// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.suggestions;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabList;
import org.chromium.components.embedder_support.util.UrlConstants;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* Heuristically scores the similarity between a "key" URL with one or more "candidate" URLs. The
* main use is to find the best match among "candidate" URLs from a TabList.
public class UrlSimilarityScorer {
/** Return value for findTabWithMostSimilarUrl(). */
static class MatchResult {
public final int index;
public final int score;
public MatchResult(int index, int score) {
this.index = index;
this.score = score;
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values
// should never be reused.
// Information on the tile clicked by the user. The values must be consistent with
// MvtReselectUrlMatchResult in enums.xml.
@interface MvtReselectUrlMatchResult {
int NONE = 0;
int EXACT = 1;
int PARTIAL = 2;
int NUM_ENTRIES = 3;
private static final String HISTOGRAM_MATCH_PREFIX = "NewTabPage.MostVisited.ReselectMatch.";
private static final String HISTOGRAM_ARM_LAX_UP_TO_PATH = "LaxUpToPath";
private static final String HISTOGRAM_ARM_LAX_UP_TO_QUERY = "LaxUpToQuery";
private static final String HISTOGRAM_ARM_LAX_UP_TO_REF = "LaxUpToRef";
private static final String HISTOGRAM_ARM_STRICT = "Strict";
// Value for candidate URL rejection, set to negative since match scores are non-negative.
public static final int MISMATCHED = -1;
// Exact matches beat all, and so is assigned maximal value.
public static final int EXACT = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public static final int PATH_MATCH_MAX_SCORE = 99;
public static final int SCORE_PATH_MATCH_MULTIPLIER = 10;
public static final int SCORE_QUERY_MATCH = 2;
public static final int SCORE_REF_MATCH = 1;
// These are the same ones used in VisitSegmentDatabase::ComputeSegmentName().
private static Set<String> sDiscardableHostPrefixes =
new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("www", "m", "mobile", "touch"));
private final GURL mKeyUrl;
// Match parameters, ordered so intended usage would specify "true" before "false".
private final boolean mLaxSchemeHost;
private final boolean mLaxRef;
private final boolean mLaxQuery;
private final boolean mLaxPath;
// Cached parts of {@link mKeyUrl}, following standard order within a URL.
private final Set<String> mCompatibleSchemes;
private final String mProcessedKeyHost;
private final String mKeyPort;
private final String mProcessedKeyPath;
private final String mKeyQuery;
private final String mKeyRef;
* @param keyUrl URL to be compare against.
* @param laxSchemeHost Whether scheme differences (identical or http -> https) and / or host
* differences (canonicalized) are allowed.
* @param laxRef Whether #ref difference are allowed.
* @param laxQuery Whether ?query difference are allowed.
* @param laxPath Whether /path difference (limited to drill-down matches) are allowed.
public UrlSimilarityScorer(
GURL keyUrl, boolean laxSchemeHost, boolean laxRef, boolean laxQuery, boolean laxPath) {
mKeyUrl = keyUrl;
mLaxSchemeHost = laxSchemeHost;
mLaxRef = laxRef;
mLaxQuery = laxQuery;
mLaxPath = laxPath;
mCompatibleSchemes = new HashSet<String>();
String keyScheme = mKeyUrl.getScheme();
if (laxSchemeHost && keyScheme.contentEquals(UrlConstants.HTTP_SCHEME)) {
// Special case: Allow key scheme "http" to match candidate scheme "https", i.e.,
// enter security boundary.
mProcessedKeyHost =
mLaxSchemeHost ? canonicalizeHost(mKeyUrl.getHost()) : mKeyUrl.getHost();
mKeyPort = mKeyUrl.getPort();
// If lax /path match, ensure /path used begin and end with "/" to erase the distinction
// between directory and files, and simplify comparison.
mProcessedKeyPath = mLaxPath ? ensureSlashSentinel(mKeyUrl.getPath()) : mKeyUrl.getPath();
mKeyQuery = mKeyUrl.getQuery();
mKeyRef = mKeyUrl.getRef();
* Removes frequently seen parts of a URL host string, e.g., "www." to eliminate superficial
* differences during matching.
