
  <title>CSS 2.1 Test Suite: padding-bottom</title>
  <script src="../resources/ahem.js"></script>
  <style type="text/css">
   td { padding: 0; border: solid black; }
   p { margin: 0; }
   .test { font: 12px/1 Ahem; width: 5em; }
   .zero {padding-bottom: 0; background-color: orange; color: blue;}
   .one {padding-bottom: 0.125in; background-color: yellow; color: aqua;}
   .two {padding-bottom: 12px; background-color: lime; color: fuchsia;}
   .three {padding-bottom: 1em; background-color: blue; color: orange;}
   .four {padding-bottom: 20%; background-color: aqua; color: yellow;}
   .five {padding-bottom: -20px; background-color: fuchsia; color: lime;}

   .control { width: 60px; background: red; }
   .control .blue { border-bottom: solid blue 12px; }
   .control .yellow { border-bottom: solid yellow 12px; }
   .control .aqua { border-bottom: solid aqua 12px; }
   .control .lime { border-bottom: solid lime 12px; }
   .control .fuchsia { border-bottom: solid fuchsia 12px; }
   .control .orange { border-bottom: solid orange 12px; }
  <link rel="help" href="" title="8.4 Padding properties: 'padding-top', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left', and 'padding'">
  <p>The next two columns should be identical.</p>
     <div class="test">
      <p class="zero"> xxxxx </p>
      <p class="one"> xxxxx </p>
      <p class="two"> xxxxx </p>
      <p class="three"> xxxxx </p>
      <p class="four"> xxxxx </p>
      <p class="five"> xxxxx </p>
    <td class="control">
     <div class="blue"></div>
     <div class="aqua"></div>
     <div class="yellow"></div>
     <div class="fuchsia"></div>
     <div class="lime"></div>
     <div class="orange"></div>
     <div class="blue"></div>
     <div class="yellow"></div>
     <div class="aqua"></div>
     <div class="lime"></div>