// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.flags.ActivityType;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.ProfileProvider;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab_ui.TabContentManager;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.IncognitoTabModelImpl.IncognitoTabModelDelegate;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.NextTabPolicy.NextTabPolicySupplier;
/** Stores all the variables needed to create an Incognito TabModelImpl when it is needed. */
class IncognitoTabModelImplCreator implements IncognitoTabModelDelegate {
private final ProfileProvider mProfileProvider;
private final TabCreator mRegularTabCreator;
private final TabCreator mIncognitoTabCreator;
private final TabModelOrderController mOrderController;
private final TabContentManager mTabContentManager;
private final NextTabPolicySupplier mNextTabPolicySupplier;
private final AsyncTabParamsManager mAsyncTabParamsManager;
private final TabModelDelegate mModelDelegate;
private final @ActivityType int mActivityType;
* Constructor for an IncognitoTabModelImplCreator, used by {@link IncognitoTabModelImpl}.
* <p>Creating an instance of this class does not create the Incognito TabModelImpl immediately.
* The {@link IncognitoTabModelImpl} will use this class to create the real TabModelImpl when it
* will actually be used.
* @param profileProvider Provides access to the necessary Profiles for this model.
* @param regularTabCreator Creates regular tabs.
* @param incognitoTabCreator Creates incognito tabs.
* @param orderController Determines the order for inserting new Tabs.
* @param tabContentManager Manages the display content of the tab.
* @param nextTabPolicySupplier Supplies the policy to pick a next tab if the current is closed
* @param asyncTabParamsManager An {@link AsyncTabParamsManager} instance.
* @param activityType Type of the activity for the tab model.
* @param modelDelegate Delegate to handle external dependencies and interactions.
ProfileProvider profileProvider,
TabCreator regularTabCreator,
TabCreator incognitoTabCreator,
TabModelOrderController orderController,
TabContentManager tabContentManager,
NextTabPolicySupplier nextTabPolicySupplier,
AsyncTabParamsManager asyncTabParamsManager,
@ActivityType int activityType,
TabModelDelegate modelDelegate) {
mProfileProvider = profileProvider;
mRegularTabCreator = regularTabCreator;
mIncognitoTabCreator = incognitoTabCreator;
mOrderController = orderController;
mTabContentManager = tabContentManager;
mNextTabPolicySupplier = nextTabPolicySupplier;
mAsyncTabParamsManager = asyncTabParamsManager;
mActivityType = activityType;
mModelDelegate = modelDelegate;
public TabModel createTabModel() {
return new TabModelImpl(
/* supportUndo= */ false,
/* isArchivedTabModel= */ false);