
/* Copyright (c) 2014, Google Inc.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
 * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
 * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include <openssl/aead.h>
#include <openssl/base64.h>
#include <openssl/bytestring.h>
#include <openssl/bio.h>
#include <openssl/cipher.h>
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include <openssl/curve25519.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/hmac.h>
#include <openssl/hpke.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include <openssl/x509.h>

#include "internal.h"
#include "../crypto/internal.h"
#include "../crypto/test/file_util.h"
#include "../crypto/test/test_util.h"

#if defined(OPENSSL_WINDOWS)
// Windows defines struct timeval in winsock2.h.
OPENSSL_MSVC_PRAGMA(warning(push, 3))
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

#if defined(OPENSSL_THREADS)
#include <thread>



namespace {

#define TRACED_CALL(code)

struct VersionParam {};

static const size_t kTicketKeyLen =;

static const VersionParam kAllVersions[] =;

struct ExpectedCipher {};

struct CipherTest {};

struct CurveTest {};

template <typename T>
class UnownedSSLExData {};

static const CipherTest kCipherTests[] =;

static const char *kBadRules[] =;

static const char *kMustNotIncludeDeprecated[] =;

static const char* kShouldIncludeCBCSHA256[] =;

static const CurveTest kCurveTests[] =;

static const char *kBadCurvesLists[] =;

static std::string CipherListToString(SSL_CTX *ctx) {}

static bool CipherListsEqual(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                             const std::vector<ExpectedCipher> &expected) {}

TEST(GrowableArrayTest, Resize) {}

TEST(GrowableArrayTest, MoveConstructor) {}

TEST(GrowableArrayTest, GrowableArrayContainingGrowableArrays) {}

TEST(ReconstructSeqnumTest, Increment) {}

TEST(ReconstructSeqnumTest, Decrement) {}

TEST(ReconstructSeqnumTest, Halfway) {}

TEST(SSLTest, CipherRules) {}

TEST(SSLTest, CurveRules) {}

// kOpenSSLSession is a serialized SSL_SESSION.
static const char kOpenSSLSession[] =;

// kCustomSession is a custom serialized SSL_SESSION generated by
// filling in missing fields from |kOpenSSLSession|. This includes
// providing |peer_sha256|, so |peer| is not serialized.
static const char kCustomSession[] =;

// kBoringSSLSession is a serialized SSL_SESSION generated from bssl client.
static const char kBoringSSLSession[] =;

// kBadSessionExtraField is a custom serialized SSL_SESSION generated by replacing
// the final (optional) element of |kCustomSession| with tag number 99.
static const char kBadSessionExtraField[] =;

// kBadSessionVersion is a custom serialized SSL_SESSION generated by replacing
// the version of |kCustomSession| with 2.
static const char kBadSessionVersion[] =;

// kBadSessionTrailingData is a custom serialized SSL_SESSION with trailing data
// appended.
static const char kBadSessionTrailingData[] =;

static bool DecodeBase64(std::vector<uint8_t> *out, const char *in) {}

static bool DecodeLowerHex(std::vector<uint8_t> *out,
                           bssl::Span<const char> in) {}

TEST(SSLTest, SessionEncoding) {}

static void ExpectDefaultVersion(uint16_t min_version, uint16_t max_version,
                                 const SSL_METHOD *(*method)(void)) {}

TEST(SSLTest, DefaultVersion) {}

TEST(SSLTest, CipherProperties) {}

// CreateSessionWithTicket returns a sample |SSL_SESSION| with the specified
// version and ticket length or nullptr on failure.
static bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> CreateSessionWithTicket(uint16_t version,
                                                            size_t ticket_len) {}

static bool GetClientHello(SSL *ssl, std::vector<uint8_t> *out) {}

// GetClientHelloLen creates a client SSL connection with the specified version
// and ticket length. It returns the length of the ClientHello, not including
// the record header, on success and zero on error.
static size_t GetClientHelloLen(uint16_t max_version, uint16_t session_version,
                                size_t ticket_len) {}

