Test generating, importing and exporting RSA keys for RSA-OAEP. Test that they can't be used with another algorithm.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
Generating a key pair...
PASS keyPair.toString() is '[object Object]'
PASS keyPair.publicKey.type is 'public'
PASS keyPair.publicKey.algorithm.name is 'RSA-OAEP'
PASS keyPair.publicKey.algorithm.modulusLength is 512
PASS keyPair.publicKey.usages is ["encrypt", "wrapKey"]
PASS bytesToHexString(keyPair.publicKey.algorithm.publicExponent) is '010001'
PASS keyPair.publicKey.algorithm.hash.name is 'SHA-1'
PASS keyPair.privateKey.type is 'private'
PASS keyPair.privateKey.algorithm.name is 'RSA-OAEP'
PASS keyPair.privateKey.algorithm.modulusLength is 512
PASS keyPair.privateKey.usages is ["decrypt", "unwrapKey"]
PASS bytesToHexString(keyPair.privateKey.algorithm.publicExponent) is '010001'
PASS keyPair.privateKey.algorithm.hash.name is 'SHA-1'
Using the RSA-OAEP private key for AES-CBC encryption...
error is: InvalidAccessError: key.algorithm does not match that of operation
Using the RSA-OAEP public key for AES-CBC encryption...
error is: InvalidAccessError: key.algorithm does not match that of operation
Trying to export keys to raw...
error is: NotSupportedError: Unsupported export key format for algorithm
PASS Promise rejected for exporting public key
error is: NotSupportedError: Unsupported export key format for algorithm
PASS Promise rejected for exporting private key
Exporting public key to JWK...
PASS jwkPublicKey.alg is 'RSA-OAEP'
PASS jwkPublicKey.ext is true
PASS jwkPublicKey.key_ops is ['encrypt', 'wrapKey']
PASS jwkPublicKey.use is undefined
PASS jwkPublicKey.kty is 'RSA'
PASS bytesToHexString(Base64URL.parse(jwkPublicKey.e)) is '010001'
Importing it back...
PASS exportedPublicKey.type is 'public'
PASS exportedPublicKey.algorithm.name is 'RSA-OAEP'
PASS exportedPublicKey.algorithm.modulusLength is 512
PASS bytesToHexString(exportedPublicKey.algorithm.publicExponent) is '010001'
PASS exportedPublicKey.algorithm.hash.name is 'SHA-1'
PASS exportedPublicKey.extractable is true
PASS exportedPublicKey.usages is ['encrypt','wrapKey']
PASS successfullyParsed is true