# Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Chromium iOS implementation of the Port interface."""
import json
import logging
import socket
import time
from blinkpy.web_tests.port.ios_simulator_server_process import IOSSimulatorServerProcess
from blinkpy.web_tests.port import base
from blinkpy.web_tests.port import driver
from blinkpy.web_tests.port import mac
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
BOOT_STATE = 'Booted'
class IOSPort(base.Port):
SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = ('ios17-simulator', )
port_name = 'ios'
runtime_version = ''
FALLBACK_PATHS['ios17-simulator'] = (
['ios'] + mac.MacPort.latest_platform_fallback_path())
BUILD_REQUIREMENTS_URL = 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/docs/ios/build_instructions.md'
def determine_full_port_name(cls, host, options, port_name):
if port_name.endswith('ios'):
parts = [port_name, 'ios17-simulator']
return '-'.join(parts)
return port_name
def __init__(self, host, port_name, **kwargs):
super(IOSPort, self).__init__(host, port_name, **kwargs)
self.server_process_constructor = IOSSimulatorServerProcess
self._version = port_name[port_name.index('ios-') + len('ios-'):]
self._stdio_redirect_port = self._get_available_port()
def check_build(self, needs_http, printer):
result = super(IOSPort, self).check_build(needs_http, printer)
if result:
_log.error('For complete ios build requirements, please see:')
return result
def cmd_line(self):
return [
self._path_to_simulator(), '-d',
self._device_name(), '-s',
self._sdk_version(), '-k', 'never', '-c',
'%s -' % self.additional_driver_flags()
def reinstall_cmd_line(self):
return [
self._path_to_simulator(), '-d',
self._device_name(), '-s',
self._sdk_version(), '-k', 'never', '-c', '--prepare-web-tests',
def path_to_driver(self, target=None):
return self.build_path(self.driver_name() + '.app', target=target)
def check_simulator_is_booted(self):
device = self._get_device(self._device_name())
state = device.get('state')
if state != BOOT_STATE:
_log.info('No simulator is booted. Booting a simulator...')
udid = device.get('udid')
self._run_simctl('boot ' + udid)
while True:
time.sleep(2) # Wait for 2 seconds before checking the state.
device = self._get_device(self._device_name())
state = device.get('state')
if state == BOOT_STATE:
def _path_to_simulator(self, target=None):
return self.build_path('iossim', target=target)
def _device_name(self, target=None):
return 'iPhone 13'
def _sdk_version(self, target=None):
if len(self.runtime_version) != 0:
return self.runtime_version
# Use the default sdk version for testing.
if self._is_testing():
self.runtime_version = self._get_target_runtime()['version']
return self.runtime_version
def _driver_class(self):
return ChromiumIOSDriver
def _get_available_port(self):
# TODO(gyuyoung): Can we get a port in the iOS server process that it
# really binds to a socket?
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind(('localhost', 0))
port = int(s.getsockname()[1])
return port
def _get_device(self, device_name):
devices = json.loads(self._run_simctl('list -j devices available'))
if len(devices) == 0:
raise RuntimeError('No available device in the iOS simulator.')
runtime_identifier = self._get_target_runtime()['identifier']
return next((d for d in devices['devices'][runtime_identifier]
if d['name'] == device_name), None)
def _get_target_runtime(self):
valid_runtimes = self._get_valid_runtimes()
# Check if the default SDK is installed on the testing environment.
for runtime in valid_runtimes:
if (runtime['version'] == DEFAULT_SDK_VERSION):
return runtime
# Sort valid runtimes to return the latest runtime.
valid_runtimes.sort(key=lambda runtime: runtime['version'],
return valid_runtimes[0]
def _get_valid_runtimes(self):
runtimes = json.loads(self._run_simctl('list -j runtimes available'))
valid_runtimes = [
runtime for runtime in runtimes['runtimes']
if 'identifier' in runtime and runtime['identifier'].startswith(
if len(valid_runtimes) == 0:
raise RuntimeError('No valid runtime in the iOS simulator.')
return valid_runtimes
def _run_simctl(self, command):
prefix_commands = ['/usr/bin/xcrun', 'simctl']
command_array = prefix_commands + command.split()
return self.host.executive.run_command(command_array)
def _is_testing(self):
runtimes = self._run_simctl('list -j runtimes available')
return runtimes.startswith('MOCK output')
def operating_system(self):
return 'ios'
def num_workers(self, requested_num_workers):
# Only support a single worker because the iOS simulator is not able to
# run multiple instances of the same application at the same time. And,
# we do not support running multiple simulators for testing yet.
return min(1, requested_num_workers)
def additional_driver_flags(self):
flags = super(IOSPort, self).additional_driver_flags()
flags += ['--no-sandbox']
stdio_redirect_flag = '--stdio-redirect=' + str(
flags += [stdio_redirect_flag]
return " ".join(flags)
def stdio_redirect_port(self):
return self._stdio_redirect_port
def path_to_apache(self):
import platform
if platform.machine() == 'arm64':
return self._path_from_chromium_base('third_party',
'apache-mac-arm64', 'bin',
return self._path_from_chromium_base('third_party', 'apache-mac',
'bin', 'httpd')
def path_to_apache_config_file(self):
config_file_basename = 'apache2-httpd-%s-php7.conf' % (
self._apache_version(), )
return self._filesystem.join(self.apache_config_directory(),
def setup_test_run(self):
super(IOSPort, self).setup_test_run()
# Because the tests are being run on a simulator rather than directly on
# this device, re-deploy the content shell app to the simulator to
# ensure it is up to date.
def used_expectations_files(self):
files = super(IOSPort, self).used_expectations_files()
ios_additional_expectations_files = self._filesystem.join(
self.web_tests_dir(), 'IOSTestExpectations')
return files
class ChromiumIOSDriver(driver.Driver):
def __init__(self, port, worker_number, no_timeout=False):
super(ChromiumIOSDriver, self).__init__(port, worker_number,
def _base_cmd_line(self):
return [self._port.path_to_driver()]
def cmd_line(self, per_test_args):
cmd = self._port.cmd_line()
cmd += self._base_cmd_line()
return cmd