<!doctype html>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<!-- No space in final name; it is redundant at the end of the button -->
<button id="buttonA">before<span id="spanA1"></span> <span id="spanA2"></span>
<!-- Space in final name, to separate "before" and "after" -->
<button id="buttonB">before<span id="spanB1"></span> <span id="spanB2"></span>after
test((t) => {
// Remove the spans, so the button will have multiple contiguous text children
var axButton = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById('buttonA');
assert_equals(axButton.name, "before");
}, "Multiple text node children do not result in duplicated text");
test((t) => {
// Remove the spans, so the button will have multiple contiguous text children
var axButton = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById('buttonB');
assert_equals(axButton.name, "before after");
}, "Removing text nodes does not result in duplicated text but keeps necessary space");