
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "parse_certificate.h"

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <openssl/pool.h>
#include "cert_errors.h"
#include "general_names.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "parsed_certificate.h"
#include "test_helpers.h"


namespace {

// Pretty-prints a GeneralizedTime as a human-readable string for use in test
// expectations (it is more readable to specify the expected results as a
// string).
std::string ToString(const der::GeneralizedTime &time) {}

std::string GetFilePath(const std::string &file_name) {}

// Loads certificate data and expectations from the PEM file |file_name|.
// Verifies that parsing the Certificate matches expectations:
//   * If expected to fail, emits the expected errors
//   * If expected to succeeds, the parsed fields match expectations
void RunCertificateTest(const std::string &file_name) {}

// Tests parsing a Certificate.
TEST(ParseCertificateTest, Version3) {}

// Tests parsing a simplified Certificate-like structure (the sub-fields for
// algorithm and tbsCertificate are not actually valid, but ParseCertificate()
// doesn't check them)
TEST(ParseCertificateTest, Skeleton) {}

// Tests parsing a Certificate that is not a sequence fails.
TEST(ParseCertificateTest, NotSequence) {}

// Tests that uncomsumed data is not allowed after the main SEQUENCE.
TEST(ParseCertificateTest, DataAfterSignature) {}

// Tests that parsing fails if the signature BIT STRING is missing.
TEST(ParseCertificateTest, MissingSignature) {}

// Tests that parsing fails if the signature is present but not a BIT STRING.
TEST(ParseCertificateTest, SignatureNotBitString) {}

// Tests that parsing fails if the main SEQUENCE is empty (missing all the
// fields).
TEST(ParseCertificateTest, EmptySequence) {}

// Tests what happens when the signature algorithm is present, but has the wrong
// tag.
TEST(ParseCertificateTest, AlgorithmNotSequence) {}

// Loads tbsCertificate data and expectations from the PEM file |file_name|.
// Verifies that parsing the TBSCertificate succeeds, and each parsed field
// matches the expectations.
// TODO(eroman): Get rid of the |expected_version| parameter -- this should be
// encoded in the test expectations file.
void RunTbsCertificateTestGivenVersion(const std::string &file_name,
                                       CertificateVersion expected_version) {}

void RunTbsCertificateTest(const std::string &file_name) {}

// Tests parsing a TBSCertificate for v3 that contains no optional fields.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, Version3NoOptionals) {}

// Tests parsing a TBSCertificate for v3 that contains extensions.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, Version3WithExtensions) {}

// Tests parsing a TBSCertificate which lacks a version number (causing it to
// default to v1).
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, Version1) {}

// The version was set to v1 explicitly rather than omitting the version field.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, ExplicitVersion1) {}

// Extensions are not defined in version 1.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, Version1WithExtensions) {}

// Extensions are not defined in version 2.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, Version2WithExtensions) {}

// A boring version 2 certificate with none of the optional fields.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, Version2NoOptionals) {}

// A version 2 certificate with an issuer unique ID field.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, Version2IssuerUniqueId) {}

// A version 2 certificate with both a issuer and subject unique ID field.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, Version2IssuerAndSubjectUniqueId) {}

// A version 3 certificate with all of the optional fields (issuer unique id,
// subject unique id, and extensions).
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, Version3AllOptionals) {}

// The version was set to v4, which is unrecognized.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, Version4) {}

// Tests that extraneous data after extensions in a v3 is rejected.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, Version3DataAfterExtensions) {}

// Tests using a real-world certificate (whereas the other tests are fabricated
// (and in fact invalid) data.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, Version3Real) {}

// Parses a TBSCertificate whose "validity" field expresses both notBefore
// and notAfter using UTCTime.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, ValidityBothUtcTime) {}

// Parses a TBSCertificate whose "validity" field expresses both notBefore
// and notAfter using GeneralizedTime.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, ValidityBothGeneralizedTime) {}

// Parses a TBSCertificate whose "validity" field expresses notBefore using
// UTCTime and notAfter using GeneralizedTime.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, ValidityUTCTimeAndGeneralizedTime) {}

