// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.base.UserData;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabModelSelector;
import org.chromium.net.NetError;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
* Centralizes UMA data collection for Tab management.
* This will drive our memory optimization efforts, specially tab restoring and
* eviction.
* All calls must be made from the UI thread.
public class TabUma extends EmptyTabObserver implements UserData {
private static final Class<TabUma> USER_DATA_KEY = TabUma.class;
// TabStatus defined in tools/metrics/histograms/histograms.xml.
static final int TAB_STATUS_MEMORY_RESIDENT = 0;
static final int TAB_STATUS_RELOAD_EVICTED = 1;
static final int TAB_STATUS_RELOAD_COLD_START_FG = 6;
static final int TAB_STATUS_RELOAD_COLD_START_BG = 7;
static final int TAB_STATUS_LAZY_LOAD_FOR_BG_TAB = 8;
static final int TAB_STATUS_LIM = 9;
// TAB_STATE_* are for TabStateTransferTime and TabTransferTarget histograms.
// TabState defined in tools/metrics/histograms/histograms.xml.
private static final int TAB_STATE_INITIAL = 0;
private static final int TAB_STATE_ACTIVE = 1;
private static final int TAB_STATE_INACTIVE = 2;
private static final int TAB_STATE_CLOSED = 4;
// Counter of tab shows (as per onShow()) for all tabs.
private static long sAllTabsShowCount;
private @TabCreationState int mTabCreationState;
// Timestamp when this tab was last shown.
private long mLastShownTimestamp = -1;
// Timestamp of the beginning of the current tab restore.
private long mRestoreStartedAtMillis = -1;
private long mLastTabStateChangeMillis = -1;
private int mLastTabState = TAB_STATE_INITIAL;
* Creates {@link TabUma} instance optionally. Creates one only when tab creation type
* is non-null.
static void createForTab(Tab tab) {
assert tab.getUserDataHost().getUserData(USER_DATA_KEY) == null;
@TabCreationState Integer creationState = ((TabImpl) tab).getCreationState();
if (creationState != null) {
tab.getUserDataHost().setUserData(USER_DATA_KEY, new TabUma(tab, creationState));
* Constructs a new UMA tracker for a specific tab.
* @param tab Tab this UMA tracker is created for.
* @param creationState In what state the tab was created.
private TabUma(Tab tab, @TabCreationState int creationState) {
mLastTabStateChangeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
mTabCreationState = creationState;
switch (mTabCreationState) {
case TabCreationState.LIVE_IN_FOREGROUND:
case TabCreationState.LIVE_IN_BACKGROUND: // Fall through
case TabCreationState.FROZEN_ON_RESTORE: // Fall through
case TabCreationState.FROZEN_FOR_LAZY_LOAD:
* Records the tab restore result into several UMA histograms.
* @param perceivedTime The perceived time taken to perform the tab restore.
* @param errorCode The error code, NetError.OK on success.
private void recordTabRestoreResult(long perceivedTime, @NetError int errorCode) {
if (errorCode == NetError.OK) {
RecordHistogram.recordCount1MHistogram("Tab.PerceivedRestoreTime", (int) perceivedTime);
* Updates saved TabState and its timestamp.
* @param newState New state of the tab.
private void updateTabState(int newState) {
if (mLastTabState == newState) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
mLastTabStateChangeMillis = now;
mLastTabState = newState;
// TabObserver
public void onShown(Tab tab, @TabSelectionType int selectionType) {
long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
// Do not collect the tab switching data for the first switch to a tab after the cold start
// and for the tab switches that were not user-originated (e.g. the user closes the last
// incognito tab and the current normal mode tab is shown).
if (mLastShownTimestamp != -1 && selectionType == TabSelectionType.FROM_USER) {
long age = now - mLastShownTimestamp;
RecordHistogram.recordCount1MHistogram("Tab.SwitchedToForegroundAge", (int) age);
boolean isOnBrowserStartup = sAllTabsShowCount == 1;
boolean performsLazyLoad =
mTabCreationState == TabCreationState.FROZEN_FOR_LAZY_LOAD
&& mLastShownTimestamp == -1;
int status;
if (mRestoreStartedAtMillis == -1 && !performsLazyLoad) {
// The tab is *not* being restored or loaded lazily on first display.
} else if (mLastShownTimestamp == -1) {
// This is first display and the tab is being restored or loaded lazily.
if (isOnBrowserStartup) {
} else if (mTabCreationState == TabCreationState.FROZEN_ON_RESTORE) {
} else if (mTabCreationState == TabCreationState.FROZEN_FOR_LAZY_LOAD) {
} else {
assert mTabCreationState == TabCreationState.LIVE_IN_FOREGROUND
|| mTabCreationState == TabCreationState.LIVE_IN_BACKGROUND;
} else {
// The tab is being restored and this is *not* the first time the tab is shown.
// Record only user-visible switches to existing tabs. Do not record displays of newly
// created tabs (FROM_NEW) or selections of the previous tab that happen when we close the
// tab opened from intent while exiting Chrome (FROM_CLOSE).
if (selectionType == TabSelectionType.FROM_USER) {
"Tab.StatusWhenSwitchedBackToForeground", status, TAB_STATUS_LIM);
mLastShownTimestamp = now;
private static TabModelSelector getTabModelSelector(Tab tab) {
TabImpl tabImpl = (TabImpl) tab;
return tabImpl.getActivity().getTabModelSelector();
public void onHidden(Tab tab, @TabHidingType int type) {
if (type != TabHidingType.ACTIVITY_HIDDEN) {
public void onDestroyed(Tab tab) {
public void onRestoreStarted(Tab tab) {
mRestoreStartedAtMillis = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
public void onRestoreFailed(Tab tab) {
assert mRestoreStartedAtMillis == -1;
if (mLastTabState == TAB_STATE_ACTIVE) {
mTabCreationState = TabCreationState.LIVE_IN_FOREGROUND;
} else {
mTabCreationState = TabCreationState.LIVE_IN_BACKGROUND;
/** Called when the corresponding tab completes a page load. */
public void onPageLoadFinished(Tab tab, GURL url) {
// Record only tab restores that the user became aware of. If the restore is triggered
// speculatively and completes before the user switches to the tab, then this case is
// reflected in Tab.StatusWhenSwitchedBackToForeground metric.
if (mRestoreStartedAtMillis != -1 && mLastShownTimestamp >= mRestoreStartedAtMillis) {
long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
long perceivedRestoreTime = now - mLastShownTimestamp;
recordTabRestoreResult(perceivedRestoreTime, NetError.OK);
mRestoreStartedAtMillis = -1;
/** Called when the corresponding tab fails a page load. */
public void onPageLoadFailed(Tab tab, @NetError int errorCode) {
if (mRestoreStartedAtMillis != -1 && mLastShownTimestamp >= mRestoreStartedAtMillis) {
// Load time is ignored for failed loads.
assert errorCode != NetError.OK;
recordTabRestoreResult(-1, errorCode);
mRestoreStartedAtMillis = -1;
/** Called when the renderer of the corresponding tab crashes. */
public void onCrash(Tab tab) {
mRestoreStartedAtMillis = -1;
public void onActivityAttachmentChanged(Tab tab, @Nullable WindowAndroid window) {
// Intentionally do nothing to prevent automatic observer removal on detachment.
private static void increaseTabShowCount() {