// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "ash/app_list/views/apps_grid_view.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
namespace ui {
class Layer;
namespace views {
class View;
namespace ash {
class AppListItemView;
namespace test {
class AppsGridViewTestApi {
explicit AppsGridViewTestApi(AppsGridView* view);
AppsGridViewTestApi(const AppsGridViewTestApi&) = delete;
AppsGridViewTestApi& operator=(const AppsGridViewTestApi&) = delete;
views::View* GetViewAtModelIndex(int index) const;
void LayoutToIdealBounds();
// Returns tile bounds for item in the provided `row` and `col` on the current
// apps grid page. It does not require an item to exist in the provided spot.
// NOTE: In RTL layout column with index 0 will be rightmost column.
gfx::Rect GetItemTileRectOnCurrentPageAt(int row, int col) const;
void PressItemAt(int index);
// Returns the number of tiles per page in paged apps grid. It should not be
// called for scrollable apps grid, in which case number of tiles per page is
// not defined.
size_t TilesPerPageInPagedGrid(int page) const;
// Returns number of tiles allowed on the page for paged apps grid, or
// `default_value` for scrollable apps grid, for which number of tiles per
// page is not defined.
size_t TilesPerPageOr(int page, size_t default_value) const;
int AppsOnPage(int page) const;
AppListItemView* GetViewAtIndex(GridIndex index) const;
AppListItemView* GetViewAtVisualIndex(int page, int slot) const;
// Returns the name of the item specified by the grid location.
const std::string& GetNameAtVisualIndex(int page, int slot) const;
// Returns tile bounds for item in the provided grid `slot` and `page`.
// Item slot indicates the index of the item in the apps grid.
// NOTE: In RTL UI, slot 0 is the top right position in the grid.
gfx::Rect GetItemTileRectAtVisualIndex(int page, int slot) const;
void WaitForItemMoveAnimationDone();
// Fires the reordering timer if the timer is running. Then waits for the
// reordering animation to complete.
void FireReorderTimerAndWaitForAnimationDone();
// Fires the timer for reparenting items from a folder apps grid.
void FireFolderItemReparentTimer();
void Update() { view_->Update(); }
// Returns the drag icon proxy view's bounds in the apps grid coordinates.
// Returns empty bounds if the icon proxy has not been created.
gfx::Rect GetDragIconBoundsInAppsGridView();
// Returns the layer used by the app drag icon proxy.
ui::Layer* GetDragIconLayer();
// Moves the app list item at `source_index` to `target_index` by drag and
// drop. `source_index` and `target_index` are view indices in `view_`.
void ReorderItemByDragAndDrop(int source_index, int target_index);
AppListItemList* GetItemList() { return view_->item_list_; }
raw_ptr<AppsGridView, DanglingUntriaged> view_;
} // namespace test
} // namespace ash