
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <cassert>

#include "trust_store.h"

#include "string_util.h"


namespace {

constexpr char kUnspecifiedStr[] =;
constexpr char kDistrustedStr[] =;
constexpr char kTrustedAnchorStr[] =;
constexpr char kTrustedAnchorOrLeafStr[] =;
constexpr char kTrustedLeafStr[] =;

constexpr char kEnforceAnchorExpiry[] =;
constexpr char kEnforceAnchorConstraints[] =;
constexpr char kRequireAnchorBasicConstraints[] =;
constexpr char kRequireLeafSelfsigned[] =;

}  // namespace

bool CertificateTrust::IsTrustAnchor() const {}

bool CertificateTrust::IsTrustLeaf() const {}

bool CertificateTrust::IsDistrusted() const {}

bool CertificateTrust::HasUnspecifiedTrust() const {}

std::string CertificateTrust::ToDebugString() const {}

// static
std::optional<CertificateTrust> CertificateTrust::FromDebugString(
    const std::string &trust_string) {}

TrustStore::TrustStore() = default;

void TrustStore::AsyncGetIssuersOf(const ParsedCertificate *cert,
                                   std::unique_ptr<Request> *out_req) {}