# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import optparse
import unittest
from blinkpy.common.host_mock import MockHost
from blinkpy.common.system.filesystem_mock import MockFileSystem
from blinkpy.web_tests.controllers import web_test_finder
from blinkpy.web_tests.models import test_expectations
class WebTestFinderTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_skip_tests_expectations(self):
"""Tests that tests are skipped based on to expectations and options."""
host = MockHost()
port = host.port_factory.get('test-win-win7', None)
all_tests = [
# Patch port.tests() to return our tests
port.tests = lambda paths: paths or all_tests
options = optparse.Values({
'no_expectations': False,
'enable_sanitizer': False,
'skipped': 'default',
'skip_timeouts': False,
'skip_failing_tests': False,
finder = web_test_finder.WebTestFinder(port, options)
expectations = test_expectations.TestExpectations(port)
('# results: [ Failure Timeout Skip ]'
'\nfast/css/fails.html [ Failure ]'
'\nfast/css/times_out.html [ Timeout ]'
'\nfast/css/skip.html [ Skip ]'))
# When run with default settings, we only skip the tests marked Skip.
tests = finder.skip_tests([], all_tests, expectations)
self.assertEqual(tests, set(['fast/css/skip.html']))
# Specify test on the command line; by default should not skip.
tests = finder.skip_tests(['fast/css/skip.html'], all_tests,
self.assertEqual(tests, set())
# Specify test on the command line, but always skip.
finder._options.skipped = 'always'
tests = finder.skip_tests(['fast/css/skip.html'], all_tests,
self.assertEqual(tests, set(['fast/css/skip.html']))
finder._options.skipped = 'default'
# Only run skip tests, aka skip all non-skipped tests.
finder._options.skipped = 'only'
tests = finder.skip_tests([], all_tests, expectations)
'fast/css/passes.html', 'fast/css/fails.html',
finder._options.skipped = 'default'
# Ignore any skip entries, aka never skip anything.
finder._options.skipped = 'ignore'
tests = finder.skip_tests([], all_tests, expectations)
self.assertEqual(tests, set())
finder._options.skipped = 'default'
# Skip tests that are marked TIMEOUT.
finder._options.skip_timeouts = True
tests = finder.skip_tests([], all_tests, expectations)
tests, set(['fast/css/times_out.html', 'fast/css/skip.html']))
finder._options.skip_timeouts = False
# Skip tests that are marked FAILURE
finder._options.skip_failing_tests = True
tests = finder.skip_tests([], all_tests, expectations)
set(['fast/css/fails.html', 'fast/css/skip.html']))
finder._options.skip_failing_tests = False
# Disable expectations entirely; nothing should be skipped by default.
finder._options.no_expectations = True
tests = finder.skip_tests([], all_tests, None)
self.assertEqual(tests, set())
def test_skip_tests_idlharness(self):
"""Tests that idlharness tests are skipped on MSAN/ASAN runs.
See https://crbug.com/856601
host = MockHost()
port = host.port_factory.get('test-win-win7', None)
non_idlharness_test = 'external/wpt/dir1/dir2/foo.html'
idlharness_test_1 = 'external/wpt/dir1/dir2/idlharness.any.html'
idlharness_test_2 = 'external/wpt/dir1/dir2/idlharness.any.worker.html'
all_tests = [
# Patch port.tests() to return our tests
port.tests = lambda paths: paths or all_tests
options = optparse.Values({
'no_expectations': False,
'enable_sanitizer': False,
'skipped': 'default',
'skip_timeouts': False,
'skip_failing_tests': False,
finder = web_test_finder.WebTestFinder(port, options)
# Default case; not MSAN/ASAN so should not skip anything.
expectations = test_expectations.TestExpectations(port)
tests = finder.skip_tests([], all_tests, expectations)
self.assertEqual(tests, set())
# MSAN/ASAN, with no paths specified explicitly, so should skip both
# idlharness tests.
expectations = test_expectations.TestExpectations(port)
finder._options.enable_sanitizer = True
tests = finder.skip_tests([], all_tests, expectations)
self.assertEqual(tests, set([idlharness_test_1, idlharness_test_2]))
# Disable expectations entirely; we should still skip the idlharness
# tests but shouldn't touch the expectations parameter.
finder._options.no_expectations = True
tests = finder.skip_tests([], all_tests, None)
self.assertEqual(tests, set([idlharness_test_1, idlharness_test_2]))
