// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/app_list/views/scrollable_apps_grid_view.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "ash/app_list/app_list_view_delegate.h"
#include "ash/app_list/model/app_list_item.h"
#include "ash/app_list/views/app_list_item_view.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/app_list/app_list_config.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_impl_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/scroll_view.h"
#include "ui/views/focus/focus_manager.h"
#include "ui/views/view_model_utils.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// TODO(crbug.com/40182999): Add this to AppListConfig.
const int kVerticalTilePadding = 8;
// Vertical margin in DIPs inside the top and bottom of scroll view where
// auto-scroll will be triggered during drags.
constexpr int kAutoScrollViewMargin = 32;
// Vertical margin in DIPs outside the top and bottom of the widget where
// auto-scroll will trigger. Points outside this margin will not auto-scroll.
constexpr int kAutoScrollWidgetMargin = 8;
// How often to auto-scroll when the mouse is held in the auto-scroll margin.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kAutoScrollInterval = base::Hertz(60.0);
// How much to auto-scroll the view per second. Empirically chosen.
const int kAutoScrollDipsPerSecond = 400;
} // namespace
AppListA11yAnnouncer* a11y_announcer,
AppListViewDelegate* view_delegate,
AppsGridViewFolderDelegate* folder_delegate,
views::ScrollView* parent_scroll_view,
AppListFolderController* folder_controller,
AppListKeyboardController* keyboard_controller)
: AppsGridView(a11y_announcer,
scroll_view_(parent_scroll_view) {
ScrollableAppsGridView::~ScrollableAppsGridView() {
void ScrollableAppsGridView::SetMaxColumns(int max_cols) {
void ScrollableAppsGridView::Layout(PassKey) {
if (ignore_layout())
if (GetContentsBounds().IsEmpty())
// TODO(crbug.com/40182999): Use FillLayout on the items container.
for (size_t i = 0; i < view_model()->view_size(); ++i) {
AppListItemView* view = GetItemViewAt(i);
gfx::Size ScrollableAppsGridView::GetTileViewSize() const {
const AppListConfig* config = app_list_config();
return gfx::Size(config->grid_tile_width(), config->grid_tile_height());
gfx::Insets ScrollableAppsGridView::GetTilePadding(int page) const {
if (has_fixed_tile_padding_)
return gfx::Insets::VH(-vertical_tile_padding_, -horizontal_tile_padding_);
int content_width = GetContentsBounds().width();
int tile_width = app_list_config()->grid_tile_width();
int width_to_distribute = content_width - cols() * tile_width;
// While calculating tile padding, assume no padding between a tile and a
// container bounds.
DCHECK_GT(cols(), 1);
const int spaces_between_items = cols() - 1;
// Each column has padding on left and on right, so a space between two tiles
// is double the tile padding size.
const int horizontal_tile_padding =
width_to_distribute / (spaces_between_items * 2);
return gfx::Insets::VH(-kVerticalTilePadding, -horizontal_tile_padding);
bool ScrollableAppsGridView::ShouldContainerHandleDragEvents() {
// Apps grid folder view handles its own drag and drop events, otherwise, it
// should delegate to the apps grid container.
return !IsInFolder();
bool ScrollableAppsGridView::IsAboveTheFold(AppListItemView* item_view) {
gfx::Rect item_bounds_in_scroll_view = views::View::ConvertRectToTarget(
item_view, scroll_view_->contents(), item_view->GetLocalBounds());
return item_bounds_in_scroll_view.bottom() <
gfx::Size ScrollableAppsGridView::GetTileGridSize() const {
// AppListItemList may contain page break items, so use the view_model().
size_t items = view_model()->view_size() + pulsing_blocks_model().view_size();
// Tests sometimes start with 0 items. Ensure space for at least 1 item.
if (items == 0) {
items = 1;
if (HasExtraSlotForReorderPlaceholder())
const bool is_last_row_full = (items % cols() == 0);
const int rows = is_last_row_full ? items / cols() : items / cols() + 1;
gfx::Size tile_size = GetTotalTileSize(/*page=*/0);
gfx::Rect grid(tile_size.width() * cols(), tile_size.height() * rows);
return grid.size();
int ScrollableAppsGridView::GetTotalPages() const {
return 1;
int ScrollableAppsGridView::GetSelectedPage() const {
return 0;
bool ScrollableAppsGridView::IsPageFull(size_t page_index) const {
return false;
GridIndex ScrollableAppsGridView::GetGridIndexFromIndexInViewModel(
int index) const {
return GridIndex(0, index);
int ScrollableAppsGridView::GetNumberOfPulsingBlocksToShow(
int item_count) const {
const int residue = item_count % cols();
return cols() + (residue ? cols() - residue : 0);
bool ScrollableAppsGridView::MaybeAutoScroll() {
ScrollDirection direction;
if (!IsPointInAutoScrollMargin(last_drag_point(), &direction)) {
// Drag isn't in auto-scroll margin.
return false;
if (!CanAutoScrollView(direction)) {
// Scroll view already at top or bottom.
return false;
if (auto_scroll_timer_.IsRunning()) {
// The user triggered a drag update while the mouse was in the auto-scroll
// zone. Don't scroll for this drag update, but keep auto-scroll going.
return true;
// Scroll at a constant rate, regardless of when the timer actually fired.
const base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
const base::TimeDelta time_delta = last_auto_scroll_time_.is_null()
? kAutoScrollInterval
: now - last_auto_scroll_time_;
const int y_offset = time_delta.InSecondsF() * kAutoScrollDipsPerSecond;
// Scroll by `y_offset` in the appropriate direction.