TEST(SSLTest, Padding) {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<X509> CertFromPEM(const char *pem) {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> KeyFromPEM(const char *pem) {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER> BufferFromPEM(const char *pem) {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<X509> X509FromBuffer(
    bssl::UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER> buffer) {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<X509> GetTestCertificate() {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> GetTestKey() {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_CTX> CreateContextWithTestCertificate(
    const SSL_METHOD *method) {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER> GetECDSATestCertificateBuffer() {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<X509> GetECDSATestCertificate() {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> GetECDSATestKey() {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER> GetChainTestCertificateBuffer() {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<X509> GetChainTestCertificate() {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER> GetChainTestIntermediateBuffer() {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<X509> GetChainTestIntermediate() {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> GetChainTestKey() {}

static bool CompleteHandshakes(SSL *client, SSL *server) {}

static bool FlushNewSessionTickets(SSL *client, SSL *server) {}

// CreateClientAndServer creates a client and server |SSL| objects whose |BIO|s
// are paired with each other. It does not run the handshake. The caller is
// expected to configure the objects and drive the handshake as needed.
static bool CreateClientAndServer(bssl::UniquePtr<SSL> *out_client,
                                  bssl::UniquePtr<SSL> *out_server,
                                  SSL_CTX *client_ctx, SSL_CTX *server_ctx) {}

struct ClientConfig {};

static bool ConnectClientAndServer(bssl::UniquePtr<SSL> *out_client,
                                   bssl::UniquePtr<SSL> *out_server,
                                   SSL_CTX *client_ctx, SSL_CTX *server_ctx,
                                   const ClientConfig &config = ClientConfig(),
                                   bool shed_handshake_config = true) {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> g_last_session;

static int SaveLastSession(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session) {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> CreateClientSession(
    SSL_CTX *client_ctx, SSL_CTX *server_ctx,
    const ClientConfig &config = ClientConfig()) {}

static void SetUpExpectedNewCodePoint(SSL_CTX *ctx) {}

static void SetUpExpectedOldCodePoint(SSL_CTX *ctx) {}

// Test that |SSL_get_client_CA_list| echoes back the configured parameter even
// before configuring as a server.
TEST(SSLTest, ClientCAList) {}

TEST(SSLTest, AddClientCA) {}

struct ECHConfigParams {};

// MakeECHConfig serializes an ECHConfig from |params| and writes it to
// |*out|.
bool MakeECHConfig(std::vector<uint8_t> *out,
                         const ECHConfigParams &params) {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_ECH_KEYS> MakeTestECHKeys(uint8_t config_id = 1) {}

static bool InstallECHConfigList(SSL *client, const SSL_ECH_KEYS *keys) {}

// Test that |SSL_marshal_ech_config| and |SSL_ECH_KEYS_marshal_retry_configs|
// output values as expected.
TEST(SSLTest, MarshalECHConfig) {}

TEST(SSLTest, ECHHasDuplicateConfigID) {}

// Test that |SSL_ECH_KEYS_add| checks consistency between the public and
// private key.
TEST(SSLTest, ECHKeyConsistency) {}

// Test that |SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys| fails when the config list
// has no retry configs.
TEST(SSLTest, ECHServerConfigsWithoutRetryConfigs) {}

// Test that the server APIs reject ECHConfigs with unsupported features.
TEST(SSLTest, UnsupportedECHConfig) {}

// Test that |SSL_get_client_random| reports the correct value on both client
// and server in ECH. The client sends two different random values. When ECH is
// accepted, we should report the inner one.
TEST(SSLTest, ECHClientRandomsMatch) {}

// GetECHLength sets |*out_client_hello_len| and |*out_ech_len| to the lengths
// of the ClientHello and ECH extension, respectively, when a client created
// from |ctx| constructs a ClientHello with name |name| and an ECHConfig with
// maximum name length |max_name_len|.
static bool GetECHLength(SSL_CTX *ctx, size_t *out_client_hello_len,
                         size_t *out_ech_len, size_t max_name_len,
                         const char *name) {}

TEST(SSLTest, ECHPadding) {}

TEST(SSLTest, ECHPublicName) {}

// When using the built-in verifier, test that |SSL_get0_ech_name_override| is
// applied automatically.
TEST(SSLTest, ECHBuiltinVerifier) {}