// Parses a TBSCertificate whose validity" field expresses notBefore using
// GeneralizedTime and notAfter using UTCTime. Also of interest, notBefore >
// notAfter. Parsing will succeed, however no time can satisfy this constraint.
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, ValidityGeneralizedTimeAndUTCTime) {}

// Parses a TBSCertificate whose "validity" field does not strictly follow
// the DER rules (and fails to be parsed).
TEST(ParseTbsCertificateTest, ValidityRelaxed) {}

// Parses a KeyUsage with a single 0 bit.
TEST(ParseKeyUsageTest, OneBitAllZeros) {}

// Parses a KeyUsage with 32 bits that are all 0.
TEST(ParseKeyUsageTest, 32BitsAllZeros) {}

// Parses a KeyUsage with 32 bits, one of which is 1 (but not in recognized
// set).
TEST(ParseKeyUsageTest, 32BitsOneSet) {}

// Parses a KeyUsage containing bit string 101.
TEST(ParseKeyUsageTest, ThreeBits) {}

// Parses a KeyUsage containing DECIPHER_ONLY, which is the
// only bit that doesn't fit in the first byte.
TEST(ParseKeyUsageTest, DecipherOnly) {}

// Parses an empty KeyUsage.
TEST(ParseKeyUsageTest, Empty) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityInfoAccess, BasicTests) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityInfoAccess, NoOcspOrCaIssuersURIs) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityInfoAccess, IncompleteAccessDescription) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityInfoAccess, ExtraDataInAccessDescription) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityInfoAccess, EmptySequence) {}

// Test fixture for testing ParseCrlDistributionPoints.
// Test data is encoded in certificate files. This fixture is responsible for
// reading and parsing the certificates to get at the extension under test.
class ParseCrlDistributionPointsTest : public ::testing::Test {};

TEST_F(ParseCrlDistributionPointsTest, OneUriNoIssuer) {}

TEST_F(ParseCrlDistributionPointsTest, ThreeUrisNoIssuer) {}

TEST_F(ParseCrlDistributionPointsTest, CrlIssuerAsDirname) {}

TEST_F(ParseCrlDistributionPointsTest, FullnameAsDirname) {}

TEST_F(ParseCrlDistributionPointsTest, RelativeNameAndReasonsAndMultipleDPs) {}

TEST_F(ParseCrlDistributionPointsTest, NoDistributionPointName) {}

TEST_F(ParseCrlDistributionPointsTest, OnlyReasons) {}

TEST_F(ParseCrlDistributionPointsTest, EmptyDistributionPoint) {}

TEST_F(ParseCrlDistributionPointsTest, EmptyDistributionPoints) {}

bool ParseAuthorityKeyIdentifierTestData(
    const char *file_name, std::string *backing_bytes,
    ParsedAuthorityKeyIdentifier *authority_key_identifier) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityKeyIdentifierTest, EmptyInput) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityKeyIdentifierTest, EmptySequence) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityKeyIdentifierTest, KeyIdentifier) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityKeyIdentifierTest, IssuerAndSerial) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityKeyIdentifierTest, KeyIdentifierAndIssuerAndSerial) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityKeyIdentifierTest, IssuerOnly) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityKeyIdentifierTest, SerialOnly) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityKeyIdentifierTest, InvalidContents) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityKeyIdentifierTest, InvalidKeyIdentifier) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityKeyIdentifierTest, InvalidIssuer) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityKeyIdentifierTest, InvalidSerial) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityKeyIdentifierTest, ExtraContentsAfterIssuerAndSerial) {}

TEST(ParseAuthorityKeyIdentifierTest, ExtraContentsAfterExtensionSequence) {}

TEST(ParseSubjectKeyIdentifierTest, EmptyInput) {}

TEST(ParseSubjectKeyIdentifierTest, Valid) {}

TEST(ParseSubjectKeyIdentifierTest, ExtraData) {}

}  // namespace