// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.usage_stats;
import org.chromium.base.Promise;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Client for interacting with the Digital Wellbeing(DW) app on Android.
* This implementation is inert; the implementation is downstream.
* All methods are async, since completing a request to DW requires binding to a service, which is
* an async process in Android.
public class DigitalWellbeingClient {
* Notify that the user's opt in state for sharing data with Digital Wellbeing has changed to
* be <c>optInState</c>
public Promise<Void> notifyOptInStateChange(boolean optInState) {
return Promise.fulfilled(null);
* Notify DW that the user has deleted history in the range [start, end), so it should delete
* any Chrome-originating records in the same range.
public Promise<Void> notifyHistoryDeletion(long startTimeMs, long endTimeMs) {
return Promise.fulfilled(null);
/** Notify DW that the user has deleted history for the given fqdns. */
public Promise<Void> notifyHistoryDeletion(List<String> fqdns) {
return Promise.fulfilled(null);
* Notify DW that the user has deleted all history, so it should delete all Chrome-originating
* records.
public Promise<Void> notifyAllHistoryCleared() {
return Promise.fulfilled(null);
* Inform DW that Chrome will no longer report usage for the domain associated with
* <c>token</c>.
public Promise<Void> cancelToken(String token) {
return Promise.fulfilled(null);
* Inform DW that Chrome will no longer report usage for any domains, thus cancelling all
* tokens associated with those domains.
public Promise<Void> cancelAllTokens() {
return Promise.fulfilled(null);
/** Get a list of all the tokens that DW thinks Chrome is tracking. */
public Promise<List<String>> getAllTrackedTokens() {
return Promise.fulfilled(Collections.emptyList());
/** Get a list of all the websites that DW thinks Chrome should suspend. */
public Promise<List<String>> getAllSuspendedWebsites() {
return Promise.fulfilled(Collections.emptyList());