#if defined(OPENSSL_THREADS)
// Test that the server ECH config can be swapped out while the |SSL_CTX| is
// in use on other threads. This test is intended to be run with TSan.
TEST(SSLTest, ECHThreads) {}

TEST(SSLTest, TLS13ExporterAvailability) {}

static void AppendSession(SSL_SESSION *session, void *arg) {}

// CacheEquals returns true if |ctx|'s session cache consists of |expected|, in
// order.
static bool CacheEquals(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                        const std::vector<SSL_SESSION*> &expected) {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> CreateTestSession(uint32_t number) {}

// Test that the internal session cache behaves as expected.
TEST(SSLTest, InternalSessionCache) {}

static uint16_t EpochFromSequence(uint64_t seq) {}

static const uint8_t kTestName[] =;

// SSLVersionTest executes its test cases under all available protocol versions.
// Test cases call |Connect| to create a connection using context objects with
// the protocol version fixed to the current version under test.
class SSLVersionTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<VersionParam> {};


TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, SequenceNumber) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, OneSidedShutdown) {}

// Test that, after calling |SSL_shutdown|, |SSL_write| fails.
TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, WriteAfterShutdown) {}

// Test that, after sending a fatal alert in a failed |SSL_read|, |SSL_write|
// fails.
TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, WriteAfterReadSentFatalAlert) {}

// Test that, after sending a fatal alert from the handshake, |SSL_write| fails.
TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, WriteAfterHandshakeSentFatalAlert) {}

// Test that, after seeing TLS 1.2 in response to early data, |SSL_write|
// continues to report |SSL_R_WRONG_VERSION_ON_EARLY_DATA|. See
TEST(SSLTest, WriteAfterWrongVersionOnEarlyData) {}

TEST(SSLTest, SessionDuplication) {}

static void ExpectFDs(const SSL *ssl, int rfd, int wfd) {}

TEST(SSLTest, SetFD) {}

TEST(SSLTest, SetBIO) {}

static int VerifySucceed(X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx, void *arg) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, GetPeerCertificate) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, NoPeerCertificate) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, RetainOnlySHA256OfCerts) {}

// Tests that our ClientHellos do not change unexpectedly. These are purely
// change detection tests. If they fail as part of an intentional ClientHello
// change, update the test vector.
TEST(SSLTest, ClientHello) {}

static void ExpectSessionReused(SSL_CTX *client_ctx, SSL_CTX *server_ctx,
                                SSL_SESSION *session, bool want_reused) {}

static bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> ExpectSessionRenewed(SSL_CTX *client_ctx,
                                                         SSL_CTX *server_ctx,
                                                         SSL_SESSION *session) {}

static void ExpectTicketKeyChanged(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *inout_key,
                                   bool changed) {}

static int SwitchSessionIDContextSNI(SSL *ssl, int *out_alert, void *arg) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, SessionIDContext) {}

static timeval g_current_time;

static void CurrentTimeCallback(const SSL *ssl, timeval *out_clock) {}

static void FrozenTimeCallback(const SSL *ssl, timeval *out_clock) {}

static int RenewTicketCallback(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *key_name, uint8_t *iv,
                               EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, HMAC_CTX *hmac_ctx,
                               int encrypt) {}

static bool GetServerTicketTime(long *out, const SSL_SESSION *session) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, SessionTimeout) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, DefaultTicketKeyInitialization) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, DefaultTicketKeyRotation) {}

static int SwitchContext(SSL *ssl, int *out_alert, void *arg) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, SNICallback) {}

// Test that the early callback can swap the maximum version.
TEST(SSLTest, EarlyCallbackVersionSwitch) {}

TEST(SSLTest, SetVersion) {}

static const char *GetVersionName(uint16_t version) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, Version) {}

// Tests that that |SSL_get_pending_cipher| is available during the ALPN
// selection callback.
TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, ALPNCipherAvailable) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, SSLClearSessionResumption) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, SSLClearFailsWithShedding) {}

static bool ChainsEqual(const STACK_OF(X509) *chain,
                        const std::vector<X509 *> &expected) {}

static bool BuffersEqual(const STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER) *chain,
                         const std::vector<CRYPTO_BUFFER *> &expected) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, AutoChain) {}

static bool ExpectSingleError(int lib, int reason) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, SSLWriteRetry) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, RecordCallback) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, GetServerName) {}