static String canonicalizeHost(String host) {
String buf = host.toLowerCase();
int head = 0;
while (true) {
int dotPos = buf.indexOf(".", head);
if (dotPos < 0) {
String prefix = buf.substring(head, dotPos);
if (!sDiscardableHostPrefixes.contains(prefix)) {
head = dotPos + 1;
return buf.substring(head).toString();
/** Returns potentially modified {@param path} that starts with and ends with "/". */
static String ensureSlashSentinel(String path) {
boolean hasLeading = path.startsWith("/");
boolean hasTrailing = path.endsWith("/");
if (hasLeading && hasTrailing) return path;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (!hasLeading) {
if (!hasTrailing && !path.isEmpty()) {
return builder.toString();
* Determines whether {@param ancestorPath} is a (non-strict) ancestor of {@param path}. If so,
* returns the latter's relative depth, with 0 being identical. Otherwise returns null. Both
* paths must begin and end with "/".
static Integer getPathAncestralDepth(String ancestorPath, String path) {
assert ancestorPath.startsWith("/") && ancestorPath.endsWith("/");
assert path.startsWith("/") && path.endsWith("/");
if (!path.startsWith(ancestorPath)) return null;
int commonLength = ancestorPath.length();
if (path.length() == commonLength) return 0;
int depth = 0;
int end = path.length();
for (int i = commonLength; i < end; ++i) {
if (path.charAt(i) == '/') {
return depth;
/** Computes the similarity score of {@param candidateUrl}. */
public int scoreSimilarity(GURL candidateUrl) {
if (candidateUrl.equals(mKeyUrl)) {
return EXACT;
// Port difference (e.g., example.com:443 vs. example.com:8000) is MISMATCHED to support
// common usage. Scheme compatibility is determined by lookup, and is MISMATCHED on failure.
if (!candidateUrl.getPort().contentEquals(mKeyPort)
|| !mCompatibleSchemes.contains(candidateUrl.getScheme())) {
String host =
mLaxSchemeHost ? canonicalizeHost(candidateUrl.getHost()) : candidateUrl.getHost();
if (!host.contentEquals(mProcessedKeyHost)) {
int score = 0;
if (candidateUrl.getQuery().contentEquals(mKeyQuery)) {
} else if (!mLaxQuery) {
if (candidateUrl.getRef().contentEquals(mKeyRef)) {
} else if (!mLaxRef) {
int pathScore = PATH_MATCH_MAX_SCORE;
if (mLaxPath) {
String modifiedCandidatePath = ensureSlashSentinel(candidateUrl.getPath());
Integer depth = getPathAncestralDepth(mProcessedKeyPath, modifiedCandidatePath);
// Drill-down match: Require "key" /path to be equal to or an ancestor of "candidate"
// /path. Decrease /path score by 1 for each level of depth, until 1 is reached.
if (depth == null) {
pathScore = Math.max(1, pathScore - depth.intValue());
} else if (!mProcessedKeyPath.contentEquals(candidateUrl.getPath())) {
return score;
* Finds the tab in {@param tabList} whose URL attains the highest similarity score, taking the
* first if a tie exists, and returns the result.
public MatchResult findTabWithMostSimilarUrl(TabList tabList) {
int bestIndex = TabList.INVALID_TAB_INDEX;
int bestScore = MISMATCHED;
int count = tabList.getCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
int score = scoreSimilarity(tabList.getTabAt(i).getUrl());
if (score != MISMATCHED && bestScore < score) {
bestScore = score;
bestIndex = i;
// Early-exit on finding identical match.
if (bestScore == EXACT) break;
return new MatchResult(bestIndex, bestScore);
* Returns the suffix string to compute histogram name, based on lax match configurations.
* Returns null if the configuration is unrecognized for logging.
public @Nullable String getHistogramStrictnessSuffix() {
if (!mLaxSchemeHost) {
return !mLaxRef && !mLaxQuery && !mLaxPath ? HISTOGRAM_ARM_STRICT : null;
if (!mLaxRef) return null;
if (!mLaxQuery) return mLaxPath ? null : HISTOGRAM_ARM_LAX_UP_TO_REF;
* Records histograms for the given {@param matchResult}, which is assumed to be generated by
* this class instance (whose configs are used to find the right histogram suffix).
public void recordMatchResult(MatchResult matchResult) {
String suffix = getHistogramStrictnessSuffix();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(suffix)) return;
int scoreToMvtReselectUrlMatchResult(int score) {
if (score == MISMATCHED) return MvtReselectUrlMatchResult.NONE;
if (score == EXACT) return MvtReselectUrlMatchResult.EXACT;
return MvtReselectUrlMatchResult.PARTIAL;