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description("Test bad inputs to HKDF deriveBits()");
jsTestIsAsync = true;
kHkdfKey = "0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b";
var extractable = false;
Promise.resolve(null).then(function(result) {
// Set up the test by creating an HKDF key...
return crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", hexStringToUint8Array(kHkdfKey), {name: "HKDF"}, extractable, ['deriveKey', 'deriveBits']);
}).then(function(result) {
hkdfKey = result;
// ... and an ECDH key.
return crypto.subtle.generateKey({name: "ECDH", namedCurve: "P-256"}, true, ['deriveBits']);
}).then(function(result) {
ecdhKey = result;
// Should throw a NotSupportedError if hash does not describe a recognized
// algorithm that supports the digest operation.
debug("\nderiveBits() with an unsupported hash...");
return crypto.subtle.deriveBits({name: "HKDF", hash: "HMAC", salt: new Uint8Array(), info: new Uint8Array()}, hkdfKey, 8);
}).then(failAndFinishJSTest, function(result) {
// Should throw an InvalidAccessError if key doesn't match the algorithm
debug("\nderiveBits() with an ECDH key...");
return crypto.subtle.deriveBits({name: "HKDF", hash: "SHA-256", salt: new Uint8Array(), info: new Uint8Array()}, ecdhKey.privateKey, 8);
}).then(failAndFinishJSTest, function(result) {
// Should throw an OperationError if the key derivation operation
// fails. The key derivation operation will fail here because the length
// is too long.
// The maximum length (in bytes) of output material for HKDF is 255 times
// the digest length. In this case, the digest length (in bytes) of
// SHA-256 is 32; 32*255 = 8160. deriveBits expects the length to be in
// bits, so 8160*8=65280 and add 8 to exceed the maximum length.
debug("\nderiveBits() with length of 65281...");
return crypto.subtle.deriveBits({name: "HKDF", hash: "SHA-256", salt: new Uint8Array(), info: new Uint8Array()}, hkdfKey, 65288);
}).then(failAndFinishJSTest, function(result) {
// Use a bit length that is not a multiple of 8.
debug("\nderiveBits() with length of 15...");
return crypto.subtle.deriveBits({name: "HKDF", hash: "SHA-256", salt: new Uint8Array(), info: new Uint8Array()}, hkdfKey, 15);
}).then(failAndFinishJSTest, function(result) {
}).then(finishJSTest, failAndFinishJSTest);