// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.flags.ActivityType;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.Profile;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.Tab;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.TabSelectionType;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab_ui.TabContentManager;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.NextTabPolicy.NextTabPolicySupplier;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
/** {@link TabModelSelector} for archived tabs. Must be instantiated and used on the UI thread. */
public class ArchivedTabModelSelectorImpl extends TabModelSelectorBase implements TabModelDelegate {
/** Flag set to false when the asynchronous loading of tabs is finished. */
private final AtomicBoolean mSessionRestoreCompleted = new AtomicBoolean(true);
private final Profile mProfile;
private final TabModelOrderController mOrderController;
private final NextTabPolicySupplier mNextTabPolicySupplier;
private final AsyncTabParamsManager mAsyncTabParamsManager;
private TabContentManager mTabContentManager;
* Builds a {@link ArchivedTabModelSelectorImpl} instance.
* @param profile The {@link Profile} used.
* @param tabCreatorManager A {@link TabCreatorManager} instance.
* @param tabModelFilterFactory The factory for setting up {@link TabModelFilter}s.
* @param nextTabPolicySupplier A policy for next tab selection.
* @param asyncTabParamsManager Manager of async params for reparenting.
public ArchivedTabModelSelectorImpl(
Profile profile,
TabCreatorManager tabCreatorManager,
TabModelFilterFactory tabModelFilterFactory,
NextTabPolicySupplier nextTabPolicySupplier,
AsyncTabParamsManager asyncTabParamsManager) {
super(tabCreatorManager, tabModelFilterFactory, /* startIncognito= */ false);
mProfile = profile;
mOrderController = new TabModelOrderControllerImpl(this);
mNextTabPolicySupplier = nextTabPolicySupplier;
mAsyncTabParamsManager = asyncTabParamsManager;
public void markTabStateInitialized() {
if (!mSessionRestoreCompleted.getAndSet(false)) return;
// This is the first time we set
// |mSessionRestoreCompleted|, so we need to broadcast.
TabModelImpl model = (TabModelImpl) getModel(false);
* Should be called once the native library is loaded so that the actual internals of this class
* can be initialized.
* @param tabContentProvider A {@link TabContentManager} instance.
public void onNativeLibraryReady(TabContentManager tabContentProvider) {
assert mTabContentManager == null : "onNativeLibraryReady called twice!";
TabCreator tabCreator = getTabCreatorManager().getTabCreator(false);
// TODO(crbug.com/331688951): Consider using a custom TabModel.
TabModelImpl normalModel =
new TabModelImpl(
/* incognitoTabCreator= */ null,
/* supportUndo= */ true,
/* isArchivedTabModel= */ true) {
public int index() {
// Intentional noop.
public void setIndex(int i, final @TabSelectionType int type) {
// Intentional noop.
public Tab getNextTabIfClosed(int id, boolean uponExit) {
return null;
((ArchivedTabCreator) tabCreator).setTabModel(normalModel);
EmptyTabModel.getInstance(/* isIncognito= */ true));
void onNativeLibraryReadyInternal(
TabContentManager tabContentProvider,
TabModel normalModel,
IncognitoTabModel incognitoModel) {
mTabContentManager = tabContentProvider;
initialize(normalModel, incognitoModel);
new TabModelSelectorTabObserver(this) {
public void onPageLoadStarted(Tab tab, GURL url) {
assert false : "Tabs in the archived tab model should not be navigated.";
public void onActivityAttachmentChanged(Tab tab, @Nullable WindowAndroid window) {
if (window == null && !isReparentingInProgress()) {
public void openMostRecentlyClosedEntry(TabModel tabModel) {
assert false : "Not reached.";
* Exposed to allow tests to initialize the selector with different tab models.
* @param normalModel The normal tab model.
* @param incognitoModel The incognito tab model.
public void initializeForTesting(TabModel normalModel, IncognitoTabModel incognitoModel) {
initialize(normalModel, incognitoModel);
public void selectModel(boolean incognito) {
assert !incognito : "The archived tab model selector has no incognito mode.";
assert !getCurrentModel().isIncognito()
: "The incognito model of the archived tab model selector was selected.";
// Intentional no-op.
public void requestToShowTab(Tab tab, @TabSelectionType int type) {
// Intentional noop.
private void cacheTabBitmap(Tab tabToCache) {
// Intentional noop.
public boolean isSessionRestoreInProgress() {
return mSessionRestoreCompleted.get();