<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<option id="element1" role="menuitemcheckbox">1</option>
<option id="element2" role="menuitemcheckbox" aria-checked="true">2</option>
<option id="element3" role="menuitemradio">3</option>
<option id="element4" role="menuitemradio" aria-checked="true">4</option>
<option id="element5" aria-checked="true">5</option>
<!-- Checked not supported -->
<div id="element6" role="button" aria-checked="true">6</div>
function axElementById(id) {
return accessibilityController.accessibleElementById(id);
test(function(t) {
var ax = axElementById("element1");
assert_equals(ax.checked, "false");
}, "<option> of role menuitemcheckbox is not checked by default");
test(function(t) {
var ax = axElementById("element2");
assert_equals(ax.checked, "true");
}, "<option> of role menuitemcheckbox can be checked with aria-checked");
test(function(t) {
var ax = axElementById("element3");
assert_equals(ax.checked, "false");
}, "<option> of role menuitemradio is not checked by default");
test(function(t) {
var ax = axElementById("element4");
assert_equals(ax.checked, "true");
}, "<option> of role menuitemradio can be checked with aria-checked");
test(function(t) {
var ax = axElementById("element5");
assert_equals(ax.checked, "true");
}, "<option> of no role is checked with aria-checked set");
test(function(t) {
var ax = axElementById("element6");
assert_equals(ax.checked, "");
}, "Element of button role does not expose checked even with aria-checked set");