
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "name_constraints.h"

#include <limits.h>

#include <memory>
#include <optional>

#include <openssl/base.h>
#include <openssl/bytestring.h>

#include "cert_errors.h"
#include "common_cert_errors.h"
#include "general_names.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "ip_util.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "string_util.h"
#include "verify_name_match.h"


namespace {

// The name types of GeneralName that are fully supported in name constraints.
// (The other types will have the minimal checking described by RFC 5280
// section If a name constraints extension that is marked as critical
// imposes constraints on a particular name form, and an instance of
// that name form appears in the subject field or subjectAltName
// extension of a subsequent certificate, then the application MUST
// either process the constraint or reject the certificate.)
const int kSupportedNameTypes =;

// Controls wildcard handling of DNSNameMatches.
// If WildcardMatchType is WILDCARD_PARTIAL_MATCH "*" is considered to
// match the constraint "". If it is WILDCARD_FULL_MATCH, "*"
// will match "" but not "".
enum WildcardMatchType {};

// Returns true if |name| falls in the subtree defined by |dns_constraint|.
// RFC 5280 section
// DNS name restrictions are expressed as Any DNS
// name that can be constructed by simply adding zero or more labels
// to the left-hand side of the name satisfies the name constraint. For
// example, would satisfy the constraint but
// would not.
// |wildcard_matching| controls handling of wildcard names (|name| starts with
// "*."). Wildcard handling is not specified by RFC 5280, but certificate
// verification allows it, name constraints must check it similarly.
bool DNSNameMatches(std::string_view name, std::string_view dns_constraint,
                    WildcardMatchType wildcard_matching) {}

// Parses a GeneralSubtrees |value| and store the contents in |subtrees|.
// The individual values stored into |subtrees| are not validated by this
// function.
// NOTE: |subtrees| is not pre-initialized by the function(it is expected to be
// a default initialized object), and it will be modified regardless of the
// return value.
[[nodiscard]] bool ParseGeneralSubtrees(der::Input value,
                                        GeneralNames *subtrees,
                                        CertErrors *errors) {}

bool IsAlphaDigit(char c) {}

// Returns true if 'local_part' contains only characters that are valid in a
// non-quoted mailbox local-part. Does not check any other part of the syntax
// requirements. Does not allow whitespace.
bool IsAllowedRfc822LocalPart(std::string_view local_part) {}

// Returns true if 'domain' contains only characters that are valid in a
// mailbox domain. Does not check any other part of the syntax
// requirements. Does not allow IPv6-address-literal as text IPv6 addresses are
// non-unique. Does not allow other address literals either as how to handle
// them with domain/subdomain matching isn't specified/possible.
bool IsAllowedRfc822Domain(std::string_view domain) {}

enum class Rfc822NameMatchType {};
bool Rfc822NameMatches(std::string_view local_part, std::string_view domain,
                       std::string_view rfc822_constraint,
                       Rfc822NameMatchType match_type,
                       bool case_insensitive_local_part) {}

}  // namespace

NameConstraints::~NameConstraints() = default;

// static
std::unique_ptr<NameConstraints> NameConstraints::Create(
    der::Input extension_value, bool is_critical, CertErrors *errors) {}

std::unique_ptr<NameConstraints> NameConstraints::CreateFromPermittedSubtrees(
    GeneralNames permitted_subtrees) {}

bool NameConstraints::Parse(der::Input extension_value, bool is_critical,
                            CertErrors *errors) {}

void NameConstraints::IsPermittedCert(der::Input subject_rdn_sequence,
                                      const GeneralNames *subject_alt_names,
                                      CertErrors *errors) const {}

bool NameConstraints::IsPermittedRfc822Name(
    std::string_view name, bool case_insensitive_exclude_localpart) const {}

bool NameConstraints::IsPermittedDNSName(std::string_view name) const {}

bool NameConstraints::IsPermittedDirectoryName(
    der::Input name_rdn_sequence) const {}

bool NameConstraints::IsPermittedIP(der::Input ip) const {}