# MSAN/ASAN, with one of the tests specified explicitly (and
# --skipped=default), so should skip only the unspecified test.
expectations = test_expectations.TestExpectations(port)
tests = finder.skip_tests([idlharness_test_1], all_tests, expectations)
self.assertEqual(tests, set([idlharness_test_2]))
def test_find_fastest_tests(self):
host = MockHost()
port = host.port_factory.get('test-win-win7', None)
all_tests = [
port.tests = lambda paths: paths or all_tests
finder = web_test_finder.WebTestFinder(port, {})
finder._times_trie = lambda: {
'fast': {
'css': {
'1.html': 1,
'2.html': 2,
'3.html': 3,
'skip1.html': 0,
'skip2.html': 0,
'skip3.html': 0,
'skip4.html': 0,
'skip5.html': 0,
'path': {
'test.html': 4,
tests = finder.find_tests(fastest_percentile=50, args=[])
set(['fast/css/1.html', 'fast/css/2.html', 'new/test.html']))
tests = finder.find_tests(
fastest_percentile=50, args=['path/test.html'])
'fast/css/1.html', 'fast/css/2.html', 'path/test.html',
tests = finder.find_tests(args=[])
self.assertEqual(tests[1], all_tests)
tests = finder.find_tests(args=['path/test.html'])
self.assertEqual(tests[1], ['path/test.html'])
def test_find_fastest_tests_excludes_deleted_tests(self):
host = MockHost()
port = host.port_factory.get('test-win-win7', None)
all_tests = [
port.tests = lambda paths: paths or all_tests
finder = web_test_finder.WebTestFinder(port, {})
finder._times_trie = lambda: {
'fast': {
'css': {
'1.html': 1,
'2.html': 2,
'non-existant.html': 1,
tests = finder.find_tests(fastest_percentile=90, args=[])
self.assertEqual(set(tests[1]), set(['fast/css/1.html']))
def test_split_chunks(self):
split = web_test_finder.WebTestFinder._split_into_chunks # pylint: disable=protected-access
tests = ['1', '2', '3', '4']
self.assertEqual(['1', '2', '3', '4'], split(tests, 0, 1))
self.assertEqual(['3', '4'], split(tests, 0, 2))
self.assertEqual(['1', '2'], split(tests, 1, 2))
self.assertEqual(['1', '2', '4'], split(tests, 0, 3))
self.assertEqual([], split(tests, 1, 3))
self.assertEqual(['3'], split(tests, 2, 3))
tests = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
self.assertEqual(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'], split(tests, 0, 1))
self.assertEqual(['3', '4'], split(tests, 0, 2))
self.assertEqual(['1', '2', '5'], split(tests, 1, 2))
self.assertEqual(['1', '2', '4'], split(tests, 0, 3))
self.assertEqual(['5'], split(tests, 1, 3))
self.assertEqual(['3'], split(tests, 2, 3))
tests = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']
self.assertEqual(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'], split(tests, 0, 1))
self.assertEqual(['3', '4'], split(tests, 0, 2))
self.assertEqual(['1', '2', '5', '6'], split(tests, 1, 2))
self.assertEqual(['1', '2', '4'], split(tests, 0, 3))
self.assertEqual(['5', '6'], split(tests, 1, 3))
self.assertEqual(['3'], split(tests, 2, 3))
def test_test_list_find_tests(self):
host = MockHost()
port = host.port_factory.get('test-win-win7', None)
mock_files = {'test-list.txt': \
host.filesystem = MockFileSystem(files=mock_files)
port_tests = [
port.tests = lambda paths: paths or port_tests
finder = web_test_finder.WebTestFinder(port, {})
tests = finder.find_tests(args=[], test_lists=['test-list.txt'])
def test_inverted_test_filter_find_tests(self):
host = MockHost()
port = host.port_factory.get('test-win-win7', None)
mock_files = {
'test-list.txt': 'path/test.html\nvirtual/path/test.html',
'inverted-filter.txt': 'path/test.html'
host.filesystem = MockFileSystem(files=mock_files)
port_tests = [
port.tests = lambda paths: paths or port_tests
finder = web_test_finder.WebTestFinder(port, {})
tests = finder.find_tests(
self.assertEqual(set(tests[1]), set([
class FilterTestsTests(unittest.TestCase):
simple_test_filter = ['a/a1.html', 'a/a2.html', 'b/b1.html']
def check(self, tests, filters, expected_tests):
web_test_finder.filter_tests(tests, filters))
def test_no_filters(self):
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [], self.simple_test_filter)
def test_empty_glob_is_rejected(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.check, self.simple_test_filter,
[['']], [])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.check, self.simple_test_filter,
[['-']], [])
def test_one_all_positive_filter(self):
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['a*']],
['a/a1.html', 'a/a2.html'])
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['+a*']],
['a/a1.html', 'a/a2.html'])
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['a*', 'b*']],
def test_one_exact_positive_filter(self):
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['a/a1.html']], ['a/a1.html'])
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['+a/a1.html']], ['a/a1.html'])
def test_one_all_negative_filter(self):
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['-c*']], self.simple_test_filter)
def test_one_exact_negative_filter(self):
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['-a/a1.html']],
['a/a2.html', 'b/b1.html'])
def test_one_mixed_filter(self):
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['a*', '-c*']],
['a/a1.html', 'a/a2.html'])
def test_two_all_positive_filters(self):
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['a*'], ['b*']], [])
def test_two_all_negative_filters(self):
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['-a*'], ['-b*']], [])
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['-a*'], ['-c*']], ['b/b1.html'])
def test_two_mixed_filters(self):
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['a*'], ['-b*']],
['a/a1.html', 'a/a2.html'])
def test_longest_glob_wins(self):
# These test that if two matching globs are specified as
# part of the same filter expression, the longest matching
# glob wins (takes precedence). The order of the two globs
# must not matter.
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['a/a*', '-a/a2*']],
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['-a/a*', 'a/a2*']],
# In this test, the positive and negative globs are in
# separate filter expressions, so a2 should be filtered out
# and nothing should run (tests should only be run if they
# would be run by every filter individually).
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['-a/a*'], ['a/a2*']], [])
def test_only_trailing_unescaped_globs_work(self):
self.check(self.simple_test_filter, [['a*']],
['a/a1.html', 'a/a2.html'])
# These test that if you have a glob that contains a "*" that isn't
# at the end, it is rejected; only globs at the end should work.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.check, self.simple_test_filter,
[['*1.html']], [])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.check, self.simple_test_filter,
[['a*.html']], [])
def test_escaped_globs_allowed(self):
self.check(self.simple_test_filter + ['a\\*1'], [['-a\\*1']],