Tests generateKey() with bad ECDSA parameters.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
generateKey() without namedCurve...
error is: TypeError: Failed to execute 'generateKey' on 'SubtleCrypto': EcKeyGenParams: namedCurve: Missing or not a string
generateKey() with namedCurve that is an integer...
error is: NotSupportedError: Failed to execute 'generateKey' on 'SubtleCrypto': EcKeyGenParams: Unrecognized namedCurve
generateKey() with namedCurve 'p-256' that contains lower case character 'p'...
error is: NotSupportedError: Failed to execute 'generateKey' on 'SubtleCrypto': EcKeyGenParams: Unrecognized namedCurve
generateKey() with namedCurve 'P-256aa' that contains trailing characters 'aa'...
error is: NotSupportedError: Failed to execute 'generateKey' on 'SubtleCrypto': EcKeyGenParams: Unrecognized namedCurve
PASS successfullyParsed is true