
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "parsed_certificate.h"

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <openssl/pool.h>
#include "cert_errors.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "parse_certificate.h"
#include "test_helpers.h"

// TODO(eroman): Add tests for parsing of policy mappings.


namespace {

std::string GetFilePath(const std::string &file_name) {}

// Reads and parses a certificate from the PEM file |file_name|.
// Returns nullptr if the certificate parsing failed, and verifies that any
// errors match the ERRORS block in the .pem file.
std::shared_ptr<const ParsedCertificate> ParseCertificateFromFile(
    const std::string &file_name, const ParseCertificateOptions &options) {}

der::Input DavidBenOid() {}

// Parses an Extension whose critical field is true (255).
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, ExtensionCritical) {}

// Parses an Extension whose critical field is false (omitted).
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, ExtensionNotCritical) {}

// Parses an Extension whose critical field is 0. This is in one sense FALSE,
// however because critical has DEFAULT of false this is in fact invalid
// DER-encoding.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, ExtensionCritical0) {}

// Parses an Extension whose critical field is 3. Under DER-encoding BOOLEAN
// values must an octet of either all zero bits, or all 1 bits, so this is not
// valid.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, ExtensionCritical3) {}

// Parses an Extensions that is an empty sequence.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, ExtensionsEmptySequence) {}

// Parses an Extensions that is not a sequence.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, ExtensionsNotSequence) {}

// Parses an Extensions that has data after the sequence.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, ExtensionsDataAfterSequence) {}

// Parses an Extensions that contains duplicated key usages.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, ExtensionsDuplicateKeyUsage) {}

// Parses a certificate with a bad key usage extension (BIT STRING with zero
// elements).
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, BadKeyUsage) {}

// Parses a certificate that has a PolicyQualifierInfo that is missing the
// qualifier field.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, BadPolicyQualifiers) {}

// Parses a certificate that uses an unknown signature algorithm OID (00).
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, BadSignatureAlgorithmOid) {}

//  The validity encodes time as UTCTime but following the BER rules rather than
//  DER rules (i.e. YYMMDDHHMMZ instead of YYMMDDHHMMSSZ).
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, BadValidity) {}

// The signature algorithm contains an unexpected parameters field.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, FailedSignatureAlgorithm) {}

// '&' is not acceptable in a printable string.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, IssuerBadPrintableString) {}

TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, NameConstraintsBadIp) {}

TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, PolicyQualifiersEmptySequence) {}

TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SubjectBlankSubjectAltNameNotCritical) {}

// Non-ASCII character in locality name in subject.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SubjectNotAscii) {}

// '&' is not acceptable in a printable string.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SubjectNotPrintableString) {}

TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SubjectAltNameBadIp) {}

TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SubjectAltNameDnsNotAscii) {}

TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SubjectAltNameGeneralNamesEmptySequence) {}

TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SubjectAltNameTrailingData) {}

TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, V1ExplicitVersion) {}

// Parses an Extensions that contains an extended key usages.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, ExtendedKeyUsage) {}

// Parses an Extensions that contains a key usage.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, KeyUsage) {}

// Parses an Extensions that contains a policies extension.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, Policies) {}

// Parses an Extensions that contains a subjectaltname extension.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SubjectAltName) {}

// Parses an Extensions that contains multiple extensions, sourced from a
// real-world certificate.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, ExtensionsReal) {}

// Parses a BasicConstraints with no CA or pathlen.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, BasicConstraintsNotCa) {}

// Parses a BasicConstraints with CA but no pathlen.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, BasicConstraintsCaNoPath) {}

// Parses a BasicConstraints with CA and pathlen of 9.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, BasicConstraintsCaPath9) {}

// Parses a BasicConstraints with CA and pathlen of 255 (largest allowed size).
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, BasicConstraintsPathlen255) {}

// Parses a BasicConstraints with CA and pathlen of 256 (too large).
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, BasicConstraintsPathlen256) {}

// Parses a BasicConstraints with CA and a negative pathlen.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, BasicConstraintsNegativePath) {}

// Parses a BasicConstraints with CA and pathlen that is very large (and
// couldn't fit in a 64-bit integer).
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, BasicConstraintsPathTooLarge) {}

// Parses a BasicConstraints with CA explicitly set to false. This violates
// DER-encoding rules, however is commonly used, so it is accepted.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, BasicConstraintsCaFalse) {}

// Parses a BasicConstraints with CA set to true and an unexpected NULL at
// the end.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, BasicConstraintsUnconsumedData) {}

// Parses a BasicConstraints with CA omitted (false), but with a pathlen of 1.
// This is valid DER for the ASN.1, however is not valid when interpreting the
// BasicConstraints at a higher level.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, BasicConstraintsPathLenButNotCa) {}

// Tests parsing a certificate that contains a policyConstraints
// extension having requireExplicitPolicy:3.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, PolicyConstraintsRequire) {}

// Tests parsing a certificate that contains a policyConstraints
// extension having inhibitPolicyMapping:1.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, PolicyConstraintsInhibit) {}

// Tests parsing a certificate that contains a policyConstraints
// extension having requireExplicitPolicy:5,inhibitPolicyMapping:2.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, PolicyConstraintsInhibitRequire) {}

// Tests parsing a certificate that has a policyConstraints
// extension with an empty sequence.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, PolicyConstraintsEmpty) {}

// Tests a certificate with a serial number with a leading 0 padding byte in
// the encoding since it is not negative.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SerialNumberZeroPadded) {}

// Tests a serial number where the MSB is >= 0x80, causing the encoded
// length to be 21 bytes long. This is an error, as RFC 5280 specifies a
// maximum of 20 bytes.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SerialNumberZeroPadded21BytesLong) {}

// Tests a serial number which is negative.  CAs are not supposed to include
// negative serial numbers, however RFC 5280 expects consumers to deal with it
// anyway.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SerialNumberNegative) {}

// Tests a serial number which is very long. RFC 5280 specifies a maximum of 20
// bytes.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SerialNumber37BytesLong) {}

// Tests a serial number which is zero. RFC 5280 says they should be positive,
// however also recommends supporting non-positive ones, so parsing here
// is expected to succeed.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SerialNumberZero) {}

// Tests a serial number which not a number (NULL).
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SerialNotNumber) {}

// Tests a serial number which uses a non-minimal INTEGER encoding
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SerialNotMinimal) {}

// Tests parsing a certificate that has an inhibitAnyPolicy extension.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, InhibitAnyPolicy) {}

// Tests a subjectKeyIdentifier that is not an OCTET_STRING.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, SubjectKeyIdentifierNotOctetString) {}

// Tests an authorityKeyIdentifier that is not a SEQUENCE.
TEST(ParsedCertificateTest, AuthourityKeyIdentifierNotSequence) {}

}  // namespace