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<p id="description"></p>
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description("Tests that a string can be passed in place of an AlgorithmIdentifier");
jsTestIsAsync = true;
Promise.resolve(null).then(function() {
// Use a string algorithm identifier ("aes-cbc") as a parameter to importKey().
return crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", new Uint8Array(16), "aes-cbc", true, ["encrypt"]);
}).then(function(result) {
// Verify that the key was imported correctly.
key = result;
shouldEvaluateAs("key.type", "secret");
shouldEvaluateAs("key.algorithm.name", "AES-CBC");
shouldEvaluateAs("key.algorithm.length", 128);
// Use a string algorithm identifier ("sha-1") as a parameter to digest().
return crypto.subtle.digest("sha-1", new Uint8Array(0));
}).then(function(result) {
bytesShouldMatchHexString("sha-1 of empty string", "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709", result);
// Use a string algorithm identifier ("sha-256") for the hash property to hmac key import.
return crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", new Uint8Array(15), {name: "hmac", hash: "sha-256"}, false, ["sign"]);
}).then(function(result) {
// Verify that the key was imported correctly.
key = result;
shouldEvaluateAs("key.type", "secret");
shouldEvaluateAs("key.algorithm.name", "HMAC");
shouldEvaluateAs("key.algorithm.hash.name", "SHA-256");
shouldEvaluateAs("key.algorithm.length", 120);
}).then(finishJSTest, failAndFinishJSTest);