
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "general_names.h"

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "test_helpers.h"

namespace {

::testing::AssertionResult LoadTestData(const char *token,
                                        const std::string &basename,
                                        std::string *result) {}

::testing::AssertionResult LoadTestSubjectAltNameData(
    const std::string &basename, std::string *result) {}

void ReplaceFirstSubstring(std::string *str, std::string_view substr,
                           std::string_view replacement) {}

}  // namespace

TEST(GeneralNames, CreateFailsOnEmptySubjectAltName) {}

TEST(GeneralNames, OtherName) {}

TEST(GeneralNames, RFC822Name) {}

TEST(GeneralNames, CreateFailsOnNonAsciiRFC822Name) {}

TEST(GeneralNames, DnsName) {}

TEST(GeneralNames, CreateFailsOnNonAsciiDnsName) {}

TEST(GeneralNames, X400Address) {}

TEST(GeneralNames, DirectoryName) {}

TEST(GeneralNames, EDIPartyName) {}

TEST(GeneralNames, URI) {}

TEST(GeneralNames, CreateFailsOnNonAsciiURI) {}

TEST(GeneralNames, IPAddress_v4) {}

TEST(GeneralNames, IPAddress_v6) {}

TEST(GeneralNames, CreateFailsOnInvalidLengthIpAddress) {}

TEST(GeneralNames, RegisteredIDs) {}