
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>

  img {
    width: 200px;
    height: 150px;

<div role="region" id="region"><img src="resources/cake.png" id="image1" alt="One"><img src="resources/cake.png" id="image2" alt="Two"><img src="resources/cake.png" id="image3" alt="Three"></div>

  function verifySelection(anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset, selectionString) {
    const selection = getSelection();
    assert_equals(selection.anchorNode, anchorNode, 'anchorNode');
    assert_equals(selection.anchorOffset, anchorOffset, 'anchorOffset');
    assert_equals(selection.focusNode, focusNode, 'focusNode');
    assert_equals(selection.focusOffset, focusOffset, 'focusOffset');
    assert_equals(selection.toString(), selectionString, 'getSelection.toString()');

  setup(() => {
    window.axRoot = accessibilityController.rootElement;
    window.axRegion = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById('region');
    window.axImage1 = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById('image1');
    window.axImage2 = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById('image2');
    window.axImage3 = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById('image3');
    window.region = document.querySelector('div');
    window.image1 = document.querySelectorAll('img')[0];
    window.image2 = document.querySelectorAll('img')[1];
    window.image3 = document.querySelectorAll('img')[2];

  test(() => {
    axRoot.setSelection(axImage1, 0, axImage1, 0);
    verifySelection(image1, 0, image1, 0, '');
  }, 'Test creating a collapsed selection before the first image.');

  test(() => {
    axRoot.setSelection(axImage1, 0, axImage2, 0);
    verifySelection(image1, 0, image2, 0, '');
  }, 'Test creating a selection around the first image.');

  test(() => {
    axRoot.setSelection(axImage1, 0, axImage3, 0);
    verifySelection(image1, 0, image3, 0, '');
  }, 'Test creating a selection around the first two images.');

  test(() => {
    axRoot.setSelection(axImage1, 0, axRegion, 3);
    verifySelection(image1, 0, region, 3, '');
  }, 'Test creating a selection around all the images.');

  test(() => {
    axRoot.setSelection(axRegion, 0, axRegion, 0);
    verifySelection(region, 0, region, 0, '');
  }, 'Test creating a collapsed selection before the first image from the parent.');

  test(() => {
    axRoot.setSelection(axRegion, 0, axRegion, 2);
    verifySelection(region, 0, region, 2, '');
  }, 'Test creating a selection around the first two images from the parent.');

  test(() => {
    axRoot.setSelection(axRegion, 0, axRegion, 3);
    verifySelection(region, 0, region, 3, '');
  }, 'Test creating a selection around all the images from the parent.');

  test(() => {
    axRoot.setSelection(axImage2, 0, axImage2, 0);
    verifySelection(image2, 0, image2, 0, '');
  }, 'Test creating a collapsed selection before the second image.');

  test(() => {
    axRoot.setSelection(axRegion, 1, axRegion, 1);
    verifySelection(region, 1, region, 1, '');
  }, 'Test creating a collapsed selection before the second image from the parent.');

  test(() => {
    axRoot.setSelection(axImage3, 0, axImage3, 0);
    verifySelection(image3, 0, image3, 0, '');
  }, 'Test creating a collapsed selection before the third image.');

  test(() => {
    axRoot.setSelection(axRegion, 2, axRegion, 2);
    verifySelection(region, 2, region, 2, '');
  }, 'Test creating a collapsed selection before the third image from the parent.');

  test(() => {
    axRoot.setSelection(axImage1, 0, axRegion, 3);
    verifySelection(image1, 0, region, 3, '');
  }, 'Test creating a selection around the last two images.');

  test(() => {
    axRoot.setSelection(axRegion, 1, axRegion, 3);
    verifySelection(region, 1, region, 3, '');
  }, 'Test creating a selection around the last two images from the parent.');

  test(() => {
    axRoot.setSelection(axRegion, 3, axRegion, 3);
    verifySelection(region, 3, region, 3, '');
  }, 'Test creating a collapsed selection after the last image from the parent.');