// Test that session cache mode bits are honored in the client session callback.
TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, ClientSessionCacheMode) {}

// Test that all versions survive tiny write buffers. In particular, TLS 1.3
// NewSessionTickets are written post-handshake. Servers that block
// |SSL_do_handshake| on writing them will deadlock if clients are not draining
// the buffer. Test that we do not do this.
TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, SmallBuffer) {}

TEST(SSLTest, AddChainCertHack) {}

TEST(SSLTest, GetCertificate) {}

TEST(SSLTest, SetChainAndKeyMismatch) {}

TEST(SSLTest, CertThenKeyMismatch) {}

TEST(SSLTest, KeyThenCertMismatch) {}

TEST(SSLTest, OverrideCertAndKey) {}

TEST(SSLTest, OverrideKeyMethodWithKey) {}

// Configuring a chain and then overwriting it with a different chain should
// clear the old one.
TEST(SSLTest, OverrideChain) {}

TEST(SSLTest, OverrideChainAndKey) {}

TEST(SSLTest, OverrideCredentialChain) {}

TEST(SSLTest, SetChainAndKeyCtx) {}

TEST(SSLTest, SetChainAndKeySSL) {}

TEST(SSLTest, BuffersFailWithoutCustomVerify) {}

TEST(SSLTest, CustomVerify) {}

TEST(SSLTest, ClientCABuffers) {}

// Configuring the empty cipher list, though an error, should still modify the
// configuration.
TEST(SSLTest, EmptyCipherList) {}

// ssl_test_ticket_aead_failure_mode enumerates the possible ways in which the
// test |SSL_TICKET_AEAD_METHOD| can fail.
enum ssl_test_ticket_aead_failure_mode {};

struct ssl_test_ticket_aead_state {};

static int ssl_test_ticket_aead_ex_index_dup(CRYPTO_EX_DATA *to,
                                             const CRYPTO_EX_DATA *from,
                                             void **from_d, int index,
                                             long argl, void *argp) {}

static void ssl_test_ticket_aead_ex_index_free(void *parent, void *ptr,
                                               CRYPTO_EX_DATA *ad, int index,
                                               long argl, void *argp) {}

static CRYPTO_once_t g_ssl_test_ticket_aead_ex_index_once =;
static int g_ssl_test_ticket_aead_ex_index;

static int ssl_test_ticket_aead_get_ex_index() {}

static size_t ssl_test_ticket_aead_max_overhead(SSL *ssl) {}

static int ssl_test_ticket_aead_seal(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len,
                                     size_t max_out_len, const uint8_t *in,
                                     size_t in_len) {}

static ssl_ticket_aead_result_t ssl_test_ticket_aead_open(
    SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len, size_t max_out_len,
    const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len) {}

static const SSL_TICKET_AEAD_METHOD kSSLTestTicketMethod =;

static void ConnectClientAndServerWithTicketMethod(
    bssl::UniquePtr<SSL> *out_client, bssl::UniquePtr<SSL> *out_server,
    SSL_CTX *client_ctx, SSL_CTX *server_ctx, unsigned retry_count,
    ssl_test_ticket_aead_failure_mode failure_mode, SSL_SESSION *session) {}


class TicketAEADMethodTest
    : public ::testing::TestWithParam<TicketAEADMethodParam> {};

TEST_P(TicketAEADMethodTest, Resume) {}

std::string TicketAEADMethodParamToString(
    const testing::TestParamInfo<TicketAEADMethodParam> &params) {}


TEST(SSLTest, SelectNextProto) {}

// The client should gracefully handle no suitable ciphers being enabled.
TEST(SSLTest, NoCiphersAvailable) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, SessionVersion) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, SSLPending) {}

// Test that post-handshake tickets consumed by |SSL_shutdown| are ignored.
TEST(SSLTest, ShutdownIgnoresTickets) {}

