
Test inputs to HKDF importKey()

On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".

importKey() with 'encrypt' usage...
error is: SyntaxError: Cannot create a key using the specified key usages.

importKey() with null key data...
error is: TypeError: Failed to execute 'importKey' on 'SubtleCrypto': Key data must be a BufferSource for non-JWK formats

importKey() with jwk format...
error is: NotSupportedError: Unsupported import key format for algorithm

importKey() with spki format...
error is: NotSupportedError: Unsupported import key format for algorithm

importKey() with empty usages...
error is: SyntaxError: Usages cannot be empty when creating a key.

importKey() with extractable=true ...
error is: SyntaxError: KDF keys must set extractable=false
PASS successfullyParsed is true