// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.incognito;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.chromium.chrome.browser.customtabs.CustomTabsIntentTestUtils.createMinimalCustomTabIntent;
import static org.chromium.chrome.browser.customtabs.CustomTabsIntentTestUtils.createMinimalIncognitoCustomTabIntent;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import androidx.test.core.app.ApplicationProvider;
import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
import org.chromium.base.ApplicationStatus;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.test.params.ParameterProvider;
import org.chromium.base.test.params.ParameterSet;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.CallbackHelper;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.Criteria;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.CriteriaHelper;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.app.ChromeActivity;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.customtabs.CustomTabActivityTestRule;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.customtabs.CustomTabsConnection;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.Tab;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabClosureParams;
import org.chromium.chrome.test.ChromeActivityTestRule;
import org.chromium.chrome.test.ChromeTabbedActivityTestRule;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.BrowserStartupController;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
* This class provides helper methods for launching any Urls in CCT or Tabs. This also provides
* parameters for tests. Parameters include pair of activity types.
public class IncognitoDataTestUtils {
public enum ActivityType {
INCOGNITO_TAB(true, false),
INCOGNITO_CCT(true, true),
REGULAR_TAB(false, false),
REGULAR_CCT(false, true);
public final boolean incognito;
public final boolean cct;
ActivityType(boolean incognito, boolean cct) {
this.incognito = incognito;
this.cct = cct;
public Tab launchUrl(
ChromeTabbedActivityTestRule chromeTabbedActivityRule,
CustomTabActivityTestRule customTabActivityTestRule,
String url) {
if (cct) {
return launchUrlInCCT(customTabActivityTestRule, url, incognito);
} else {
return launchUrlInTab(chromeTabbedActivityRule, url, incognito);
* A class providing test parameters encapsulating different Activity type pairs spliced on
* regular and Incognito mode. This is used for tests which check leakages to/from Incognito.
public static class TestParams {
private static List<ParameterSet> getParameters(
boolean firstIncognito, boolean secondIncognito) {
List<ParameterSet> tests = new ArrayList<>();
for (ActivityType activity1 : ActivityType.values()) {
for (ActivityType activity2 : ActivityType.values()) {
// We remove the test with two incognito tabs because they are known to share
// state via same session.
if ((activity1.incognito && !activity1.cct)
&& (activity2.incognito && !activity2.cct)) {
if (activity1.incognito == firstIncognito
&& activity2.incognito == secondIncognito) {
new ParameterSet()
.value(activity1.toString(), activity2.toString())
.name(activity1.toString() + "_" + activity2.toString()));
return tests;
* A class providing test parameters encapsulating different Activity type pairs where the
* Activity from which we check the leak from is Regular mode, and the leak to is Incognito
* mode.
public static class RegularToIncognito implements ParameterProvider {
public List<ParameterSet> getParameters() {
return TestParams.getParameters(false, true);
* A class providing test parameters encapsulating different Activity type pairs where the
* Activity from which we check the leak from is Incognito mode, and the leak to is Regular
* mode.
public static class IncognitoToRegular implements ParameterProvider {
public List<ParameterSet> getParameters() {
return TestParams.getParameters(true, false);
* A class providing test parameters encapsulating different Activity type pairs where the
* Activity from which we check the leak from is Incognito mode, and the leak to is also
* Incognito mode.
public static class IncognitoToIncognito implements ParameterProvider {
public List<ParameterSet> getParameters() {
return TestParams.getParameters(true, true);
* A class providing test parameters encapsulating different Activity type pairs where the
* Activity from which we check the leak from is Regular mode, and the leak to is also
* Regular mode.
public static class RegularToRegular implements ParameterProvider {
public List<ParameterSet> getParameters() {
return TestParams.getParameters(false, false);
* A general class providing test parameters encapsulating different Activity type pairs
* spliced on Regular and Incognito mod between whom we want to test leakage.
public static class AllTypesToAllTypes implements ParameterProvider {
public List<ParameterSet> getParameters() {
List<ParameterSet> result = new ArrayList<>();
result.addAll(new TestParams.RegularToIncognito().getParameters());
result.addAll(new TestParams.IncognitoToRegular().getParameters());
result.addAll(new TestParams.IncognitoToIncognito().getParameters());
result.addAll(new TestParams.RegularToRegular().getParameters());
return result;
private static boolean isChromeTabbedActivityRunningOnTop() {
Activity topActivity = ApplicationStatus.getLastTrackedFocusedActivity();
if (topActivity == null) return false;
return (topActivity instanceof ChromeTabbedActivity);
private static Tab launchUrlInTab(
ChromeTabbedActivityTestRule testRule, String url, boolean incognito) {
// This helps to bring back the "existing" chrome tabbed activity to foreground
// in case the custom tab activity was launched before.
if (!isChromeTabbedActivityRunningOnTop()) {
Tab tab = testRule.loadUrlInNewTab(url, incognito);
// Giving time to the WebContents to be ready.
() -> Criteria.checkThat(tab.getWebContents(), Matchers.notNullValue()));
assertEquals(incognito, tab.getWebContents().isIncognito());
return tab;
private static Tab launchUrlInCCT(
CustomTabActivityTestRule testRule, String url, boolean incognito) {
Context context = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext();
Intent intent =
? createMinimalIncognitoCustomTabIntent(context, url)
: createMinimalCustomTabIntent(context, url);
Tab tab = testRule.getActivity().getActivityTab();
// Giving time to the WebContents to be ready.
() -> Criteria.checkThat(tab.getWebContents(), Matchers.notNullValue()));
assertEquals(incognito, tab.getWebContents().isIncognito());
return tab;
public static void closeTabs(ChromeActivityTestRule testRule) {
ChromeActivity activity = testRule.getActivity();
if (activity == null) return;
// Warming up CCT so that the native is initialized before we access feature flags.
public static void fireAndWaitForCctWarmup() throws TimeoutException {
CallbackHelper startUpCallback = new CallbackHelper();
() -> {
new BrowserStartupController.StartupCallback() {
public void onSuccess() {
public void onFailure() {
// Need a successful startup for test.
assert false;