TEST(SSLTest, SignatureAlgorithmProperties) {}

static int XORCompressFunc(SSL *ssl, CBB *out, const uint8_t *in,
                           size_t in_len) {}

static int XORDecompressFunc(SSL *ssl, CRYPTO_BUFFER **out,
                             size_t uncompressed_len, const uint8_t *in,
                             size_t in_len) {}

TEST(SSLTest, CertCompression) {}

void MoveBIOs(SSL *dest, SSL *src) {}

void VerifyHandoff(bool use_new_alps_codepoint) {}

TEST(SSLTest, Handoff) {}

TEST(SSLTest, HandoffDeclined) {}

static std::string SigAlgsToString(Span<const uint16_t> sigalgs) {}

void ExpectSigAlgsEqual(Span<const uint16_t> expected,
                        Span<const uint16_t> actual) {}

TEST(SSLTest, SigAlgs) {}

TEST(SSLTest, SigAlgsList) {}

TEST(SSLTest, ApplyHandoffRemovesUnsupportedCiphers) {}

TEST(SSLTest, ApplyHandoffRemovesUnsupportedCurves) {}

TEST(SSLTest, ZeroSizedWiteFlushesHandshakeMessages) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, VerifyBeforeCertRequest) {}

// Test that ticket-based sessions on the client get fake session IDs.
TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, FakeIDsForTickets) {}

// These tests test multi-threaded behavior. They are intended to run with
// ThreadSanitizer.
#if defined(OPENSSL_THREADS)
TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, SessionCacheThreads) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, SessionTicketThreads) {}

// SSL_CTX_get0_certificate needs to lock internally. Test this works.
TEST(SSLTest, GetCertificateThreads) {}

// Functions which access properties on the negotiated session are thread-safe
// where needed. Prior to TLS 1.3, clients resuming sessions and servers
// performing stateful resumption will share an underlying SSL_SESSION object,
// potentially across threads.
TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, SessionPropertiesThreads) {}

static void SetValueOnFree(void *parent, void *ptr, CRYPTO_EX_DATA *ad,
                          int index, long argl, void *argp) {}

// Test that one thread can register ex_data while another thread is destroying
// an object that uses it.
TEST(SSLTest, ExDataThreads) {}

constexpr size_t kNumQUICLevels =;

const char *LevelToString(ssl_encryption_level_t level) {}

class MockQUICTransport {};

class MockQUICTransportPair {};

class QUICMethodTest : public testing::Test {};

UnownedSSLExData<MockQUICTransport> QUICMethodTest::ex_data_;

// Test a full handshake and resumption work.
TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, Basic) {}

// Test that HelloRetryRequest in QUIC works.
TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, HelloRetryRequest) {}

// Test that the client does not send a legacy_session_id in the ClientHello.
TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, NoLegacySessionId) {}

// Test that, even in a 1-RTT handshake, the server installs keys at the right
// time. Half-RTT keys are available early, but 1-RTT read keys are deferred.
TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, HalfRTTKeys) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, ZeroRTTAccept) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, ZeroRTTRejectMismatchedParameters) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, NoZeroRTTTicketWithoutEarlyDataContext) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, ZeroRTTReject) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, NoZeroRTTKeysBeforeReverify) {}

// Test only releasing data to QUIC one byte at a time on request, to maximize
// state machine pauses. Additionally, test that existing asynchronous callbacks
// still work.
TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, Async) {}

// Test buffering write data until explicit flushes.
TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, Buffered) {}

// Test that excess data at one level is rejected. That is, if a single
// |SSL_provide_quic_data| call included both ServerHello and
// EncryptedExtensions in a single chunk, BoringSSL notices and rejects this on
// key change.
TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, ExcessProvidedData) {}

// Test that |SSL_provide_quic_data| will reject data at the wrong level.
TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, ProvideWrongLevel) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, TooMuchData) {}

// Provide invalid post-handshake data.
TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, BadPostHandshake) {}

static void ExpectReceivedTransportParamsEqual(const SSL *ssl,
                                               Span<const uint8_t> expected) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, SetTransportParameters) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, SetTransportParamsInCallback) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, ForbidCrossProtocolResumptionClient) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, ForbidCrossProtocolResumptionServer) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, ClientRejectsMissingTransportParams) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, ServerRejectsMissingTransportParams) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, QuicLegacyCodepointEnabled) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, QuicLegacyCodepointDisabled) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, QuicLegacyCodepointClientOnly) {}

TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, QuicLegacyCodepointServerOnly) {}

// Test that the default QUIC code point is consistent with
// |TLSEXT_TYPE_quic_transport_parameters|. This test ensures we remember to
// update the two values together.
TEST_F(QUICMethodTest, QuicCodePointDefault) {}

extern "C" {
int BORINGSSL_enum_c_type_test(void);

TEST(SSLTest, EnumTypes) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, DoubleSSLError) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, SameKeyResume) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, DifferentKeyNoResume) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, UnrelatedServerNoResume) {}

Span<const uint8_t> SessionIDOf(const SSL* ssl) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, TicketSessionIDsMatch) {}

static void WriteHelloRequest(SSL *server) {}

TEST(SSLTest, WriteWhileExplicitRenegotiate) {}

TEST(SSLTest, ConnectionPropertiesDuringRenegotiate) {}

TEST(SSLTest, CopyWithoutEarlyData) {}

TEST(SSLTest, ProcessTLS13NewSessionTicket) {}


TEST(SSLTest, ALPNConfig) {}

// This is a basic unit-test class to verify completing handshake successfully,
// sending the correct codepoint extension and having correct application
// setting on different combination of ALPS codepoint settings. More integration
// tests on runner.go.
class AlpsNewCodepointTest : public testing::Test {};

TEST_F(AlpsNewCodepointTest, Enabled) {}

TEST_F(AlpsNewCodepointTest, Disabled) {}

TEST_F(AlpsNewCodepointTest, ClientOnly) {}

TEST_F(AlpsNewCodepointTest, ServerOnly) {}

// Test that the key usage checker can correctly handle issuerUID and
// subjectUID. See
TEST(SSLTest, KeyUsageWithUIDs) {}

// Test that |SSL_can_release_private_key| reports true as early as expected.
// The internal asserts in the library check we do not report true too early.
TEST(SSLTest, CanReleasePrivateKey) {}

// GetExtensionOrder sets |*out| to the list of extensions a client attached to
// |ctx| will send in the ClientHello. If |ech_keys| is non-null, the client
// will offer ECH with the public component. If |decrypt_ech| is true, |*out|
// will be set to the ClientHelloInner's extensions, rather than
// ClientHelloOuter.
static bool GetExtensionOrder(SSL_CTX *client_ctx, std::vector<uint16_t> *out,
                              SSL_ECH_KEYS *ech_keys, bool decrypt_ech) {}

// Test that, when extension permutation is enabled, the ClientHello extension
// order changes, both with and without ECH, and in both ClientHelloInner and
// ClientHelloOuter.
TEST(SSLTest, PermuteExtensions) {}

TEST(SSLTest, HostMatching) {}

TEST(SSLTest, NumTickets) {}

TEST(SSLTest, CertSubjectsToStack) {}

TEST(SSLTest, EmptyClientCAList) {}

TEST(SSLTest, EmptyWriteBlockedOnHandshakeData) {}

// Test that |SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL| continues to work after a close_notify.
TEST(SSLTest, ErrorSyscallAfterCloseNotify) {}

// Test that |SSL_shutdown|, when quiet shutdown is enabled, simulates receiving
// a close_notify, down to |SSL_read| reporting |SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN|.
TEST(SSLTest, QuietShutdown) {}

TEST(SSLTest, InvalidSignatureAlgorithm) {}

TEST(SSLTest, InvalidGroups) {}

TEST(SSLTest, NameLists) {}

// Test that it is possible for the certificate to be configured on a mix of
// SSL_CTX and SSL. This ensures that we do not inadvertently overshare objects
// in SSL_new.
TEST(SSLTest, MixContextAndConnection) {}

// Test that the server handshake cleanly fails if it had no certificate
// configured, at all versions.
TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, NoCertOrKey) {}

TEST_P(SSLVersionTest, KeyLog) {}

}  // namespace