// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.customtabs;
import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Bundle;
import androidx.browser.customtabs.CustomTabsIntent;
import androidx.browser.customtabs.CustomTabsSession;
import androidx.test.core.app.ApplicationProvider;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.IntentUtils;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.CallbackHelper;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.IntentHandler;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.document.ChromeLauncherActivity;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
* Utility class that contains convenience calls related with intent creation for custom tabs
* testing.
public class CustomTabsIntentTestUtils {
* A utility class to ensure that a pending intent assigned to a menu item in CCT was invoked.
public static class OnFinishedForTest implements PendingIntent.OnFinished {
private final PendingIntent mPendingIntent;
private final CallbackHelper mCallbackHelper = new CallbackHelper();
private Intent mCallbackIntent;
* Create an instance of {@link OnFinishedForTest}, testing the given {@link PendingIntent}.
public OnFinishedForTest(PendingIntent pendingIntent) {
mPendingIntent = pendingIntent;
public Intent getCallbackIntent() {
return mCallbackIntent;
public void waitForCallback(String failureReason) throws TimeoutException {
mCallbackHelper.waitForCallback(failureReason, 0);
public void onSendFinished(
PendingIntent pendingIntent,
Intent intent,
int resultCode,
String resultData,
Bundle resultExtras) {
if (pendingIntent.equals(mPendingIntent)) {
mCallbackIntent = intent;
* Creates the simplest intent that is sufficient to let {@link ChromeLauncherActivity} launch
* the {@link CustomTabActivity}.
public static Intent createMinimalCustomTabIntent(Context context, String url) {
return createCustomTabIntent(context, url, /* launchAsNewTask= */ true, builder -> {});
/** Creates an Intent that launches a CustomTabActivity, allows some customization. */
public static Intent createCustomTabIntent(
Context context,
String url,
boolean launchAsNewTask,
Callback<CustomTabsIntent.Builder> customizer) {
CustomTabsIntent.Builder builder =
new CustomTabsIntent.Builder(
new ComponentName(context, ChromeLauncherActivity.class)));
CustomTabsIntent customTabsIntent = builder.build();
Intent intent = customTabsIntent.intent;
if (launchAsNewTask) intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
return intent;
* Creates the simplest intent that that is sufficient to let {@link ChromeLauncherActivity}
* launch the incognito {@link CustomTabActivity}.
* @param context The instrumentation context to use.
* @param url The URL to load in the incognito CCT.
* @return Returns the intent to launch the incognito CCT.
public static Intent createMinimalIncognitoCustomTabIntent(Context context, String url) {
Intent intent = createMinimalCustomTabIntent(context, url);
intent.putExtra(IntentHandler.EXTRA_OPEN_NEW_INCOGNITO_TAB, true);
return intent;
* Creates the simplest intent that is sufficient to let {@link ChromeLauncherActivity} launch
* the {@link CustomTabActivity}. Allows specification of a theme.
* @param context The instrumentation context to use.
* @param url The URL to load in the incognito CCT.
* @param inNightMode Whether the CCT should be launched in night mode.
* @return Returns the intent to launch the incognito CCT.
public static Intent createMinimalCustomTabIntentWithTheme(
Context context, String url, boolean inNightMode) {
return createCustomTabIntent(
/* launchAsNewTask= */ true,
builder -> {
? CustomTabsIntent.COLOR_SCHEME_DARK
: CustomTabsIntent.COLOR_SCHEME_LIGHT);
* Add a bundle specifying a a number of custom menu entries.
* @param customTabIntent The intent to modify.
* @param numEntries The number of menu entries to add.
* @param menuTitle The title of the menu.
* @return The pending intent associated with the menu entries.
public static PendingIntent addMenuEntriesToIntent(
Intent customTabIntent, int numEntries, String menuTitle) {
return addMenuEntriesToIntent(customTabIntent, numEntries, new Intent(), menuTitle);
* Add a bundle specifying a custom menu entry.
* @param customTabIntent The intent to modify.
* @param numEntries The number of menu entries to add.
* @param callbackIntent The intent to use as the base for the pending intent.
* @param menuTitle The title of the menu.
* @return The pending intent associated with the menu entry.
public static PendingIntent addMenuEntriesToIntent(
Intent customTabIntent, int numEntries, Intent callbackIntent, String menuTitle) {
PendingIntent pi =
| IntentUtils.getPendingIntentMutabilityFlag(false));
ArrayList<Bundle> menuItems = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString(CustomTabsIntent.KEY_MENU_ITEM_TITLE, menuTitle);
bundle.putParcelable(CustomTabsIntent.KEY_PENDING_INTENT, pi);
customTabIntent.putParcelableArrayListExtra(CustomTabsIntent.EXTRA_MENU_ITEMS, menuItems);
return pi;
* Creates a CCT Toolbar menu item bundle.
* @param icon The Bitmap icon to be add in the toolbar.
* @param description The description about the icon which will be added.
* @param pi The pending intent that would be triggered when the icon is clicked on.
* @param id A unique id for this new icon.
* @return Returns the bundle encapsulating the toolbar item.
public static Bundle makeToolbarItemBundle(
Bitmap icon, String description, PendingIntent pi, int id) {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putInt(CustomTabsIntent.KEY_ID, id);
bundle.putParcelable(CustomTabsIntent.KEY_ICON, icon);
bundle.putString(CustomTabsIntent.KEY_DESCRIPTION, description);
bundle.putParcelable(CustomTabsIntent.KEY_PENDING_INTENT, pi);
bundle.putBoolean(CustomButtonParamsImpl.SHOW_ON_TOOLBAR, true);
return bundle;
* Adds an action button to the custom tab toolbar.
* @param intent The intent where the action button would be added.
* @param icon The icon representing the action button.
* @param description The description associated with the action button.
* @param id The unique id that would be used for this new Action button.
* @return The {@link PendingIntent} that will be triggered when the action button is clicked.
public static PendingIntent addActionButtonToIntent(
Intent intent, Bitmap icon, String description, int id) {
PendingIntent pi =
new Intent(),
makeToolbarItemBundle(icon, description, pi, id));
return pi;
* Sets the {@link CustomTabsIntent.ShareState} of the custom tab.
* @param intent The intent to modify.
* @param shareState The {@link CustomTabsIntent.ShareState} being set.
public static void setShareState(Intent intent, int shareState) {
intent.putExtra(CustomTabsIntent.EXTRA_SHARE_STATE, shareState);