
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "parse_values.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <tuple>

#include <openssl/base.h>
#include <openssl/bytestring.h>
#include <openssl/mem.h>

namespace der {

namespace {

bool ParseBoolInternal(Input in, bool *out, bool relaxed) {}

// Reads a positive decimal number with |digits| digits and stores it in
// |*out|. This function does not check that the type of |*out| is large
// enough to hold 10^digits - 1; the caller must choose an appropriate type
// based on the number of digits they wish to parse.
template <typename UINT>
bool DecimalStringToUint(ByteReader &in, size_t digits, UINT *out) {}

// Checks that the values in a GeneralizedTime struct are valid. This involves
// checking that the year is 4 digits, the month is between 1 and 12, the day
// is a day that exists in that month (following current leap year rules),
// hours are between 0 and 23, minutes between 0 and 59, and seconds between
// 0 and 60 (to allow for leap seconds; no validation is done that a leap
// second is on a day that could be a leap second).
bool ValidateGeneralizedTime(const GeneralizedTime &time) {}

// Returns the number of bytes of numeric precision in a DER encoded INTEGER
// value. |in| must be a valid DER encoding of an INTEGER for this to work.
// Normally the precision of the number is exactly in.size(). However when
// encoding positive numbers using DER it is possible to have a leading zero
// (to prevent number from being interpreted as negative).
// For instance a 160-bit positive number might take 21 bytes to encode. This
// function will return 20 in such a case.
size_t GetUnsignedIntegerLength(Input in) {}

}  // namespace

bool ParseBool(Input in, bool *out) {}

// BER interprets any non-zero value as true, while DER requires a bool to
// have either all bits zero (false) or all bits one (true). To support
// malformed certs, we recognized the BER encoding instead of failing to
// parse.
bool ParseBoolRelaxed(Input in, bool *out) {}

// ITU-T X.690 section 8.3.2 specifies that an integer value must be encoded
// in the smallest number of octets. If the encoding consists of more than
// one octet, then the bits of the first octet and the most significant bit
// of the second octet must not be all zeroes or all ones.
bool IsValidInteger(Input in, bool *negative) {}

bool ParseUint64(Input in, uint64_t *out) {}

bool ParseUint8(Input in, uint8_t *out) {}

BitString::BitString(Input bytes, uint8_t unused_bits)

bool BitString::AssertsBit(size_t bit_index) const {}

std::optional<BitString> ParseBitString(Input in) {}

bool GeneralizedTime::InUTCTimeRange() const {}

bool operator<(const GeneralizedTime &lhs, const GeneralizedTime &rhs) {}

bool operator>(const GeneralizedTime &lhs, const GeneralizedTime &rhs) {}

bool operator<=(const GeneralizedTime &lhs, const GeneralizedTime &rhs) {}

bool operator>=(const GeneralizedTime &lhs, const GeneralizedTime &rhs) {}

bool ParseUTCTime(Input in, GeneralizedTime *value) {}

bool ParseGeneralizedTime(Input in, GeneralizedTime *value) {}

bool ParseIA5String(Input in, std::string *out) {}

bool ParseVisibleString(Input in, std::string *out) {}

bool ParsePrintableString(Input in, std::string *out) {}

bool ParseTeletexStringAsLatin1(Input in, std::string *out) {}

bool ParseUniversalString(Input in, std::string *out) {}

bool ParseBmpString(Input in, std::string *out) {}

}  // namespace der