;
mResourceRegistered = false;
StatusIndicatorMediator getMediatorForTesting() {
return mMediator;