<?xml-stylesheet href="css3-modsel-18.css" type="text/css"?>
<p xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">The background color of this paragraph should turn to green when
the mouse pointer hovers either its text (<strong>here</strong>) or its whitespace background, <strong>here</strong>:</p>
<address xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">The background color of <a href="#foo">this anchor (<strong>here</strong>)</a> should turn to green when the pointing device hovers over it.</address>
<table xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<td>The cells in</td>
<td>this table</td>
<td>should go</td>
<td>green when</td>
<td>you hover</td>
<td>the pointing</td>
<td>device over</td>
<td>them (<strong>here</strong>).</td>
<td>The rows in</td>
<td>this table</td>
<td>should go</td>
<td>dark green</td>
<td>when the</td>
<td>pointing device</td>
<td>is over the</td>
<td>cells <strong>there</strong>:</td>
<td></td> <!-- remove this cell to make an evil test; row should still go green, but cell should not -->
<td>And <strong>here</strong>:</td>
<td>(blank cells).</td>