
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "input.h"
#include "parsed_certificate.h"
#include "simple_path_builder_delegate.h"
#include "trust_store.h"
#include "verify_certificate_chain.h"


namespace der {

// This function is used by GTest to support EXPECT_EQ() for der::Input.
void PrintTo(Input data, ::std::ostream *os);

}  // namespace der

// Parses |s| as a DER SEQUENCE TLV and returns a der::Input corresponding to
// the value portion. On error returns an empty der::Input and adds a gtest
// failure.
// The returned der::Input() is only valid so long as the input string is alive
// and is not mutated.
der::Input SequenceValueFromString(std::string_view s);

// Helper structure that maps a PEM block header (for instance "CERTIFICATE") to
// the destination where the value for that block should be written.
struct PemBlockMapping {};

// ReadTestDataFromPemFile() is a helper function that reads a PEM test file
// rooted in the "src/" directory.
//   * file_path_ascii:
//       The path to the PEM file, relative to src. For instance
//       "testdata/verify_signed_data_unittest/foopy.pem"
//   * mappings:
//       An array of length |mappings_length| which maps the expected PEM
//       headers to the destination to write its data.
// The function ensures that each of the chosen mappings is satisfied exactly
// once. In other words, the header must be present (unless marked as
// optional=true), have valid data, and appear no more than once.
::testing::AssertionResult ReadTestDataFromPemFile(
    const std::string &file_path_ascii, const PemBlockMapping *mappings,
    size_t mappings_length);

// This is the same as the variant above, however it uses template magic so an
// mappings array can be passed in directly (and the correct length is
// inferred).
template <size_t N>
::testing::AssertionResult ReadTestDataFromPemFile(
    const std::string &file_path_ascii, const PemBlockMapping (&mappings)[N]) {}

// Test cases are comprised of all the parameters to certificate
// verification, as well as the expected outputs.
struct VerifyCertChainTest {};

// Reads a test case from |file_path_ascii| (which is relative to //src).
// Generally |file_path_ascii| will start with:
//   net/data/verify_certificate_chain_unittest/
bool ReadVerifyCertChainTestFromFile(const std::string &file_path_ascii,
                                     VerifyCertChainTest *test);

// Reads a certificate chain from |file_path_ascii|
bool ReadCertChainFromFile(const std::string &file_path_ascii,
                           ParsedCertificateList *chain);

// Reads a certificate from |file_path_ascii|. Returns nullptr if the file
// contained more that one certificate.
std::shared_ptr<const ParsedCertificate> ReadCertFromFile(
    const std::string &file_path_ascii);

// Reads a data file relative to the src root directory.
std::string ReadTestFileToString(const std::string &file_path_ascii);

// Asserts that |actual_errors| matches |expected_errors_str|.
// This is a helper function to simplify rebasing the error expectations when
// they originate from a test file.
void VerifyCertPathErrors(const std::string &expected_errors_str,
                          const CertPathErrors &actual_errors,
                          const ParsedCertificateList &chain,
                          const std::string &errors_file_path);

// Asserts that |actual_errors| matches |expected_errors_str|.
// This is a helper function to simplify rebasing the error expectations when
// they originate from a test file.
void VerifyCertErrors(const std::string &expected_errors_str,
                      const CertErrors &actual_errors,
                      const std::string &errors_file_path);

// Asserts that |actual_user_constrained_policy_set| matches
// |expected_user_constrained_policy_set|.
void VerifyUserConstrainedPolicySet(
    const std::set<std::string> &expected_user_constrained_policy_str_set,
    const std::set<der::Input> &actual_user_constrained_policy_set,
    const std::string &errors_file_path);