const int old_scroll_y = scroll_view_->GetVisibleRect().y();
const int target_scroll_y = direction == ScrollDirection::kUp
? old_scroll_y - y_offset
: old_scroll_y + y_offset;
// The final scroll position may not match the target scroll position because
// the scroll might have been clamped to the top or bottom.
int final_scroll_y = scroll_view_->GetVisibleRect().y();
// Adjust the last drag point because scrolling has changed the position of
// the apps grid. This ensures that auto-scrolling continues to happen even if
// the user doesn't move the mouse.
gfx::Point drag_point = last_drag_point();
drag_point.Offset(0, final_scroll_y - old_scroll_y);
// Auto-scroll again after `kAutoScrollInterval`.
last_auto_scroll_time_ = now;
FROM_HERE, kAutoScrollInterval,
return true;
void ScrollableAppsGridView::StopAutoScroll() {
last_auto_scroll_time_ = {};
bool ScrollableAppsGridView::IsPointInAutoScrollMargin(
const gfx::Point& point_in_grid_view,
ScrollDirection* direction) const {
gfx::Point point_in_scroll_view = point_in_grid_view;
ConvertPointToTarget(this, scroll_view_, &point_in_scroll_view);
// Points to the left or right of the scroll view do not autoscroll.
if (point_in_scroll_view.x() < 0 ||
point_in_scroll_view.x() > scroll_view_->width()) {
return false;
// Points too far above or below the widget do not autoscroll. This helps
// prevent scrolling when the user is dragging into the shelf.
gfx::Point point_in_screen = point_in_grid_view;
ConvertPointToScreen(this, &point_in_screen);
gfx::Rect widget_bounds = GetWidget()->GetWindowBoundsInScreen();
if (point_in_screen.y() < widget_bounds.y() - kAutoScrollWidgetMargin ||
point_in_screen.y() > widget_bounds.bottom() + kAutoScrollWidgetMargin) {
return false;
if (point_in_scroll_view.y() < kAutoScrollViewMargin) {
*direction = ScrollDirection::kUp;
return true;
const int view_bottom = scroll_view_->height();
if (point_in_scroll_view.y() > view_bottom - kAutoScrollViewMargin) {
*direction = ScrollDirection::kDown;
return true;
return false;
bool ScrollableAppsGridView::CanAutoScrollView(
ScrollDirection direction) const {
const gfx::Rect visible_rect = scroll_view_->GetVisibleRect();
if (direction == ScrollDirection::kUp) {
// Can scroll up if the visible rect is not at the top of the contents.
return visible_rect.y() > 0;
// Can scroll down if the visible rect is not at the bottom of the contents.
return visible_rect.bottom() < scroll_view_->contents()->height();
void ScrollableAppsGridView::HandleScrollFromParentView(
const gfx::Vector2d& offset,
ui::EventType type) {
// AppListView uses a paged apps grid view, so this must be a folder opened
// in the fullscreen launcher.
// Scroll events in the folder view title area should scroll the view.
scroll_view_->vertical_scroll_bar()->OnScroll(/*dx=*/0, offset.y());
void ScrollableAppsGridView::SetFocusAfterEndDrag(AppListItem* drag_item) {
auto* focus_manager = GetFocusManager();
if (!focus_manager) // Does not exist during widget close.
// Release focus from the dragged item (so it won't stay selected).
// When a folder is open, don't move focus to search box, since it may be
// behind the folder.
if (IsInFolder())
// Focus the first focusable view in the widget (the search box).
void ScrollableAppsGridView::RecordAppMovingTypeMetrics(
AppListAppMovingType type) {
UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Apps.AppListBubbleAppMovingType", type,
std::optional<int> ScrollableAppsGridView::GetMaxRowsInPage(int page) const {
return std::nullopt;
gfx::Vector2d ScrollableAppsGridView::GetGridCenteringOffset(int page) const {
return gfx::Vector2d();
void ScrollableAppsGridView::EnsureViewVisible(const GridIndex& index) {
// If called after user action that changes the grid size, make sure grid
// view ancestor layout is up to date before attempting scroll.
AppListItemView* view = GetViewAtIndex(index);
if (view)
ScrollableAppsGridView::GetVisibleItemIndexRange() const {
// Indicate the first row on which item views are visible.
std::optional<int> first_visible_row;
// Indicate the first invisible row that is right after the last visible row.
std::optional<int> first_invisible_row;
const gfx::Rect scroll_view_visible_rect = scroll_view_->GetVisibleRect();
for (size_t view_index = 0; view_index < view_model()->view_size();
view_index += cols()) {
// Calculate an item view's bounds in the scroll content's coordinates.
gfx::Point item_view_local_origin;
views::View* item_view = view_model()->view_at(view_index);
views::View::ConvertPointToTarget(item_view, scroll_view_->contents(),
gfx::Rect item_view_bounds_in_scroll_view =
gfx::Rect(item_view_local_origin, item_view->size());
// Calculate the overlapped area between the item view's bounds and the
// visible area.
// An item is deemed to visible if the overlapped area is not empty.
const bool is_current_row_visible =
const int current_row = view_index / cols();
if (is_current_row_visible) {
// Already find the first visible row so continue.
if (first_visible_row)
first_visible_row = current_row;
} else if (first_visible_row) {
first_invisible_row = current_row;
if (!first_visible_row)
return std::nullopt;
VisibleItemIndexRange result;
result.first_index = *first_visible_row * cols();
// If `first_invisible_row` is not found, it means that the last item view
// in the view model is visible.
result.last_index = first_invisible_row ? *first_invisible_row * cols() - 1
: view_model()->view_size() - 1;
return result;
const gfx::Vector2d ScrollableAppsGridView::CalculateTransitionOffset(
int page_of_view) const {
// The ScrollableAppsGridView has no page transitions.
return gfx::Vector2d();
} // namespace ash