// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.payments;
import androidx.test.filters.MediumTest;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.chromium.base.LocaleUtils;
import org.chromium.base.test.BaseJUnit4ClassRunner;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.Batch;
import org.chromium.components.payments.CurrencyFormatter;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.test.NativeLibraryTestUtils;
import org.chromium.url.GURLJavaTestHelper;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
/** A lightweight unit test for CurrencyFormatter to run on an Android device. */
public class CurrencyFormatterTest {
public void setUp() {
/** Unicode non-breaking space. */
private static final String NBSP = "\u00A0";
private static final String NarrowNBSP = "\u202F";
private static String longStringOfLength(int len) {
StringBuilder currency = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
return currency.toString();
public void testMultipleConversions() {
// Note, all spaces are expected to be unicode non-breaking spaces. Here they are shown as
// normal spaces.
List<Object[]> testCases =
new Object[][] {
{"55.00", "USD", "en-US", "USD", "$55.00"},
{"55.00", "USD", "en-CA", "USD", "$55.00"},
{"55.00", "USD", "fr-CA", "USD", "55,00 $"},
{"55.00", "USD", "fr-FR", "USD", "55,00 $"},
{"1234", "USD", "fr-FR", "USD", "1 234,00 $"},
{"55.5", "USD", "en-US", "USD", "$55.50"},
{"55", "USD", "en-US", "USD", "$55.00"},
{"-123", "USD", "en-US", "USD", "-$123.00"},
{"-1234", "USD", "en-US", "USD", "-$1,234.00"},
{"0.1234", "USD", "en-US", "USD", "$0.1234"},
{"55.00", "EUR", "en-US", "EUR", "€55.00"},
{"55.00", "EUR", "en-CA", "EUR", "€55.00"},
{"55.00", "EUR", "fr-CA", "EUR", "55,00 €"},
{"55.00", "EUR", "fr-FR", "EUR", "55,00 €"},
{"55.00", "CAD", "en-US", "CAD", "$55.00"},
{"55.00", "CAD", "en-CA", "CAD", "$55.00"},
{"55.00", "CAD", "fr-CA", "CAD", "55,00 $"},
{"55.00", "CAD", "fr-FR", "CAD", "55,00 $"},
{"55", "JPY", "ja-JP", "JPY", "¥55"},
{"55.0", "JPY", "ja-JP", "JPY", "¥55"},
{"55.00", "JPY", "ja-JP", "JPY", "¥55"},
{"55.12", "JPY", "ja-JP", "JPY", "¥55.12"},
{"55.49", "JPY", "ja-JP", "JPY", "¥55.49"},
{"55.50", "JPY", "ja-JP", "JPY", "¥55.5"},
{"55.9999", "JPY", "ja-JP", "JPY", "¥55.9999"},
// Unofficial ISO 4217 currency code.
{"55.00", "BTX", "en-US", "BTX", "55.00"},
{"-0.00000001", "BTX", "en-US", "BTX", "-0.00000001"},
{"-55.00", "BTX", "fr-FR", "BTX", "-55,00"},
"123 456 789 012 345 678 901 234 567 890,123456789 $"
// Any string of at most 2048 characters can be valid amount currency
// codes.
{"55.00", "", "en-US", "", "55.00"},
{"55.00", "ABCDEF", "en-US", "ABCDE\u2026", "55.00"},
// Currency code more than 6 character is formatted to first 5
// characters and ellipsis. "\u2026" is unicode for ellipsis.
{"55.00", longStringOfLength(2048), "en-US", "AAAAA\u2026", "55.00"},
for (int i = 0; i < testCases.size(); i++) {
Object[] testCase = testCases.get(i);
String amount = (String) testCase[0];
String currency = (String) testCase[1];
String locale = (String) testCase[2];
String expectedCurrencyFormatting = (String) testCase[3];
String expectedAmountFormatting = (String) testCase[4];
CurrencyFormatter formatter =
new CurrencyFormatter(currency, LocaleUtils.forLanguageTag(locale));
// To make tests robust against the CLDR data change in terms of space (ASCII
// space, NBSP and Narrow NBSP), fold NBSP and NarrowNBSP into U+0020.
String formattedAmount = formatter.format(amount).replace(NBSP, " ");
+ currency
+ "\" \""
+ amount
+ "\" (\""
+ locale
+ "\" locale) should be formatted into \""
+ expectedAmountFormatting
+ "\"",
formattedAmount.replace(NarrowNBSP, " "));
+ currency
+ "\""
+ " should be formatted into \""
+ expectedCurrencyFormatting
+ "\"",