
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "trust_store_collection.h"

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "test_helpers.h"
#include "trust_store_in_memory.h"


namespace {

class TrustStoreCollectionTest : public testing::Test {};

// Collection contains no stores, should return no results.
TEST_F(TrustStoreCollectionTest, NoStores) {}

// Collection contains only one store.
TEST_F(TrustStoreCollectionTest, OneStore) {}

// SyncGetIssuersOf() should append to its output parameters rather than assign
// them.
TEST_F(TrustStoreCollectionTest, OutputVectorsAppendedTo) {}

// Collection contains two stores.
TEST_F(TrustStoreCollectionTest, TwoStores) {}

// Collection contains two stores. The certificate is marked as trusted in one,
// but distrusted in the other.
TEST_F(TrustStoreCollectionTest, DistrustTakesPriority) {}

}  // namespace